From dfcd19c6aabd307c3f743b4601b007a9b2431a3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Francisco=20Javier=20Rib=C3=B3=20Labrador?= Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:14:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore(release): release 1.0.0 # 1.0.0 (2024-01-19) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ### Bug Fixes * -docs from source ([ba6317d]( * add auth to ci ([3f2929f]( * add better documentation on the database project. ([c7ffda1]( * add better release for monorepos, so that it updates dependencies. ([#59]( ([0833eb6]( * add changelog ([20ad815]( * add cjs and es versions of the packages. ([91be32e]( * add coverage report and changes in readme ([0ce18b8]( * add env vars to github action. ([4e1cecf]( * add estlint on CI task + refactor code removing unused code and … ([#67]( ([d065c5d]( * Add fully working browser demo. ([84e026b]( * add higher test coverage for storages. ([#68]( ([f15979f]( * add indexdb example ([e1a5fb0]( * add level db wrapper. ([6ca3f2f]( * add lock. ([d555315]( * add missing code coverage. ([#65]( ([e3ded9a]( * add passphrase to gh action. ([3931e06]( * add release rc configuration. ([cffa1d1]( * add test fixtures. ([7000b41]( * add version. ([893634f]( * allow leveldb storage to start twice ([#62]( ([b9e0633]( * automatically deploy documentation to github pages, remove code … ([#56]( ([d39dbfb]( * backup improvement. ([#26]( ([205d93a]( * buffer include ([9309853]( * build on publish ([7533d79]( * build packages on release to avoid ci errors ([5c182ff]( * build. ([#3]( ([9cea867]( * bump version correctly during release ([0dc04dc]( * change file. ([25fc63b]( * change package description to trigger small release. ([#55]( ([91dd1c0]( * change pluto encrypted exports for esm and cjs module compatibility. ([0e4cffe]( * change rollup build to es ([#15]( ([e316378]( * change test db name ([09b594a]( * change test db name ([#7]( ([c5fa3ae]( * Change the CI pipeline so that docs are released on each merge to master, together with packages. ([#54]( ([8def60a]( * ci ([e86fb51]( * ci ([ada920f]( * ci ([6e9e46b]( * ci ([1504319]( * ci ([f0623b5]( * ci ([e5fa647]( * CI ([ac95f34]( * CI ([77e7a57]( * ci [skip ci] ([4165407]( * ci [skip ci] ([6bf4421]( * ci attempt ([081072c]( * ci command replace ([38b192c]( * ci docs ([4f3c777]( * ci docs ([596c9a1]( * ci docs improvement. ([#47]( ([3de272c]( * ci fix [skip ci] ([3bec8d6]( * ci fix [skip ci] ([9febc95]( * Ci improvement ([13bd57e]( * CI include new coverage badges. ([59fc391]( * ci pipelines ([8697631]( * ci repo ([e086ec9]( * ci task name ([5cf9a80]( * ci token ([ca1c3e7]( * **ci:** fi wrong branch ([aa0e1f1]( * **ci:** improve ci ([937ea3c]( * clean encrypted dependencies ([1443488]( * Correct coverage on all 3 packages ([e18a707]( * database package with optional dependencies. ([526dd56]( * databse fix ([a76aa4a]( * deploy test coverage to github pages. ([b6efe80]( * disable ci in dev automatically ([99eeea7]( * disable force during ci install as its not needed anymore. ([fcb0829]( * doc generation. ([4710bf0]( * doc type fix ([c09f011]( * docs ([4fe55f4]( * docs ([c04eeec]( * docs ci update ([#48]( ([01ae0b9]( * docs generation [skip ci] ([dac4f9a]( * docs improvement. ([16f4d56]( * docs path ([8aa56bb]( * docs. ([c39b44e]( * documentation gen ([6661fa2]( * downgrade semantic-release ([cf6db56]( * Downgrade typescript to satisfy npm dependencies. ([cdfb540]( * Enable multiple instances of inMemory storage if different database names have been specified. ([8703989]( * enable Release candidate versioning for npm packages [skip ci] ([3293fdc]( * encrypt privatekey sensitive data. ([#9]( ([bc30040]( * encrypted change in docs ([#69]( ([eebfacd]( * encrypted include buffer wrapper ([42603cf]( * encrypted package needs buffer when it should be using the builtin package. ([fb51f98]( * encrypted release ([85a8349]( * enforce type exporting. ([2f8bd5a]( * fix ([#74]( ([5af5a4c]( * Fix issue when loading peer did private keys. ([4cf77f6]( * Fix models ([79f7468]( * force build include in ci ([dac2245]( * generate documentation for all the packages in 1 shot. ([3a27f78]( * gitignore ([3ea8ae7]( * ignore ([bfcc0a4]( * Implementing getDIDInfoByAlias, getDIDInfoByDID, getAllPrismDIDs, storeMediator, getDIDPrivateKeyByID, getDIDPrivateKeysByDID ([3e2e9e5]( * Implementing several improvements for LEVELDB, now electron and node demos fully working. ([c04b08d]( * Implementing the didpair methods and convert back to objects. ([#14]( ([3dce952]( * Improve all package documentation ([2602af4]( * improve CI ([aa164c2]( * Improve code coverage and set 100 threshold from now on ([#60]( ([3bc51e9]( * improve code coverage reporting. ([a00cfa6]( * improve code coverage reporting. ([87e9838]( * Improve coverage. ([#21]( ([a93401a]( * Improve doc generation, export al types and possible external types from other dependencies. ([971241f]( * Improve documentation flying in a plane. ([78bc3f5]( * Improve electron and nodejs demos. ([b3502a7]( * improve release pipeline branches [skip ci] ([9c2f2dc]( * Improve test coverage for test-suite with most of the needed fea… ([#66]( ([b90e406]( * improve test-suite documentation ([96f3346]( * Improve typedocs. ([44174f9]( * Improve types and add method ([#5]( ([468e590]( * Improve types. ([ff9f728]( * improver ci docs ([27069ea]( * Increase database testing with more scenarios. ([08e9f76]( * intall packages ([586e5dd]( * Introducing shared dependencies for db wrappers ([#57]( ([393b3bc]( * let the ci force push ([c47e10c]( * lock versions [skip ci] ([13f197d]( * main readme update [skip ci] ([79d06f3]( * manual release dispatch ([#51]( ([438ab59]( * minor change ([#72]( ([6895b35]( * move command ([#20]( ([2b80c30]( * move from jest > vitest ([#43]( ([0d70036](, closes [#44]( * move pluto encrypted to a mono repo. ([7a1e251]( * nodejs issue. ([872668d]( * npmrc ignored. ([32b1201]( * output path for docs ([a866ffd]( * package increase. ([cc4726c]( * package lock ([0261331]( * package lock recompose ([00c58e2]( * package log with new shared code ([9314143]( * package release ([b791869]( * package updates and ci ([fb13bb7]( * package versions ([8c69dfd]( * package versions and tags. ([172b1cc]( * package versions. ([c96b700]( * package-json description for packages. ([fa0820e]( * package-lock ([e9386fe]( * packages docs ([6f5c375]( * pipeline ([a6f0a3e]( * pipeline configuration, single file. ([cae9c4e]( * pkg author email change. ([1550d5f]( * port changes ([#73]( ([d225f3b]( * **prism:** Update the prism sdk version. ([1c1247b]( * PrivateKey type improvements and static method to easily convert from db to domain. ([32e608d]( * push docs and small improvements for TS. ([c19153b]( * push docs commit ([71df024]( * qa levels and ci improvements ([#50]( ([6907950]( * re-enable test coverage report. ([37c94c3]( * readme ([7625150]( * readme docs. ([9308431]( * README fix, Licence fix in root ([#42]( ([de83473]( * release ([9a55bec]( * release 0.1.13 ([0dbeb8d]( * release changes ([781915c]( * release config as esm module ([02b0477]( * release fix ([3c279fc]( * release must be last step in CI to allow docs to be commited to master ([785c05c]( * release npmrc config ([cb8416a]( * release packages correctly. ([852fc1e]( * release pipeline not generating docs ([d8cdd25]( * release signed commits ([2168a91]( * release skip ([c335d56]( * release. ([b21a863]( * **release:** INIT ([d27eaa4]( * remove coverage from ignored ([#53]( ([0b51989]( * remove log ([8533e2e]( * remove manual migration and rely on the automatic migration from rxdb + custom plugin. ([ba29cb1]( * remove npmrc ([1f55d85]( * remove pipeline ([dcb44b4]( * Remove plutoinmemory from browser demo. ([965f7fa]( * remove sub-module ([ba9c738]( * remove unnecesary check from database package. ([3deca4c]( * remove unused code from database + update code coverage. ([30088bd]( * Remove vulnerable dependencies with unused dev dependency, babel. ([94dcc39]( * replace npm package repositories. ([c7c4bb9]( * replace wrong npm token var name ([354ec7b]( * restore npm publish in ci ([ee2306b]( * rollback pkg versions. ([738e4e9]( * Schema types improvement. ([054e08f]( * Set level db as externals to avoid warnings ([7680b0a]( * shared ([f87ceb2]( * signed commits [skip ci] ([9e7aa50]( * Simplify ([#4]( ([e0c7fc9]( * Simplify models ([#6]( ([c25f0b1]( * small doc change. ([838c5b3]( * store peerdid keys also as raw ([631c445]( * Store raw key values not the base64Url representation used in JWK ([cd65769]( * test auth token ([9862745]( * test ci ([fb0c6cd]( * test coverage. ([#24]( ([d7f53e7]( * threshold ([2852455]( * trigger package update ([72c8d64]( * try install vs ci ([4cf0298]( * Update all readme files with examples ([#49]( ([1d03422]( * update coverage ([#13]( ([f117a8f]( * update docs after 2.0.0 release. ([ad48bae]( * Update docs. ([752c732]( * Update documentation link. ([18fbe76]( * update package name. ([031dfa2]( * update packages accordingly ([#52]( ([0dc3ba0]( * update pipeline. ([f4fe0b5]( * update readme ([c876d43]( * update release pipeline. ([b77bfaf]( * update shared dependency version in InMemory and LevelDB. ([53e79e6]( * update versioning [skip ci]" ([db61623]( * user wrong ([847e0cb]( * versions ([1bf0e2d]( * wrong exports ([81a8031]( * wrong name is exported. ([3328daf]( * wrong package lock generating issues again with nx and lerna... ([099a01b]( * feat!: Change npm repo (#32) ([d0807c5](, closes [#32]( ### Features * add iagon storage and general improvements. ([#80]( ([5a8e931]( * add pluto export and import database functionality ([#25]( ([2eb624d]( * adding a more robust encryption for all the database engines, without crypto-js insecure dependency. ([#58]( ([f91ffd1]( * Creating a compliant database for any scenario also the Prism agent SDK and fixing many issues. ([02b6ab6]( * database docs update. ([cdd1b8e]( * docs ([f75084b]( * extendable schemas. ([e99307d]( * fix package ([fdfa148]( * Implement Messaging and improve test coverage to decent levels. ([38acb81]( * Implementing levelDB ([6f6a7ba]( * Integrate Typescript SDK 2.5.0 ([#27]( ([fbe46b5]( * integrating prism 4.0.0-rc.1 ([#71]( ([6657898]( * leveldb BETA preview ([5a89b6a]( * make models extendable ([#76]( ([49918a5](, closes [#75]( * **migrations:** Support migrations across all encrypted storages supported by pluto encrypted ([#63]( ([6b609df]( * packages ([88e569b]( * release packages ([60e336e]( * test harness on all storages ([#64]( ([4aeee0c]( * upgrade ([5498f4e]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Updates to the new package [skip ci] --- packages/iagon/package.json | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/iagon/package.json b/packages/iagon/package.json index f40e15e8..ca90669a 100644 --- a/packages/iagon/package.json +++ b/packages/iagon/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "@pluto-encrypted/iagon", - "version": "0.0.0-beta.18", + "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Secure Encrypted iagon storage for @pluto-encrypted/database", "main": "./build/cjs/index.cjs", "module": "./build/esm/index.mjs", @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0", "dependencies": { "@pluto-encrypted/encryption": "1.11.0", - "@pluto-encrypted/shared": "1.11.1", + "@pluto-encrypted/shared": "1.11.2", "array-push-at-sort-position": "^4.0.1", "axios": "^1.6.5", "request": "^2.88.2", @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ }, "devDependencies": { "@pluto-encrypted/encryption": "1.11.0", - "@pluto-encrypted/shared": "1.11.1", - "@pluto-encrypted/test-suite": "1.11.0" + "@pluto-encrypted/shared": "1.11.2", + "@pluto-encrypted/test-suite": "1.12.0" }, "files": [ "build/*" ], "gitHead": "6aa4ce8bbb9938fc4c4e790efffa5b902631362c" -} \ No newline at end of file +}