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Refocusing on Research with Singularity/Apptainer

Ben Cardoen
Medical Image Analysis Research Group
Simon Fraser University


  • Essential
    • Open research problems: $\exists f: y'=f(x)$ s.t. $||y, y'|| &lt; \epsilon$
  • Accidental
    • Compute resources
    • Dependency management
    • Syntax/semantics
    • Reproducibility

Minimizing Accidental Complexity

  • Solve a problem once (DRY)
    • If you need to do it 2+ times, automate
    • If it can't be automated, it's a waste of time
  • Use tools that grant you full control/freedom
  • Principle of least surprise
  • Runs anywhere
Reproducible research $\rightarrow$ you get to focus on essential complexity (the stuff you're here for)
You compete with other researchers for resources.

In other words, you want to avoid:

  • "But it works on my laptop"
  • "Dear X, when trying to make your code work, ..."
  • Requesting 4xGPUs on a cluster, waiting for 2 days in the queue, only to have the job crash because numpy compiled versions mismatch
  • Having to write a 3-page README on how to make your code work
  • Your code works on Mondays, but otherwise it doesn't. Or maybe it does.
  • "Dear helpdesk, I need X and it works on my workstation but not in your cluster"
  • Reviewer 2: "Can you try x=2?"
    • We tried, and failed, and also now x=1 doesn't work anymore in Python 3.7+.


An environment that offers

  • Create it once, run $+\infty$ semantics
  • 100% freedom (you're root)
  • Read only (so no surprises)
    • If you don't change it, it never changes.
  • 1-1 compatible with Docker / Open Container Image (OCI)
  • Does the heavy lifting for you
  • Easily automated
  • Instructions to reproduce are ./myimage.sif --args

Creating Containers

You create using recipes (simple text files)

singularity build myimage.sif myrecipe.def
You may need sudo to do this
If it works in a bash script/command line, it's a recipe

Creating Containers

Why not reuse what others have built ?

singularity pull image.sif docker://
NVidia has an entire library of docker images
Singularity runs 1-1 with Docker

Your own recipe

Bootstrap: docker            ## Source: docker, shub, yum debootstrap, localimage, ...
From: fedora:35              ## Tag + version
%files                       ## If you need to include data/code
    localdir/localfile    containerdir/containerfile

%post                        ## Your instructions to tweak
    dnf install -y wget openssh-clients git g++
    cd /opt && git clone<you>/yourcode
    chmod u+x /opt/yourcode/

    export LC_ALL=C

    /opt/yourcode/ "$@" # Pass CLI args to script

Running containers

Executing commands

singularity exec myimage.sif python -c 'import torch'

Executing predefined scripts

singularity run myimage.sif

or shorter


Interactive use

You can open a shell inside the container

singularity shell myimage.sif
Singulartiy> python
>>>import torch

Interactively building/debugging

Changing the recipe line by line and rebuilding is boring and time consuming.

mkdir mydir
singularity build --sandbox mydir/ myrecipe.def
singularity --shell --writeable mydir/           # Container = folders

Fix and rebuild

dnf install python3 <CTRL-D>
singularity build myimage.sif mydir/

Ideally, you copy the fixes to your recipe, don't share modified containers.

What if I only changed the %environment, do I need to rebuild it all?
singularity build --section environment ...

Debugging builds

My recipe dies at line 15 of %post and a rebuild = 15mins
1.Create a recipe minus line 15 baseline.sif
singularity build baseline.sif baseline.def
2. Create an interative container
mkdir test && singularity build --sandbox test
singularity shell --writable test
Singularity> Fix line 15
3. Fix your definition file (but not from scratch)
# Fixed.def
Bootstrap localimage
From      baseline.sif
    line15 fixed
singularity build fixed.sif fixed.def

Writing in read only containers?

Sometimes you just need write access, for example, debugging, logging, history, ...

Use writable overlays
singularity image.create overlay.img
singularity shell --overlay overlay.img container.img

Any changes you write are saved in overlay.img.

singularity shell container.img  ## All is forgotten
Symlinking can be a workaround
    rm -rf /opt/mymodule/logs     # Code will try to write to this
    ln -s /tmp /opt/mymodule/logs # This WILL leak potentially private info
singularity overlay create --help


By default Singularity accesses your $HOME only. Grant it more access by mounting

singularity shell --bind /localscratch2:/localspace myimage.simg

If the source and target are the same (name)

singularity shell -B /project myimage.simg
singularity shell -B /project:/project myimage.simg
[--bind|-B] source1[,source2]:target
Using a runscript ENVs are easier
export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="source:target"
If overlay is configured target does not need to exist, otherwise it needs to be an empty directory


You can automate building at Sylabs (free)

singularity remote login
singularity build --remote ...

Github Actions/CircleCI can do this for you as well (if you need more resources)


Your ~/.bashrc, module load X, conda activate and other running systems pollute your environment in ways you may not want to pollute to your container.

Running with clean environment
singularity <cmd> -e myimage.sif

Note that this also unsets $USER, so ymmv.

Checking what a container defines
singularity inspect -e myimage.sif


singularity shell -e myimage.sif
Note: $SLURM_{X} variables are passed with your env. If you set -e, then you'll likely lose them in the container.


What if you want to run multiple applications with your environment?
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu
%apprun app1
    exec echo "One"

%appinstall foo
   exec /opt/

%apprun app2
    exec echo "Two"

%appinstall foo
    exec /opt/
Using apps
singularity run --app app1

(Multi) GPU

singularity <cmd> --nv <image>
If you need to control which GPUs are visible
For newest versions works directly with NV Container layers

Encryption & Signing


When your image / definition file is hosted on insecure storage

singularity build --passphrase encrypted.sif encrypted.def
singularity run --passphrase encrypted.sif encrypted.def

To prevent MITM attacks you can verify images (and sign them)

singularity verify [-all] image.sif
Generating keys
singularity key newpair # Gen new PEM keys
Finding keys
singularity key search thisuser
Signing keys
singularity sign [-all] myimage.sif

Bringing it all together -- Cedar example

salloc --mem=32GB --account=X --cpus-per-task=8 --time=3:00:00 --gres=gpu:1
module purge
module load cuda
module load singularity
if [[ "$SLURM_TMPDIR" ]]; then export STMP=$SLURM_TMPDIR; else export STMP="/scratch/$USER"; fi
mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
singularity pull image.sif docker://
singularity exec --nv -B /scratch image.sif python -c 'import torch'
  • Do not pull/build on login nodes
  • Don't pull inside compute jobs, pull once, then keep it local
  • The default singularity cache is $HOME, always override this
  • 8 cores: Singularity will (de)compress heavily using 8-9 cores, so give it what it needs


singularity build image.sif image.def
FATAL:   You must be the root user, however you can use --remote or --fakeroot to build from a Singularity recipe file
Instead try
singularity build --fakeroot image.sif image.def
Checking programmatically if this is allowed to work:
cat /etc/subuid | grep $USER
Should list something like


Fakeroot remaps user and group ids so you (normal user) are mapped to root in the container. This needs explicit support on the host and configuration.
This will only work in restricted scenarios


Exclude stale files
Fix pull errors from Docker
Allow overwriting existing images
When permissions go haywire
--fix-perms # = chmod rwX****** for all content
I get a /tmp error and run out of space but I have enough space
mkdir -p $STMP/singularity/{cache,tmp}
When you want 100% isolation
--contain # Restricts access to filesystem
Used with
--workdir # working directory to be used for /tmp,/var/tmp and $HOME

Singularity configuration details

vi /etc/singularity/singularity.conf
ENV vars
SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=. # layers, docker, shub cache
SINGULARITY_PULLFOLDE=. # Pulled images go here
SINGULARITY_LOCALCACHEDIR= # Non persistent (runtime) cache
Ask Singularity
singularity cache [list, clean]

Stacking Layers

Reuse in layers what you built earlier
Base container base.sif: NVidia PyTorch
Lab environment: add VTK, GCC
BootStrap: docker
From: nvcio:pytorch
    dnf install -y vtk-devel gcc
Project 1 needs Matlab runtime
BootStrap: shub
From: mylabimage:latest # Torch + vtk + gcc

    wget matlab-runtime.tgz && tar -xf
Project 2 needs 1 + Julia
BootStrap: shub
From: mylabimage_matlab:latest # Torch + vtk + gcc + matla
    dnf -y install julia
Remember: Don't repeat yourself, automate, share

Use case: reproducibility can gain you time as well

Singularity gives you 100% control, so you you can specialize/optimize.

Example pipeline with Julia (1 cell = 2000x2000x70x3)

  • Without Singularity: 100s/cell
  • With Singularity: 10s/cell
  • With Singularity optimized: 1s/cell
Your container is 100% free for you to optimize:

Precompile your code ahead of time (Numba), install tuned versions of libraries, strip libraries, use static images

The container is 1 compressed image $\rightarrow$ fastest IO

Example common workflows

- base image (stable deps, torch, np)
- writeable overlay for moving deps
- -B mycode:mycode for mounted code
Deployment to Cedar/Solar/Cluster
base + dependencies + code in image
image automated with CircleCI/Travis/SingHub/Docker/...

Image +
    - app "train"
    - app "inference"
    - app "relatedwork"
    - thesis
    - ...

Best practices

  • Stick to definition files as final product
    • Mutable containers are necessary, but temporary
  • Stick to versions:
    • fedora:35 vs fedora:latest = safe vs roulette
    • {dnf|apt} -y update is also a fun way to lose a weekend
    • Linux Kernel does not break userspace
    • User space breaks userspace all the time
  • Build incrementally
    • Don't have a 3000 line definition file


Singularity docs


DRI Singularity docs

NVidia example on multigpu

Slurm+Cuda example

Setting up Conda + Singularity