To contribute to ABCredit.jl, feel free to:
- Submit modifications to the code or documentation via a pull request.
- Identify bugs and offer suggestions in the issues section of the project's GitHub page.
- Get in touch directly with one of the authors to disccuss ideas on possible applications and developments.
Thank you for your time!
To make sure that the code is still working after you modify it, you can run all tests by executing julia --project=. test/runtests.jl
To preview changes to the documentation, you can build it locally using the script in docs/make.jl.
This requires the Documenter package, which you can install by executing import Pkg; Pkg.add("Documenter")
in a REPL session. Then, build the documentation by executing julia --project=. docs/make.jl
from a terminal. This will buil the new documentation within the build/ sub directory.