This tutorial shows how to build a full life-time simple standalone application using tripmaster platform.
When you start an application, the first thing is to express your task:
- What kind of data it takes?
- What data should it produces?
- How the performance is evaluated?
The information is modeled by the Task
from tripmaster.core.components.task import TMTask
from tripmaster.core.concepts.contract import TMContractChannel
class ImageClassificationTask(TMTask):
ForwardProvisionSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Source: {"image": object},
TMContractChannel.Target: {"label": int}
BackwardRequestSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Inference: {"inference_label": int}
Evaluator = None
Above code defines the task component of the app. Each component in TripMaster is a contracted bi-directional data processor.
It processes data in two directions: forward
and backward
. The forward
direction is to model the data and feed to the
machine, while the backward
direction is to reconstruct the machine prediction from machine level (batch tensors) to
task level.
For the Task
component, the forward direction is to provide data (and not require any data). We use
ForwardProvisionSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Source: {"image": object},
TMContractChannel.Target: {"label": int}
to define the data provided by the task to following components in the forward
The backward direction is to receive the reconstructed data generated from the machine. In this app, we require machine
will predict the inference_label
of an input image, so we announce this by:
BackwardRequestSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Inference: {"inference_label": int}
This kind of explicit declaration of data contract may cost some energy, but it greatly helps for validating the data-stream and for better understanding of the application. The details about the contract and channel system can be found in Data Pipeline.
There is a Evaluator
filed in Task
component. It defines the task-level
evaluator to evaluate the machine prediction
performance. That is, it will compare the data in TMContractChannel.Target
and TMContractChannel.Inference
then output the metric. Problem
and Machine
components also have their own evaluator setting to perform the
and machine-level
performance. Here, the Evaluator
field is set to None
because for this app, there
is no differnce between the evaluators in these three levels, so we just keep the machine-level
evaluator, which is defined
After define the task, we must consider the mathematical modeling of the task:
- What kind of mathematical model is suitable for modeling the task?
- What abstract data structure is suitable for implement the modeling ?
- How the performance of the modeling is evaluated?
The information is modeled by the Problem
component. For this app, the image classification task
can be obviously modeled by a mapping from a 2-d matrix to an integer label.
So we define the problem component as follows:
import numpy as np
from tripmaster.core.components.problem import TMProblem
from tripmaster.core.concepts.contract import TMContractChannel
class TensorClassificationProblem(TMProblem):
ForwardProvisionSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Source: {"tensor": np.ndarray},
TMContractChannel.Target: {"label": int}
BackwardRequestSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Inference: {"inference_label": int}
Evaluator = None
Note that the schema definitions are almost equal to that in the Task
component, except the type of image
rather than object
. This is because that in the Task
level, we may have various types of input data,
for example, image path or Image object. But in the Problem
component, we require the image be converted into np.ndarray
If the input data for task do not meet the requirements of problem, a task-problem modeler is needed. In this app, we load
the data directly in the form of np.ndarray
, so the modeler is not needed.
After define the problem, we begin to write the solution of the problem -- the Machine
component. The component considers
following issues:
- What kind of machine is suitable for solving the problem?
- What kind of loss should be used to learn the machine?
- How the performance of the machine is evaluated?
For this app, we define the machine as follows:
from tripmaster.core.components.machine.machine import TMMachine
from tripmaster.core.concepts.contract import TMContractChannel
from tripmaster.core.components.evaluator import TMMetricEvaluator
from tripmaster.core.components.loss import TMFunctionalLoss
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import math
class ClassificationEvaluator(TMMetricEvaluator):
Metrics = {"label": [paddle.metric.Precision(), paddle.metric.Recall()]}
class ClassificationLoss(TMFunctionalLoss):
Func = paddle.nn.functional.cross_entropy
LearnedFields = ["logit"]
TruthFields = ["label"]
class Tensor2DClassificationMachine(TMMachine):
ForwardRequestSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Source: {"tensor": paddle.Tensor},
TMContractChannel.Target: {"label": int}
BackwardProvisionSchema = {
TMContractChannel.Learn: {"logit": paddle.Tensor},
TMContractChannel.Inference: {"inference_label": int}
Loss = ClassificationLoss
Evaluator = ClassificationEvaluator
EvaluatorInferenceContract = {"inference_label": "label"}
def __init__(self, hyper_params, states=None):
super().__init__(hyper_params, states=states)
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, self.arch_params.channel1, self.arch_params.conv_kernel, 1)
conv1_out_h = self.arch_params.image_size[0] - (self.arch_params.conv_kernel - 1)
conv1_out_w = self.arch_params.image_size[1] - (self.arch_params.conv_kernel - 1)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(self.arch_params.channel1, self.arch_params.channel2,
self.arch_params.conv_kernel, 1)
conv2_out_h = conv1_out_h - (self.arch_params.conv_kernel - 1)
conv2_out_w = conv1_out_w - (self.arch_params.conv_kernel - 1)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(self.arch_params.pool_kernel)
pool_out_h = math.floor((conv2_out_h - (self.arch_params.pool_kernel - 1)) / self.arch_params.pool_kernel + 1)
pool_out_w = math.floor((conv2_out_w - (self.arch_params.pool_kernel - 1)) / self.arch_params.pool_kernel + 1)
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(self.arch_params.dropout1)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(self.arch_params.dropout2)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.arch_params.channel2 * pool_out_h * pool_out_w, self.arch_params.ff_dim)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(self.arch_params.ff_dim, self.arch_params.class_num)
if states:
def forward(self, inputs, scenario=None):
x = inputs["image"]
x = self.conv1(x)
x = paddle.relu(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = paddle.relu(x)
x = self.pool(x)
x = self.dropout1(x)
x = paddle.flatten(x, 1)
x = self.fc1(x)
x = paddle.relu(x)
x = self.dropout2(x)
x = self.fc2(x)
results = dict()
if scenario in {TMScenario.Learning, TMScenario.Evaluation}:
results["logit"] = x
if scenario in {TMScenario.Evaluation, TMScenario.Inference}:
results["inference_label"] = paddle.argmax(x, axis=-1)
return results
The machine consumes the provisions of problem and provides logits
for learning/evaluation and inference_label
for evaluation/inference. All the information is defined in the contract declarations of the machine component.
The Loss
field sets the loss component used in the machine for training, which uses the data in
and TMContractChannel.Target
to compute the loss and provide to the optimizer.
After the machine is built, the next thing is to select an operator for the machine. TripMaster
introduces the
component, which is responsible to operate the machine and get the result. There are two kinds of operator in
: Learner
is to train the machine, while Inferencer
is to produce the inferenced data stream.
The Learner
is responsible for the following issues:
- Select suitable optimizer and learning-rate scheduler for the machine;
- Select suitable model-selection strategy to select the best machine;
- Batch the data stream for efficiency operation on GPU;
- Select suitable distributed training strategy;
- Run the training loop using above strategies and produce the final machine.
The Inferencer
is responsible for the following issues:
- Batch the data stream for efficiency operation on GPU;
- Select suitable distributed inferencing strategy;
- Run the inference procedure of machine on the input stream to produce the inferenced data stream.
Although it seems that the operators involve so many strategies, these strategies are largely reusable and can be pre-defined.
User can just select and combine them to form an operator for themselves. TripMaster
provides a base class TMLearner
for learning. We can implement our own leaner for mnist easily by setting the optimizer and lr scheduler as follows.
from tripmaster.core.components.operator.supervise import TMSuperviseLearner
class MnistLearner(TMSuperviseLearner):
Optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam
LRScheduler =
also provides a base class TMInferencer
for inference, which can be directly used without
implementing another class. Strategies except the optimizer and lr scheduler are internal implemented
and can be configured by configuration files.
Furthermore, TripMaster
also provide default
operators for convinence: TMDefaultLearner
and TMDefaultInferencer
. In this simple app, we use the default
System assembles the components to work together. The System
component considers following issues:
- Define all types of basic components in this system:
, andOperatorType
; - Define the connection components, including modelers and contracts, to connect these basic components;
We define following system for our simple app. In this case, we do not involve any connection component, since the schemas of the basic components has already satisfied each other.
from tripmaster.core.components.operator.supervise import TMSuperviseInferencer
from tripmaster.core.system.system import TMSystem
class ImageClassificationSystem(TMSuperviseSystem):
TaskType = ImageClassificationTask
Task2ProblemContract = {"image": "tensor"}
ProblemType = TensorClassificationProblem
MachineType = Tensor2DClassificationMachine
class ImageClassificationLearningSystem(ImageClassificationSystem):
OperatorType = MnistLearner
class ImageClassificationInferenceSystem(ImageClassificationSystem):
OperatorType = TMSuperviseInferencer
provide the data stream concept concerning following issues:
- How to express the multiple-parts of complex data set;
- How to assign different roles ( learning, evaluation, or inference) for each part of the data set;
and TMDataChannel
is proposed to address the issue. TMDataChannel
is to express a part of
the data set, containing a list/iterator of samples. TMDataStream
contains a group of data channel, and assign the roles
of each data channel.
In our app, the data set is separated into three part training
, development
, and testing
, with corresponding roles
, evaluation
, inference
. The data with role learning
will be used for training; the data with role
will be evaluated and the performance on those data will be output; the data with role
is for inferencer operator to output the inferenced data stream.
Our data stream is defined as follows:
from import TMDataStream, TMDataLevel
from import split_dataset
import random
class MnistDataStream(TMDataStream):
def __init__(self, hyper_params, states=None):
super().__init__(hyper_params, level=TMDataLevel.Task, states=states)
if states is not None:
import paddle
from import ToTensor
train_dataset = [{"image": image, "label": label}
for image, label in'train', transform=ToTensor())]
test_dataset = [{"image": image, "label": label}
for image, label in'test', transform=ToTensor())]
ratio = self.hyper_params.training_ratio
train_dataset, dev_dataset = split_dataset(train_dataset, [ratio, 1 - ratio])
self["train"] = train_dataset
self["dev"] = dev_dataset
self["test"] = test_dataset
self.learn_channels = ['train']
self.eval_channels = ['dev', 'test']
self.inference_channels = ['test']
Note that TripMaster
requires each sample be a dictionary, so above code convert (image, label)
pairs into dictionary.
The application feed the input to the system, and then receive the output of the system.
We define our learning application as follows:
from import TMStandaloneApp
from import TMOfflineInputStream
class MnistInputStream(TMOfflineInputStream):
DataStreamType = MnistDataStream
class MnistLearningApplication(TMStandaloneApp):
InputStreamType = MnistInputStream
SystemType = ImageClassificationLearningSystem
We define our inferencing application as follows:
from import TMStandaloneApp
from import TMOfflineOutputStream
class MnistInferenceApplication(TMStandaloneApp):
InputStreamType = MnistInputStream
OutputStreamType = TMOfflineOutputStream
SystemType = ImageClassificationInferenceSystem
To configure the system and application, we write following config file:
training_ratio: 0.9
save: True
path: ${job.startup_path}/mnist.inference.pkl
type: local
ray_tune: false
testing: False
sample_num: 16
epoch_num: 3
type: fixed_size
batch_size: 16
drop_last: False
distributed: "no"
worker_num: 0 # load data using multi-process
pin_memory: false
timeout: 0
resource_allocation_range: 10000
drop_last: False
cpu_per_trial: 4
cpus: 4
gpu_per_trial: 0
gpus: 0
inferencing_memory_limit: 60000
learning_memory_limit: 25000
type: tableprint
tableprint: { }
save: True
path: ${job.startup_path}/mnist.system.pkl
load: False
image_size: [28, 28]
channel1: 32
channel2: 64
conv_kernel: 3
pool_kernel: 2
dropout1: 0.25
dropout2: 0.5
ff_dim: 128
class_num: 10
epochs: 3
lr: 1e-3
gamma: 0.8
gradient_clip_val: 1
stage: "machine"
channel: "dev"
metric: "label.precision"
better: "max"
save_prefix: "best"
trigger_at_begin: False
evaluate_only: False
interval: 1
epoch_interval: -1
We write the app launch code as follows:
import click
@click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True, allow_extra_args=True))
@click.argument("operator", type=click.Choice(("learning", "inference")),
def run(operator):
# deterministic(seed=0)
if operator == "learning":
else: # operator == "inference":
if __name__ == "__main__":
We run the learning app with following command:
python learning --conf mnist_config.yaml --experiment learning_mnist
and the inference app with following command
python inference --conf mnist_config.yaml --experiment inference_mnist
Furthermore, we can visualize the structure of the system by:
python learning --contract