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Alexandre Routier edited this page May 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Installation of Clinica on the ICM cluster

Load Clinica

Clinica is available through Module system. After an ssh on the Cluster (ssh login01 or ssh login02), you will arrive on your home. Once done, type module avail to see all packages. Finally, type:

module load clinica/aramis

Configuration file

Bash / Zsh

Clinica dependencies are present in /export/data/applications/clinica/Cluster. Meanwhile, the /export/applications/clinica/Cluster/dot_path file contains the different export PATH needed to make Clinica run.

Either you copy the content of your ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc file (don't forget to unlog then relog to the Cluster to reload your configuration file) or you can simply do a source /export/applications/clinica/Cluster/dot_path.

Matlab ?

matlab/startup.m to modify ?

Submit a clinica pipeline

Please read the Wiki section dedicated to the ICM cluster.

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