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WebDispatch Wheel Status

WebDispatch is dispatcher collection for wsgi application. That has no dependency to exsiting frameworks, but works fine with WebOb.

Dispatch and Generate URL

dispatch with url patterns.

example helo application:

>>> from webob.dec import wsgify
>>> @wsgify
... def greeting(request):
...     return "Hello, %s" % request.urlvars['name']

create and configure URL Dispatcher:

>>> from webdispatch import URLDispatcher
>>> dispatcher = URLDispatcher()
>>> dispatcher.add_url('top', '/hello/{name}', greeting)

invoke dispatcher as WSGI Application:

>>> from webob import Request
>>> req = Request.blank('/hello/webdispatch')
>>> res = req.get_response(dispatcher)
>>> res.body
b'Hello, webdispatch'


You can use wildcard after last slash. Pattern with wildcard consumes paths before the wildcard, (and make that new script_name,) and remained paths becomes new path_info.

>>> @wsgify
... def with_pathinfo(request):
...     return "Hello, %s" % request.path_info
>>> dispatcher.add_url('top', '/with_pathinfo/*', with_pathinfo)
>>> req = Request.blank('/with_pathinfo/this/is/pathinfo')
>>> res = req.get_response(dispatcher)
>>> res.body
b'Hello, this/is/pathinfo'

Type Converter

You can specify converter with varname below ":".

>>> @wsgify
... def add(request):
...     result = request.urlvars['v1'] + request.urlvars['v2']
...     return "result, %d" % result
>>> dispatcher.add_url('add', '/add/{v1:int}/{v2:int}', add)
>>> req = Request.blank('/add/1/2')
>>> res = req.get_response(dispatcher)
>>> res.body
b'result, 3'

default converters are defined as bellow:

    'int': int,
    'date': lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
    'date_ym': lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m'),

Action Dispatch

ActionDispatcher invokes object method with action name from urlvars.

action handler class:

>>> class MyHandler(object):
...     @wsgify
...     def greeting(self, request):
...         return "Hello"

create and configure ActionDispatcher:

>>> from webdispatch import ActionDispatcher
>>> actiondispatcher = ActionDispatcher()
>>> actiondispatcher.register_actionhandler(MyHandler)

add action url with urlvars named action:

>>> dispatcher.add_url('action_dispatch', '/actions/{action}', actiondispatcher)

invoke wsgi appclication.:

>>> req = Request.blank('/actions/greeting')
>>> res = req.get_response(dispatcher)
>>> res.body

Method Dispatch

dispatch by HTTP METHOD restfully.

use register_app decorator:

>>> from webdispatch import MethodDispatcher
>>> restapp = MethodDispatcher()
>>> @restapp.register('get')
... @wsgify
... def get_hello(request):
...    return "Get Hello"
>>> @restapp.register('post')
... @wsgify
... def post_hello(request):
...    return "Post Hello"

or use registe_app method:

>>> from webdispatch import MethodDispatcher
>>> restapp = MethodDispatcher()
>>> restapp.register_app('get', get_hello)
>>> restapp.register_app('post', post_hello)

Each applications are registered with HTTP Method name.

invoke WSGI application:

>>> req = Request.blank('/')
>>> res = req.get_response(restapp)
>>> res.body
b'Get Hello'


DispatchBase accepts extra_environ argument. Dispatcher adds that argument to wsgi environ by request.