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Releases: atnos-org/eff

eff 4.3.0

18 Apr 16:39
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Maintenance version


  • do not memoize failed values for tasks, futures and safe effects
  • added a note in the user guide about effects not covered by the all._ import #90


  • always pass onNone action when executing a continuation to make sure Safe.thenFinally always executes
  • changed some Option() calls to Some to preserve user nulls #91

eff 4.2.0

04 Apr 16:49
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API change

  • the Eff.detach method now requires a MonadError instance to properly trigger with "last" actions

Documentation improvements

  • bring Translate docs closer to Transform docs
  • changed the smart constructor names for the KVStore effect in the tutorial
  • moved imports in the "create effects" section so they appear on the user guide

eff 4.1.0

24 Mar 15:55
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Tasks fixes (and slight API changes).

  • fixed the forking of scalaz Task effects, they should not use an implicit global ExecutorService

  • removed the taskForkStrategy method to create scalaz Task effect with a specific ExecutorService (and not a Strategy as the name was implying)
    now all methods for forking are taskFork but with different possible arguments, with or without ExecutorServices, with or
    without Timeout

  • the run methods for scalaz TimedTasks now take an implicit eff.ExecutorServices

  • remove the use of an implicit Strategy to create forked fs2 task effects

eff 4.0.2

23 Mar 16:36
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Correctness fix.

The new incarnation of the generic interpret had an embarrassing bug for applicative calls.
It is fixed now.

eff 4.0.1

23 Mar 13:56
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Stack-safety fixes.

The stack-safety sage continues.

  • fixed a stack-safety issue when running a interpreting pure values
  • fixed a stack-safety issue when injecting an effect into a larger stack with into

eff 4.0.0

23 Mar 13:56
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New interpreters!

This version provides a generic interpreter "loop" to interpret Eff values. You just need to provide an Interpreter
trait with appropriate definitions for:

  • interpreting pure values
  • interpreting an effect of type M[X]
  • interpreting a list of effects T[M[X]](the "applicative" case) where T has a Traverse instance
  • interpreting a "last" effect, in case of having side-effects to finalize resources (see SafeEffect.thenFinally)

This new org.atnos.eff.interpret.interpret method is stack-safe provided that you never call continuations directly
but always with Eff.impure(x, continuation) (see the various effects interpreters for examples).

There are also simpler traits like Recurser or Translate, please read the scaladoc for the Interpret trait.


There are only low-level API changes

  • many of the Interpret trait method have changed (interpret, intercept,...) or been removed. Please use
    the gitter channel if you have any questions

  • the "continuation" type inside an Eff value has been renamed Continuation to help newcomers understand the library better


  • Eff.tailRecM is now stack-safe
  • the catbird and twitter-util dependencies have been updated (thanks to Chris Vale)
  • EitherEffect.attemptEither will attempt an Either effect and return E Either A
  • EitherEffect.runEitherCatchLeft will run an Either effect and handle the resulting E Either A value in case of a

eff 3.1.0

08 Mar 06:59
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This version brings some breaking API changes for async effects in order to make them compatible with ScalaJS.


  • TimedFuture, TwitterTimedFuture, scalaz TimedTask, fs2 TimedTask now use a org.atnos.eff.Scheduler instead of a ScheduledExecutorService to
    timeout computations

  • a Scheduler can be created from a ScheduledExecutorService with the ExecutorServices.schedulerFromScheduledExecutorService method for the JVM

  • a Scheduler can be created with the org.atnos.eff.Schedulers.default method for ScalaJS

  • the monix Task effect is now directly using the monix.eval.Task type instead of using a TimedTask type before.
    The API stays the same except for stacks declarations which are now Fx.fx1[Task] instead of Fx.fx1[TimedTask]

eff 3.0.4

26 Feb 07:59
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Maintenance version


  • made the runAsync methods more generic by accepting any stack which can be translated to Fx1[M]
  • added a convenience method to shutdown the execution services on a future completion


  • fixed a possible deadlock when shutting down ExecutorServices

eff 3.0.3

26 Feb 07:52
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Maintenance version


  • the memoization of tasks and future effects was broken after the 3.0.0 upgrade, this version fixes it

eff 3.0.2

26 Feb 07:51
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Super important maintenance version!!!

This version contains some important fixes to Member implicits. You should definitely not use 3.0.0 or 3.0.1 because
those versions contain the possibility to throw ClassCastExceptions depending on the effect stack you use.


  • added objects to import creation / interpretation methods for task and future effects
    • org.atnos.eff.addon.scalaz.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.addon.fs2.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.addon.twitter.future._
  • added objects to import syntax methods for task and future effects
    • org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.scalaz.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.fs2.task._
    • org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.twitter.future._
