- closing connections: connections are closed after use. (17d6a78)
- closing-connection: fixed invalid free's on closing connections (c2860e1)
- conns: closing connections (de49a2e)
- dockerfile: update (48c2605)
- free: remove free function for dead connections (8f5651c)
- gzipped-chunks: closes #12 (f423828)
- http-headers: remove redundant CRLF (ce87a4f)
- http-headers: replace with (cd58020)
- http-parsing: parse request in multiple chunks closes #32 (b7a6101)
- include: added missing SSL error include (1877b11)
- invalid-free: fixed invalid free of connection (85e53cc)
- keep-alive: set tcp keep-alive for websockets (closes #37) (09dd68c)
- logging: loggging of websockets and buffer overflow (5c8b16b)
- memory leak: fixed some memory leaks and uninitialized variables. (d709cb7)
- not-found: do not free 404 response twice (6c6d3d1)
- premature-close: fix premature closing connections (0c5c9a8)
- SIGSEGV: fixed sigsegv in http_read_cb_override (911035e)
- ssl: load fullchain in openssl (8756a51)
- tests: unit in dd command based on os (2446a73)
- usage: update usage text (756066f)
- uv_ssl_t: fixed memory issues concerning ssl (e369673)
- writing error: fixed writing error by copying data to buffer (c80f004)
- 502-response: added 502 response for unsuccessful server connection (4972059)
- additional headers: Adding additional http headers to request and response closes #23 (f4e2c70)
- gzip: add gzip configurable mime types inside JSON config (dc0d2a5)
- gzip: added gzip to compress server responses. (90125a0)
- headers: add bproxy version to header (517126a)
- json: replace jsmn JSON parser to cJSON parser (c2daaef)
- logger: add config option to specify log file path (afbd4a8)
- logger: implement logger (3f6beca)
- logging: added logging of requests with response time and status codes (6dbefc0)
- ssl: added basic ssl implementation (84adebe)
- ssl: individual certificate for each host (a7d9c90)
- ssl: listen on two ports to allow simultaneous http and https. (7eb8de6)
- uv_link_t: used uv_link_t with connections closing (67bbcf8)
- uv_link_t: using uv_link_t for communication between client and proxy. (6602e00)
- wildcard: implemented hostname wildcard (82fc997)
- ws: handle websockets (462c9f3)
- closing connections: connections are closed after use. (17d6a78)
- closing-connection: fixed invalid free's on closing connections (c2860e1)
- conns: closing connections (de49a2e)
- dockerfile: update (48c2605)
- free: remove free function for dead connections (8f5651c)
- gzipped-chunks: closes #12 (f423828)
- http-headers: remove redundant CRLF (ce87a4f)
- http-headers: replace with (cd58020)
- http-parsing: parse request in multiple chunks closes #32 (b7a6101)
- keep-alive: set tcp keep-alive for websockets (closes #37) (09dd68c)
- logging: loggging of websockets and buffer overflow (5c8b16b)
- memory leak: fixed some memory leaks and uninitialized variables. (d709cb7)
- not-found: do not free 404 response twice (6c6d3d1)
- premature-close: fix premature closing connections (0c5c9a8)
- SIGSEGV: fixed sigsegv in http_read_cb_override (911035e)
- ssl: load fullchain in openssl (8756a51)
- usage: update usage text (756066f)
- uv_ssl_t: fixed memory issues concerning ssl (e369673)
- writing error: fixed writing error by copying data to buffer (c80f004)
- additional headers: Adding additional http headers to request and response closes #23 (f4e2c70)
- gzip: add gzip configurable mime types inside JSON config (dc0d2a5)
- gzip: added gzip to compress server responses. (90125a0)
- headers: add bproxy version to header (517126a)
- json: replace jsmn JSON parser to cJSON parser (c2daaef)
- logger: add config option to specify log file path (afbd4a8)
- logger: implement logger (3f6beca)
- logging: added logging of requests with response time and status codes (6dbefc0)
- ssl: added basic ssl implementation (84adebe)
- ssl: individual certificate for each host (a7d9c90)
- ssl: listen on two ports to allow simultaneous http and https. (7eb8de6)
- uv_link_t: used uv_link_t with connections closing (67bbcf8)
- uv_link_t: using uv_link_t for communication between client and proxy. (6602e00)
- wildcard: implemented hostname wildcard (82fc997)
- ws: handle websockets (462c9f3)
- closing connections: connections are closed after use. (17d6a78)
- closing-connection: fixed invalid free's on closing connections (c2860e1)
- conns: closing connections (de49a2e)
- dockerfile: update (48c2605)
- free: remove free function for dead connections (8f5651c)
- gzipped-chunks: closes #12 (f423828)
- http-headers: remove redundant CRLF (ce87a4f)
- http-headers: replace with (cd58020)
- http-parsing: parse request in multiple chunks closes #32 (b7a6101)
- logging: loggging of websockets and buffer overflow (5c8b16b)
- memory leak: fixed some memory leaks and uninitialized variables. (d709cb7)
- not-found: do not free 404 response twice (6c6d3d1)
- premature-close: fix premature closing connections (0c5c9a8)
- SIGSEGV: fixed sigsegv in http_read_cb_override (911035e)
- ssl: load fullchain in openssl (8756a51)
- usage: update usage text (756066f)
- uv_ssl_t: fixed memory issues concerning ssl (e369673)
- writing error: fixed writing error by copying data to buffer (c80f004)
- additional headers: Adding additional http headers to request and response closes #23 (f4e2c70)
- gzip: add gzip configurable mime types inside JSON config (dc0d2a5)
- gzip: added gzip to compress server responses. (90125a0)
- headers: add bproxy version to header (517126a)
- json: replace jsmn JSON parser to cJSON parser (c2daaef)
- logger: add config option to specify log file path (afbd4a8)
- logger: implement logger (3f6beca)
- logging: added logging of requests with response time and status codes (6dbefc0)
- ssl: added basic ssl implementation (84adebe)
- ssl: individual certificate for each host (a7d9c90)
- ssl: listen on two ports to allow simultaneous http and https. (7eb8de6)
- uv_link_t: used uv_link_t with connections closing (67bbcf8)
- uv_link_t: using uv_link_t for communication between client and proxy. (6602e00)
- wildcard: implemented hostname wildcard (82fc997)
- ws: handle websockets (462c9f3)
- closing connections: connections are closed after use. (17d6a78)
- conns: closing connections (de49a2e)
- dockerfile: update (48c2605)
- gzipped-chunks: closes #12 (f423828)
- logging: loggging of websockets and buffer overflow (5c8b16b)
- memory leak: fixed some memory leaks and uninitialized variables. (d709cb7)
- not-found: do not free 404 response twice (6c6d3d1)
- usage: update usage text (756066f)
- writing error: fixed writing error by copying data to buffer (c80f004)
- gzip: add gzip configurable mime types inside JSON config (dc0d2a5)
- gzip: added gzip to compress server responses. (90125a0)
- json: replace jsmn JSON parser to cJSON parser (c2daaef)
- logger: add config option to specify log file path (afbd4a8)
- logger: implement logger (3f6beca)
- logging: added logging of requests with response time and status codes (6dbefc0)
- ssl: added basic ssl implementation (84adebe)
- ssl: individual certificate for each host (a7d9c90)
- ssl: listen on two ports to allow simultaneous http and https. (7eb8de6)
- uv_link_t: used uv_link_t with connections closing (67bbcf8)
- uv_link_t: using uv_link_t for communication between client and proxy. (6602e00)
- wildcard: implemented hostname wildcard (82fc997)
- ws: handle websockets (462c9f3)
- writing error: fixed writing error by copying data to buffer (c80f004)
- uv_link_t: used uv_link_t with connections closing (67bbcf8)
- uv_link_t: using uv_link_t for communication between client and proxy. (6602e00)
- closing connections: connections are closed after use. (17d6a78)
- conns: closing connections (de49a2e)
- dockerfile: update (48c2605)
- gzipped-chunks: closes #12 (f423828)
- memory leak: fixed some memory leaks and uninitialized variables. (d709cb7)
- usage: update usage text (756066f)