hillfog - KPI, OKR(Objectives and Key Results), PDCA, BSC(Balanced Scorecard) web platform. hillfog is an KPI, OKR, PDCA, BSC web platform. replace old version bambooBSC(https://github.com/billchen198318/bamboobsc) Features: 1. KPI 2. OKR (Objectives and Key Results) 3. PDCA 4. BSC (Balanced Scorecard) how to run hillfog (require JAVA11) java -Xmx512M -jar hillfog-0.4.jar use browser(Chrome or Firefox) open Screenshot: Personal board OKR report OKR report detail view OKRs progress hierarchy view for employee OKRs progress view for organization/department KPI report PDCA report Scorecard report