Kek it easy.
Kekas is a simple tool for training neural networks on Pytorch.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible.
pip install kekas
Kekas use library for mixed precision training, so follow the installation instructions from its repo.
- Awesome name
- Mixed Precision (FP16)
- Learning Rate Finder
- One Cycle policy
- Tensoboard logging
- Best checkpoints saving
- Early stopping
- Freeze / unfreeze
- Easy customization
I don't beieve in quick start guides, I think that they create more questions than answers.
Instead, I've created a detailed Tutorial notebook. Read it.
Just contribute something good and don't contribute anything bad.
If you find this library useful for your research, please consider citing:
@misc{aleksandr belskikh_2019,
author = {Aleksandr Belskikh},
title = {{kekas: Just another DL library}},
month = dec,
year = 2019,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2577861},
version = {0.1.23},
publisher = {Zenodo},
url = {},