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326 lines (253 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

326 lines (253 loc) · 11.2 KB

Version 1.3.2


  • Allow Importance and ablation path analysis for multi-objective runs.

Version 1.3.1

Quality of Life

  • Improve documentation on installation of extra requirements.
  • Add licence information to all source files.

Version 1.3


  • Add support for AMLTK.
  • Add support for Optuna.
  • Add support for adding a run in DataFrame format (#137).
  • BOHB: Consider missing state as valid state as state is not provided by default (#65).


  • ConfigSpace from 0.6.1 to 1.2.0
  • Numpy from 1.26.4 to 2.0.1
  • pyPDPPartitioner from to 0.1.8 to 0.1.9

Ablation Paths Plugin

  • Added ablation paths as a plugin.
  • Added ablation as a evaluator to use for the plugin.
  • Added tests as well as documentation.
  • Modified the RandomForest surrogate model, so it can be passed the number of trees.

Move plugins

  • Moved the Configuration cube and the parallel coordinates plugin from objective to hyperparameter.
  • Changed layout accordingly as well as the documentation.


  • Upgrade pyPDPPartitioner to 0.1.9 as a requirement which fixes a bug related to copying config space objects (#111).

Quality of Life

  • Update the documentation to reflect the new changes.
  • Disable warnings during RunHandler initialization to avoid showing warnings with respect to previously loaded runs.
  • Remove option to use docker (not yet supported).
  • Add SMAC3v2 multi-fidelity example runs.
  • Add more useful SMAC3v2 multi-objective example run.
  • Remove defective matplotlib button and associated functionalities.

Version 1.2.1

Quality of Life

  • Runs now get displayed with their parent directory for better distinguishability.
  • Increase plot font sizes.
  • Add a simple loading bar functionality for longer runs.


  • Seed is now required in the Recorder.


  • Use normalized LPI importance via variance instead of importance over mean (#152)
  • Return nan as importance values if variance is 0. for a hyperparameter / budget (#152)


  • Show a run's hoover-text for the actual budget of a trial in Cost over Time with Combined budget (#154).
  • Use highest budget as default budget for Cost over Time instead of Combined.
  • Show best value / config for each objective instead of merged objective in Overview (#159).
  • Use chosen objective instead of merged objective to get the incumbent for the calculation of LPI importance (#159).
  • Add total runtime in overview (#155).

Version 1.2


  • Add symbolic explanations plugin (#46).
  • It is now possible to view multiple unequal runs at once in Cost over Time and Pareto (#93).
  • Runs with unequal objectives cannot be displayed together.
  • Added an enum for displaying according warning messages.


  • Fix lower bounds of dependency versions.
  • Allow to load multi-objective SMAC3v2 and add example (#69).
  • Allow to load runs with multiple seeds and add examples (#70).
  • Correct incumbent calculation when single objective should be maximized.
  • Correct range of configuration cube slider for number of configs.
  • Do not disable existing loggers.
  • Update author email.
  • Add exit button which first deletes running jobs and then terminates DeepCave.
  • Nicer handling of Keyboard Interrupt.
  • Disable debug mode.
  • Save plotly plots in higher resolution upon download.
  • Get hovertext per budget in Footprint, Config Cube, Cost over Time, and Pareto Front.


  • Fix missing objective specification in LPI evaluator (#71).
  • Don't convert BOHB runs with status 'running' (consistent with SMAC).
  • Fix api examples (#68).
  • Reset inputs to fix error when subsequently selecting runs with different configspaces, objectives or budgets (#106).
  • Fix errors due to changing inputs before runselection (#64).
  • For fANOVA, remove constant hyperparameters from configspace (#9).
  • When getting budget, objectives etc from multiple runs in Cost over Time and Pareto Front:
    • Instead of taking the first run as comparative value,
    • take the one with the lowest budget, else the index for the budgets could be out of bounds.
  • For PCP, show hyperparameters with highest importance closest to the cost, i.e. right (#124).
  • Add init files to all test directories.
  • Correct LPI importance tests.
  • Free port when exiting via the exit button (#52).


  • Add How to Contribute section.
  • Expand documentation for partial dependence plugin.


  • Black version from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0
  • Mypy from 0.930 to 1.5.1


  • Updated args so there are no missing imports
  • Updated additional dependencies, so mypy can check all types
  • Note: If the installs in requirements change, it has to be adapted in additional dependencies
  • Added many type annotations
  • In some cases internal refactoring for variables, due to typing

Pydocstyle and Linter

  • Major overhaul of docstrings in various files
  • Removed unused imports and variables


  • Groups now get a default name, if no name was entered by the user.
  • Groups get sorted alphabetically to appear more ordered.

Additional Changes

  • Added a "make install examples" in Makefile

Version 1.1.3


  • Fix seaborn style name (#82).
  • Remove potential sources of nondeterminism in evaluators by not setting seeds randomly (#75).
  • Exchange SMAC log examples to fix issue with PDP (#54).
  • Fix error when requesting more than 10 colors in a plot (36 colors available now).

Version 1.1.2


  • Fix configspace version.

Version 1.1.1


  • Put in missing "q" values into configspaces to allow using newer ConfigSpace versions.
  • Fix minimal configspace version.
  • Fixes in make publish command.

Version 1.1


  • SMAC 2.0


  • Remove SMAC dependency by adding required function directly.

Version 1.0.1


  • SMAC Converter: If config origin is not found then None is used.
  • Restricting SMAC<1.4.0 as SMAC had some API changes.

Version 1.0


  • Runs are sorted now and only "visible" directories are shown.
  • Mechanics to select runs changed.
    • Runs can be selected across different working directories now.
    • Another section to display selected runs.
    • Press on directory name changes the working directory directly. Makes it easier to navigate. There's also a button to go to parent directory.
    • Internally, a run has two hashes now
      • id: Based on prefix and path/name. This hash is used to select runs now. No need to distinguish between run and grouped run anymore.
      • hash: Changes based on content.
  • If DeepCAVE was not started before, the path of execution is used as working directory.
  • Shows the errors now if a run could not be converted.
  • Increased stability for static plugins.
  • Updated CLI immensively. Added --open, --n_workers and improved --config (both relative and absolute paths are working now). DeepCAVE starts now using only deepcave.
  • Improved run cache performance. Each input uses a single file for the output.
  • Improved performance overall.
  • Improved the API mode drastically.
  • Improved mapping of original and encoded data.
  • Configurations are clickable now.
  • API changes in AbstractRun.
  • Jobs in sidebar are clickable and removeable now.


  • Updated texts and images.
  • Documentation of plugins are shown in the dashboard now (converted from rst to md).
  • Added research questions.


  • Overview: Redesigned with barplot and heatmap for statuses. Also includes configspace now.
  • Added PDP again.
  • Merged LPI and fANOVA.
  • Added dynamic texts to overview and budget correlation.
  • Added help buttons.
  • Added configuration footprint.
  • Configurations display code now.

Code related

  • Added dash-extensions so that multiple outputs, no outputs and trigger can be used.
  • Added global notification.
  • Cleaned-up run handler immensely.
  • Logs are better readable.
  • Improved config loading and add development config.
  • Renamed and moved things (Groups, Status, Objectives, ...).
  • Objective is a dataclass now.
  • Added REFRESH_RATE and SAVE_IMAGES to profile.


  • Files are no longer shown in run selection.
  • Runs are reloaded from disk in worker now.
  • Internal runs are updated now if they changed.
  • Results from static plugins are saved under the right path now.

Version 0.3


  • Updated tools.
  • Cleaned up (removed docker files).


  • Checks if redis-server is installed. Otherwise, aborts to start the server.
  • Added swig to anaconda environment.
  • Increased version of numpy and matplotlib.
  • Improved requirements. Fixed only crucical things.


  • Added model support.


  • Added button to receive raw data.
  • Added new plugin: Pareto Front.
  • Added new plugin: Budget Correlation.
  • Changed load_outputs and load_mlp_outputs to class method. Moreover, if activate_run_selection is true, only the the run and runs information in outputs is passed.
  • Cost Over Time displays maximized objectives correctly now.
  • Pre-selecting highest budget and hyperparameters (#18).
  • Replaced normalized costs with all costs in configurations.


  • Added MLP recorder example.
  • Added MLP logs for better example visualization.


  • Fixed path bug for SMAC and BOHB.
  • Included
  • pytest no longer needed in main code.
  • Included logging.yml (before it was loggin.yml).
  • Recorder works again.


  • Added documentation with most basic information.

Version 0.2


  • Groups were replaced by GroupedRun. Hence, a group can be used as a normal run (AbstractRun).
  • Groups are only created if the runs are compatible (via function check_equality).


  • Integrated Parallel Coordinates.
  • Configurations Cube and Parallel Coordinates show the real config values and not the encoded anymore.
  • Changed plugin interfaces (check_run_compatibility, check_runs_compatibility, load_inputs, load_dependency_inputs).
  • Enhanced native group selection drastically.
  • Added icons to the plugins.
  • Removed ICE for now as too many bugs were found.


  • Added typehints.
  • Added tests for caches, basic layouts and other utils.
  • Added tools (mypy, flake8 and blake)
  • Performance increase in general as a folder is only transformed to a run if selected.

Known Bugs

  • fANOVA does not work if the configspace includes constants.

Version 0.1.1


  • ICE/PDP: Added uncertainties
  • fANOVA: Works with no budgets now


  • Installable via pip

Version 0.1


  • Multi-Objective is supported with flexible objective objects.
  • Groups: If plugin supports groups, multiple runs can be used.
  • Automatically find converter: DeepCAVE scans the given directory and selects a suitable converter (if available).
  • Recorder: Record your runs and save them directly as DeepCAVE files.
  • Matplotlib mode: Alternatively, plugins can output Matplotlib rendered plots.


  • StaticPlugin: Uses queue to process the result.

  • DynamicPlugin: Input changes are directly calculated.

  • Overview: Shows meta and statistics.

  • Configurations: Shows configuration space and best found configuration.

  • Cost over Time: Shows how the cost changes over time.

  • Configuration Cube: Shows configurations as points in a cube.

  • Individual Conditional Expectation / Partial Dependency Plots: Shows how individual instances behave.

  • fANOVA: Shows Hyperparameter Importance.


  • DeepCAVE
  • SMAC
  • BOHB (Beta)