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ciinabox Jenkins



Docker run ciinabox jenkins server

create a ciinabox docker machine

$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory=2048 --virtualbox-cpu-count=2 ciinabox

configure docker to use the ciinabox machine

$ eval "$(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env ciinabox)"

Run ciinabox Jenkins test

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating ciinaboxjenkins_jenkins-docker-slave_1
Creating ciinaboxjenkins_jenkins_1

Running the example ciinabox Jenkins configuration

Create a symlink to your ciinaboxes directory for example

$ ln -s ciinaboxes.example ciinaboxes

Ensure the example ciinabox jenkins url matches you

$ docker-machine ip ciinabox
$ cat ciinaboxes/example/jenkins/jobs.yml
#ciinabox jenkins config


From the ciinabox-jenkins directory run.

$ ./gradlew jenkins -Dciinabox=example -Dusername=ciinabox -Dpassword=ciinabox

:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE

processing job: Example-Pull-Request
Processing provided DSL script
example - created
example/Example-Pull-Request - created

processing job: Example-Branch-With-Artifact-Archive
Processing provided DSL script
example - updated
example/Example-Branch-With-Artifact-Archive - created

processing job: Example-Branch-With-Copy-Artifact-No-SCM
Processing provided DSL script
example - updated
example/Example-Branch-With-Copy-Artifact-No-SCM - created


Total time: 53.205 secs

This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:

open in a browser and confirm the example job have been loaded correctly

Command line options and CLI behaviour

Specify job file or job to be published

By default all jobs are published.

If you want to specify single job, or multiple jobs matching pattern, use -Djob=$jobname E.g. -Djob=Deploy-* will provision all with name starting with Deploy-

If you want to specify single job file, use -Djobfile=$jobfile[.yml]

Lock manually updated jobs, and override them forcibly

If you want ciinabox-jenkins utility to skip some of the jobs you may have manually updated on remote Jenkins server (but haven't updated DSL), you can mark this job as "dirty" by setting any of following scripts as job description


Dirty check is performed in case-insensitive style meaning that e.g. 'ciinabox skip' will mark job as dirty just as good as 'CIINABOX SKIP'

However, if you want to override this behaviour of ciinabox-jenkins utility, you may do so by passing system property -DoverrideDirtyJobs=true to gradle task

example 1 - With dirty job skipped

$ ./gradlew jenkins -Dusername=ciinabox -Dciinabox=example -Dciinaboxes=ciinaboxes.example -Durl=http://localhost:8080 -Djob=MultipleBitbucketSCMJob -Dpassword=ciinabox
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE

Loading jobs from file: /Users/username/ciinabox-jenkins/ciinaboxes.example/example/jenkins/dsl-reference-jobs.yml
using jenkins url: http://localhost:8080/
Validating plugin slack version 2.2 against constraint  >=  2.2 ... 
Validating plugin ghprb version 1.37.0 against constraint  >=  1.33.2 ... 
using jenkins url: http://localhost:8080/

processing job: dsl-doc/MultipleBitbucketSCMJob
Processing provided DSL script
dsl-doc - updated
dsl-doc/MultipleBitbucketSCMJob -  skipped due dirty marker don't update with ciinabox (as job description)
CIINABOX HINT: use -DoverrideDirtyJobs=true property to override job dsl-doc/MultipleBitbucketSCMJob


Total time: 7.347 secs

example 2 - With dirty job overwritten

$ ./gradlew jenkins -Dusername=ciinabox -Dciinabox=example -Dciinaboxes=ciinaboxes.example -Durl=http://localhost:8080 -Djob=MultipleBitbucketSCMJob -Dpassword=ciinabox -DoverrideDirtyJobs=true 
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE

Loading jobs from file: /Users/username/ciinabox-jenkins/ciinaboxes.example/example/jenkins/dsl-reference-jobs.yml
using jenkins url: http://localhost:8080/
Validating plugin slack version 2.2 against constraint  >=  2.2 ... 
Validating plugin ghprb version 1.37.0 against constraint  >=  1.33.2 ... 
using jenkins url: http://localhost:8080/

processing job: dsl-doc/MultipleBitbucketSCMJob
Processing provided DSL script
dsl-doc - updated
dsl-doc/MultipleBitbucketSCMJob - updated


Total time: 7.742 secs

Jenkins plugin constraints

Any features of these CLI depending on Jenkins plugin, or plugin version should be defined in src/main/resources/plugin_limits.yml

./gradlew jenkins task will fail by default if constraints are not satisfied. To ignore failed cnstraint checks use -Dignore-version-constraints=true option when running gradle task

Comparing local scripts with remote ones

./gradlew jobsScriptCompare task will download all scripts specified as execute script step on configured jenkins jobs. Report on script diff is printed to standard output. jobsScriptCompare task accepts same switches as jenkins task






output example:

processing job: Backup-EBS-Production
Processing provided DSL script
Script #0 identical on remote and local dsl 
Script #1 identical on remote and local dsl 

processing job: Backup-RDS-Production
Processing provided DSL script
Difference in script #0 in DSL and on remote. 

Local  L#  36:|
 #   TODO: check whatever we are in backup window for DB instance. If so, automated backup to copy from may not be available and user should be notified
Remote L#  36:|

Job DSL Reference

Ciinabox Jenkins jobs are defined in yaml files. To specify yaml being used, use -Djobfile=<filename> switch. By default all jobs matching following path are used:


Alternatively you can specify single job from yaml file using ``-Djob=$jobnameswitch. All examples from this reference file can be found inciinaboxes.example/example/jenkins/dsl-reference-jobs.yml` file.

Job Definition

Job name & Job Folder

Only property required to define job is name property. E.G:

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: MyJobName

 - name: MyJobName2
   folder: MyFolder

Configuration above will create two jobs, respectively named MyJobName and MyJobName2 within 'MyFolder'


If you want to add description to job, you can do so via 'description' property. If not, job name is used as job description.

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: MyJobWithDescription
   folder: MyFolder
   description: My Job Description

Build Parameters

To specify build parameters use parameters property. Parameters element is map of parameter definitions. Map key is used as parameter name, upper cased, while for map values there are two options

  • Default value. If true or false are specified, parameter shall be provisioned as boolean parameter, presented as checkbox on Jenkins UI
  • List of values.
  • Map defining parameter. default, options, description are available keys for the map. If dropdown select is desired as parameter input, options key should be used, providing list of available options. default defines default value, while description will give pretty info on parameter role and usage to Jenkins end user
jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: MyJobWithParameters
   folder: dsl-doc
     param1: value1                                        # default value is 'value1'
     param2: ''                                            # no default value
     deployment: true                                      # Boolean parameters have true / false value
     deploymentEnvironment:                                # Choice parameter
       - dev
       - stage
       - prod

 - name: MyJobWithParametersDefinedAsMap
   folder: dsl-doc
   parameters:                                            # Define parameters as map of maps
     param1:                                              # Parameter name will be uppercased
       default: true                                      # Default value
       description: 'Deploy artifact?'                    # Parameter description

       description: 'If no default value provided, empty string shall be used'

       options:                                           # Define options for choice parameter
        - option1
        - option2
        - option3
       description: 'Use dropdown form to select value for CHOICE_PARAM'


To restrict on which node specific job can be executed, use labels job property

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: MyLabeledJob
     - MavenBuild

Discarding old builds

You can define rotation of job data, either by giving number of days to keep builds (artifacts) or number of builds (artifacts) to keep

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: JobWith10BuildsKept
   folder: RotationExample
     buildsToKeep: 10        # Store latest 10 builds

 - name: JobWith10ArtifactsKept
   folder: RotationExample
     artifactBuildsToKeep: 10   #Store latest 10 artifacts

 - name: JobWithBuildsKept10Days
   folder: RotationExample
     daysToKeep: 10           # Store builds for 10 days

 - name: JobWithArtifactsKept10Days
   folder: RotationExample
     artifactDaysToKeep: 10           # Store artifacts for 10 days

Parallel builds

To allow multiple builds of your job running in parallel, use concurrentBuild job property

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: ParallelJob
   concurrentBuild: true

Copy artifacts from other jobs

Source Code Repository


In order to use any Git repository accessible via Jenkins as code repo, git property is available

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: GenericGitBuild
     credentials: myGitCreds                                # Credentials with 'myGitCreds' are required in Jenkins credentials store
     url:                    # Github is used only as an example, can by any git repo
     branch: feature/new-hot-feature                        # Branch name
     repo_target_dir: appcode                               # Checkout in workspace sub-directory

 - name: GenericGitBuildWithRefspec
     url:         # Public repo - credentials property is not required
     branch: tags/v2.0.4                                    # Build specific tag

Github Repository

Ciinabox Jenkins utility makes it easy to work with Github, and assumes github as default code repository

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

# Defaults section applies to all jobs being provisioned in single run
    protocol: ssh                                           # ssh or https
    credentials: my-gh-creds                                # Not required for public repos, this should
                                                            # be ID of Jenkins credentials
 - name: CiinaboxGithub
   folder: dsl-doc
   repo: base2Services/ciinabox                             # GitHub repo, with owner
   branch: master                                           # Branch to build

Depending on type of protocol being used, you may want to specify either a private key or username/password key when creating credentials (my-gh-creds) in example above Also, if checkout and subdirectory of workspaces is required, you can achieve this using repo_target_dir element (as in example below for multiple github repositories)

Multiple GitHub repositories (MultiSCM plugin)

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080
# Defaults section applies to all jobs being provisioned in single run
    protocol: http                                          # ssh or https
                                                            # be ID of Jenkins credentials
 - name: Ciinabox-MultipleGithub
   folder: dsl-doc
   github:                                                 # Multiple GitHub repos defined as list
     repo: base2Services/ciinabox-jenkins                  # GitHub repo, with owner
     branch: master                                        # Branch to build
     repo_target_dir: jenkins                              # Sub-folder to checkout
     repo: base2Services/ciinabox-pipelines
     branch: master
     repo_target_dir: pipelines

Github Pull Request Builder

If you want your project build on opened PR on Github, just omit branch part in above's configuration and your job will be triggered upon pull request with Github Pull Request Builder plugin All of regular commands(comments) on PR should work if your Jenkins installation is setup properly for GitHub web hooks. More info can be found on plugin's page

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

# Defaults section applies to all jobs being provisioned in single run
    protocol: ssh                                           # ssh or https
    credentials: my-gh-creds                                # Not required for public repos, this should
                                                            # be ID of Jenkins credentials

 - name: CiinaboxGithub-PullRequest
   folder: dsl-doc
   repo: base2Services/ciinabox                             # GitHub repo, with owner

Bitbucket Repository

For triggering bitbucket builds, you can either poll the SCM, or start the build via webhook. Both approaches can be seen in example below

jenkins_url: http://localhost:8080/

 - name: BitbucketJob
   folder: dsl-doc
     push: true                                             # Trigger build upon BB push
     cron: "* * * * *"                                      # Poll SCM for changes
     repo: nlstevenen/java-experimenting-with-java-8-features # BB repo to pull sources from
     branch: master                                         # Which branch to build if omitted pull request builder is configured
     repo_target_dir: app_code                              # Checkout in workspace sub-folder
     credentials: my-bb-creds                               # Credentials to use for authorization with BitBucket
     pr_cron : "* * * * *"                                  # Pull request builder, defaults to every minute
     commentTrigger : "test this please"                    # Pull request builder re-test comment, defaults to 'retest this please'
     ciKey          : "jenkins"                             # CI Key for pull request builder, defaults to 'jenkins'
     ciName         : "Jenkins"                             # CI name for pull request builder, defaults to 'Jenkins'
     approveIfSuccess: true                                 # for pull request builder, defaults to true
     cancelOutdatedJobs: false                              # for pull request builder, defaults to false
     checkDestinationCommit: false                          # for pull request builder, defaults to false

Bitbucket pull request builder

If you want job to triggered via bitbucket pull requests, just configure bitbucket block without branch key

Multi-SCM for bitbucket

With BitBucket SCM provider and Multiple SCM plugin for Jenkins ( you can use multiple SCMs, just define bitbucket element as list. Multi-SCM does not support pull rquest builder or push web hooks as trigger, as it is non-deterministic which repo should be observed

 - name: MultipleBitbucketSCMJob
   folder: dsl-doc
   bitbucket:                                              # You can define multiple SCMs for bitbucket, each checked in
                                                           # in it's own repository
        repo: atlassian/asap-java
        branch: master
        repo_target_dir: app_code
        repo: atlassian/docker-atlassian-bitbucket-server
        branch: master
        repo_target_dir: containers
     - script: "mkdir -p $HOME/.m2/repository && cd app_code && docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app -v $HOME/.m2:/var/maven/.m2 base2/maven install"    # Use docker to build application
     - script: "cd containers && docker build -t atlassian/bitbucket . "                 # Build docker image

Storing and retrieving artifacts

For storing artifacts use archive key, which aceepts wildcards. For retrieving artifacts stored in other jobs use artifacts key. You can specify jobs either with wildcard filter, or by specifying every one of them. In case of using wildcard, -Djob=$jobName switch won't work as expected, as all dependant jobs need to be published in same batch.

 - name: JobToCopyArtifactFrom1
   folder: dsl-doc
   shell:                                                  # Execute shell script as build step
    - script: "echo 'test' > resultsjob1.txt"             # Add some text to txt file
    - resultsjob1.txt                                     # Archive text file as result

 - name: JobToCopyArtifactFrom2
   folder: dsl-doc
   shell:                                                  # Execute shell script as build step
    - script: "echo 'test' > resultsjob2.txt"             # Add some text to txt file
    - resultsjob2.txt                                     # Archive text file as result

 - name: JobToCopyArtifactFrom3
   folder: dsl-doc
   shell:                                                  # Execute shell script as build step
    - script: "echo 'test' > resultsjob3.txt"             # Add some text to txt file
    - script: "echo 'test' > resultsjob3extended.txt"             # Add some text to txt file
#    - resultsjob3.txt                                     # Archive text file as result
    - resultsjob3extended.txt

 - name: JobToCopyArtifactsToWildstar
   folder: dsl-doc
    - job: JobToCopyArtifactFrom*                         # You can use wildcard '*' when specifying job,
                                                          # though you'll need to publish all jobs in single Jenkins Run when using wildcard
                                                          # as wildcard matching is done on client side, and is not part of Jenkins plugin
      file_pattern: "results*.txt"                        # files to include, filter is applied to stored artifacts from matched jobs
      exclude_file_pattern: resultsjob1.txt               # files to exclude, filter is applied to stored artifacts from matched jobs
      optional: true                                      # job won't fail if artifacts is nowhere to be found
    - script: "ls -la results*"

 - name: JobToCopyArtifactsToArray                        # This job will fail, as we have excluded results1.txt, and there are no artifacts
                                                          # to copy from. This can be overriden by specifying optional: true
   folder: dsl-doc
    - job: JobToCopyArtifactFrom1                         # You can specify multiple jobs as an array in artifacts key
      file_pattern: "results*.txt"                        # files to include, filter is applied to stored artifacts from job key
      exclude_file_pattern: resultsjob1.txt               # files to exclude, filter is applied to stored artifacts from job key

    - job: JobToCopyArtifactFrom2
      file_pattern: "results*.txt"

    - script: "ls -la results*"

Build Triggers


To trigger builds using cron expression, use cron property

job: MyFolder/MyCronJob
cronTrigger: */5 * * * *   ## Runs every 5 minutes

Build Environment

Shell scripts


    - script: 'mvn clean install'

From file

    - file: 'scripts/application/'

From multiple files

End user should use multifile key. In example below application secrets are being delete by first logging into secret stash store, and then deleting keys themselves.

  - name: Delete-Application-Secrets
          - alpha
          - dev
          - prod
        description: 'Secret stash account'

        default: microservices-project
        description: 'Name of project for which secrets are being altered'

        default: ''
        description: 'Name of secret key to remove'

      - multifile:
         - scripts/common/
         - scripts/secretmgmt/

Pipeline jobs

To publish job using pipeline groovy file, just point to file within pipeline configuraiton key. Also, file is relative to defaults/scripts_dir directory

 - name: PipelineJob
   folder: dsl-doc
      description: 'Demo params in a pipeline'
      default: 'default key1 value'
     file: pipelines/helloworld.groovy

Publishing Junit results

Use junit element to set path to published junit xml results

 ## Publishing JUnit results

 - name: TestJavaLib
   folder: dsl-doc
   repo: workshopforci/DemoJUnit
   branch: master
      # Execute maven tests in docker maven container
    - script: "docker run --rm -w /src -v $PWD:/src -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 maven:3.5.0-alpine mvn test"
   junit: "target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml"