This driver supports using SPARQL for executing statements against Neptune.
The connection string for SPARQL connections follows the following form:
Note: SPARQL configures the port as a propertyKey and not as a part of the connection string. If a port is not specified it defaults to 8182. There must also be a specification for the queryEndpoint
property to be sparql
and the connection string for SPARQL also must include a https://
prefix as shown below.
The following properties are available for SPARQL:
Property Key | Description | Accepted Value(s) | Default value |
logLevel | Log level for application. | In order of least logging to most logging: OFF , FATAL , ERROR , WARN , INFO , DEBUG , TRACE , ALL . |
authScheme | Authentication mechanism to use. | NONE (no auth), IAMSigV4 (IAM / SIGV4 logging). |
IAMSigV4 , AWS SIGV4 credentials must be properly set up, including a region. See environment setup for IAM authentication on Neptune for more information. |
serviceRegion | If IAMSigv4 is selected, this region variable must be set for connecting to IAM authenticated Neptune instance |
String values. For example, us-east-1 |
NONE . For a list of regions see Neptune service regions. An alternative to setting this is through exporting the SERVICE_REGION environment variable as instructed in the link. |
connectionTimeout | Amount of time to wait for initial connection in milliseconds. | Integer values. | 5000 |
connectionRetryCount | Number of times to retry if establishing initial connection fails. | Integer values. | 3 |
port | The port used for connection. | Integer values. | 8182 |
queryEndpoint | The query endpoint to hit. | Currently only sparql . |
"" |
region | The AWS endpoint region to connect to. | Valid AWS regions such as, but not limited to, us-east-1 , us-west-1 . |
Default value is whatever is configured in the user's AWS SIG4 credentials. |
dataset | The name of the dataset when connecting to a FusekiServer (not applicable to Neptune servers). | String values. | "" |
acceptHeaderQuery | The HTTP Accept: header used to when making a SPARQL Protocol query if no query type specific setting available. |
String values. | "application/rdf+xml, application/n-triples, text/turtle, text/plain, application/n-quads, text/x-nquads, text/turtle, application/trig, text/n3, application/ld+json, application/trix, application/x-binary-rdf, application/sparql-results+json, application/sparql-results+xml;q=0.9, text/tab-separated-values;q=0.7, text/csv;q=0.5, application/json;q=0.2, application/xml;q=0.2, /*;q=0.1" |
acceptHeaderAskQuery | The HTTP Accept: header used to when making a SPARQL Protocol ASK query. |
String values. | None |
acceptHeaderSelectQuery | The HTTP Accept: header used to when making a SPARQL Protocol SELECT query. |
String values. | None |
parseCheckSparql | The flag for whether to check SPARQL queries and SPARQL updates provided as a string. | Boolean values. | None |
acceptHeaderDataset | The HTTP Accept: header used to fetch RDF datasets using HTTP GET operations. |
String values. | None |
httpClient | The HttpClient for the connection to be built. |
httpClient values. |
None |
httpContext | The HttpContext for the connection to tbe built |
httpContext values. |
None |
sshUser | The username for the internal SSH tunnel. If provided, options sshHost and sshPrivateKeyFile must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
String values. | NONE |
sshHost | The host name for the internal SSH tunnel. Optionally the SSH tunnel port number can be provided using the syntax <ssh-host>:<port> . The default port is 22 . If provided, options sshUser and sshPrivateKeyFile must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
String values. | NONE |
sshPrivateKeyFile | The path to the private key file for the internal SSH tunnel. If the path starts with the tilde character (~ ), it will be replaced with the user's home directory. If provided, options sshUser and sshHost must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
String values. | NONE |
sshPrivateKeyPassphrase | If the SSH tunnel private key file, sshPrivateKeyFile , is passphrase protected, provide the passphrase using this option. If provided, options sshUser , sshHost and sshPrivateKeyFile must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
String values. | NONE |
sshStrictHostKeyChecking | If true, the 'known_hosts' file is checked to ensure the target host is trusted when creating the internal SSH tunnel. If false, the target host is not checked. Disabling this option is less secure as it can lead to a "man-in-the-middle" attack. If provided, options sshUser , sshHost and sshPrivateKeyFile must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
Boolean values. | true |
sshKnownHostsFile | The path to the 'known_hosts' file used for checking the target host for the SSH tunnel when option sshStrictHostKeyChecking is true . The 'known_hosts' file can be populated using the ssh-keyscan tool. If provided, options sshUser , sshHost and sshPrivateKeyFile must also be provided, otherwise this option is ignored. |
String values. | ~/.ssh/known_hosts |
import java.sql.*;
class Example {
static final String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:neptune:sparql://;port=8182;queryEndpoint=sparql;authScheme=None";
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING);
Instead of having properties set in the connection string, you can also set Properties in order to get a connection.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
class Example {
static final String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:neptune:sparql://";
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("port", 8182);
properties.put("queryEndpoint", "sparql");
properties.put("authScheme", "None");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING, properties);
IAM is the standard way to access Neptune under an authorized account.
import java.sql.*;
class Example {
static final String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:neptune:sparql://;port=8182;queryEndpoint=sparql;authScheme=IAMSigV4;serviceRegion=us-east-1";
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING);
Like above, Properties can be used to set the settings to enable IAM authentication.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
class Example {
static final String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:neptune:sparql://";
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("port", 8182);
properties.put("queryEndpoint", "sparql");
properties.put("authScheme", "IAMSigV4");
properties.put("serviceRegion", "us-east-1");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING, properties);
MetaData is not currently supported for SPARQL.
import java.sql.*;
class Example {
static final String CONNECTION_STRING = "jdbc:neptune:sparql://;port=8182;queryEndpoint=sparql;authScheme=None";
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
// Prefix for data found at
String query =
"PREFIX prop: <>\n" +
"PREFIX class: <>\n" +
"\n" +
"SELECT ?desc\n" +
"WHERE {\n" +
" ?s ?p ?desc .\n" +
" ?s a class:Country .\n" +
" ?s prop:desc ?desc\n" +
try (
// Create a connection
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_STRING);
// Create a statement
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
// Execute a query
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query)
) {
while ( {
// Get the country name (desc) from the results and print them
String countryName = results.getString("desc");