slideOptions | ||||
- Essential
- Open research problems:
$\exists f: y'=f(x)$ s.t.$||y, y'|| < \epsilon$
- Open research problems:
- Accidental
- Compute resources
- Dependency management
- Syntax/semantics
- Reproducibility
- Solve a problem once (DRY)
- If you need to do it 2+ times, automate
- If it can't be automated, it's a waste of time
- Use tools that grant you full control/freedom
- Principle of least surprise
- Runs anywhere
Reproducible research $\rightarrow$ you get to focus on essential complexity (the stuff you're here for)
- "But it works on my laptop"
- "Dear X, when trying to make your code work, ..."
- Requesting 4xGPUs on a cluster, waiting for 2 days in the queue, only to have the job crash because numpy compiled versions mismatch
- Having to write a 3-page README on how to make your code work
- Your code works on Mondays, but otherwise it doesn't. Or maybe it does.
- "Dear helpdesk, I need X and it works on my workstation but not in your cluster"
- Reviewer 2: "Can you try x=2?"
- We tried, and failed, and also now x=1 doesn't work anymore in Python 3.7+.
- Create it once, run
$+\infty$ semantics - 100% freedom (you're root)
- Read only (so no surprises)
- If you don't change it, it never changes.
- 1-1 compatible with Docker / Open Container Image (OCI)
- Does the heavy lifting for you
- Easily automated
- Instructions to reproduce are
./myimage.sif --args
You create using recipes (simple text files)
singularity build myimage.sif myrecipe.def
Why not reuse what others have built ?
singularity pull image.sif docker://
Bootstrap: docker ## Source: docker, shub, yum debootstrap, localimage, ...
From: fedora:35 ## Tag + version
%files ## If you need to include data/code
localdir/localfile containerdir/containerfile
%post ## Your instructions to tweak
dnf install -y wget openssh-clients git g++
cd /opt && git clone<you>/yourcode
chmod u+x /opt/yourcode/
export LC_ALL=C
/opt/yourcode/ "$@" # Pass CLI args to script
singularity exec myimage.sif python -c 'import torch'
singularity run myimage.sif
or shorter
You can open a shell inside the container
singularity shell myimage.sif
Singulartiy> python
>>>import torch
Changing the recipe line by line and rebuilding is boring and time consuming.
mkdir mydir
singularity build --sandbox mydir/ myrecipe.def
singularity --shell --writeable mydir/ # Container = folders
Fix and rebuild
dnf install python3 <CTRL-D>
singularity build myimage.sif mydir/
Ideally, you copy the fixes to your recipe, don't share modified containers.
singularity build --section environment ...
singularity build baseline.sif baseline.def
mkdir test && singularity build --sandbox test
singularity shell --writable test
Singularity> Fix line 15
# Fixed.def
Bootstrap localimage
From baseline.sif
line15 fixed
singularity build fixed.sif fixed.def
Sometimes you just need write access, for example, debugging, logging, history, ...
singularity image.create overlay.img
singularity shell --overlay overlay.img container.img
Any changes you write are saved in overlay.img
singularity shell container.img ## All is forgotten
rm -rf /opt/mymodule/logs # Code will try to write to this
ln -s /tmp /opt/mymodule/logs # This WILL leak potentially private info
singularity overlay create --help
By default Singularity accesses your $HOME
only. Grant it more access by mounting
singularity shell --bind /localscratch2:/localspace myimage.simg
If the source and target are the same (name)
singularity shell -B /project myimage.simg
singularity shell -B /project:/project myimage.simg
[--bind|-B] source1[,source2]:target
export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="source:target"
You can automate building at Sylabs (free)
singularity remote login
singularity build --remote ...
Github Actions/CircleCI can do this for you as well (if you need more resources)
Your ~/.bashrc
, module load X
, conda activate
and other running systems pollute your environment in ways you may not want to pollute to your container.
singularity <cmd> -e myimage.sif
Note that this also unsets $USER, so ymmv.
singularity inspect -e myimage.sif
singularity shell -e myimage.sif
Note: $SLURM_{X} variables are passed with your env. If you set -e, then you'll likely lose them in the container.
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu
%apprun app1
exec echo "One"
%appinstall foo
exec /opt/
%apprun app2
exec echo "Two"
%appinstall foo
exec /opt/
singularity run --app app1
singularity <cmd> --nv <image>
When your image / definition file is hosted on insecure storage
singularity build --passphrase encrypted.sif encrypted.def
singularity run --passphrase encrypted.sif encrypted.def
To prevent MITM attacks you can verify images (and sign them)
singularity verify [-all] image.sif
singularity key newpair # Gen new PEM keys
singularity key search thisuser
singularity sign [-all] myimage.sif
salloc --mem=32GB --account=X --cpus-per-task=8 --time=3:00:00 --gres=gpu:1
module purge
module load cuda
module load singularity
if [[ "$SLURM_TMPDIR" ]]; then export STMP=$SLURM_TMPDIR; else export STMP="/scratch/$USER"; fi
mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
singularity pull image.sif docker://
singularity exec --nv -B /scratch image.sif python -c 'import torch'
- Do not pull/build on login nodes
- Don't pull inside compute jobs, pull once, then keep it local
- The default singularity cache is $HOME, always override this
- 8 cores: Singularity will (de)compress heavily using 8-9 cores, so give it what it needs
singularity build image.sif image.def
FATAL: You must be the root user, however you can use --remote or --fakeroot to build from a Singularity recipe file
singularity build --fakeroot image.sif image.def
cat /etc/subuid | grep $USER
Fakeroot remaps user and group ids so you (normal user) are mapped to root in the container. This needs explicit support on the host and configuration.
--fix-perms # = chmod rwX****** for all content
mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
--contain # Restricts access to filesystem
--workdir # working directory to be used for /tmp,/var/tmp and $HOME
vi /etc/singularity/singularity.conf
SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=. # layers, docker, shub cache
SINGULARITY_PULLFOLDE=. # Pulled images go here
SINGULARITY_LOCALCACHEDIR= # Non persistent (runtime) cache
singularity cache [list, clean]
BootStrap: docker
From: nvcio:pytorch
dnf install -y vtk-devel gcc
BootStrap: shub
From: mylabimage:latest # Torch + vtk + gcc
wget matlab-runtime.tgz && tar -xf
BootStrap: shub
From: mylabimage_matlab:latest # Torch + vtk + gcc + matla
dnf -y install julia
Singularity gives you 100% control, so you you can specialize/optimize.
Example pipeline with Julia (1 cell = 2000x2000x70x3)
- Without Singularity: 100s/cell
- With Singularity: 10s/cell
- With Singularity optimized: 1s/cell
Precompile your code ahead of time (Numba), install tuned versions of libraries, strip libraries, use static images
- base image (stable deps, torch, np)
- writeable overlay for moving deps
- -B mycode:mycode for mounted code
base + dependencies + code in image
image automated with CircleCI/Travis/SingHub/Docker/...
Image +
- app "train"
- app "inference"
- app "relatedwork"
- thesis
- ...
{dnf|apt} -y update
is also a fun way to lose a weekend- Linux Kernel does not break userspace
- User space breaks userspace all the time