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This plugin belongs to a set of plugins for the Datenregister – the non-public CKAN instance that is part of Berlin's open data portal

ckanext-dcatde_berlin pefines a profile dcatap_de that needs to be layered right on top of euro_dcat_ap, as defined in ckanext-dcat.

ckanext-dcatde_berlin draws heavily on ckanext-dcatde, but is separate, because the underlying CKAN schema isn't quite the same, and because ckanext-dcatde_berlin requires the CKAN DB to be converted before it can be used.

The plugin implements the following CKAN interfaces:


This plugin has been tested with CKAN 2.9.5 (which requires Python 3).


This material is copyright © BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH.

This extension is open and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0. Its full text may be found at: