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chore(deps): Bump WireMock.Net from 1.5.28 to 1.5.35 #399

chore(deps): Bump WireMock.Net from 1.5.28 to 1.5.35

chore(deps): Bump WireMock.Net from 1.5.28 to 1.5.35 #399

GitHub Actions / Test Results BunsenBurner.Http succeeded Sep 17, 2023 in 0s

Test Results BunsenBurner.Http ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

66 tests were completed in 3s with 66 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.AaaTests 19✅ 12s
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.AuthServerTests 2✅ 743ms
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.BddTests 15✅ 6s
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.DummyHttpFactoryTests 5✅ 2s
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.HttpClientExtensionTests 1✅ 23ms
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.HttpMessageMatchersTests 20✅ 151ms
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.StartupTest 3✅ 878ms
BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.TestServerBuilderOptionsTests 1✅ 79ms

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.AaaTests

✅ Authorized request can be made
✅ Authorized request can be made and configured by function
✅ DELETE request can be made to a test server
✅ GET request can be made to a real server
✅ GET request can be made to a real server, with mixed data
✅ GET request can be made to a test server
✅ GET request can be made to a test server, with a named test
✅ GET request can be made to a test server, with mixed data
✅ GET request can be made with mixed data
✅ HEAD request can be made to a test server
✅ OPTION request can be made to a test server
✅ PATCH request can be made to a test server
✅ POST request can be made to a real server
✅ POST request can be made to a test server
✅ PUT request can be made to a test server
✅ Repeated GET requests can be made to a real server
✅ Repeated GET requests can be made to a real server with extra data
✅ Repeated GET requests can fail after the schedule completes
✅ TRACE request can be made to a test server

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.AuthServerTests

✅ An authorized endpoint can be called with a test token
✅ An authorized endpoint can be called without a token and is unauthorized

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.BddTests

✅ DELETE request can be made to a test server
✅ GET request can be made to a real server
✅ GET request can be made to a real server, with mixed data
✅ GET request can be made to a test server
✅ GET request can be made to a test server, with a named test
✅ GET request can be made to a test server, with mixed data
✅ GET request can be made with mixed data
✅ HEAD request can be made to a test server
✅ OPTION request can be made to a test server
✅ PATCH request can be made to a test server
✅ POST request can be made to a test server
✅ PUT request can be made to a test server
✅ Repeated GET requests can be made to a real server
✅ Repeated GET requests can be made to a real server with extra data
✅ TRACE request can be made to a test server

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.DummyHttpFactoryTests

✅ A http factory can be called for a client with a fixed number of responses setup
✅ A http factory can be called for a client with a single response setup
✅ A http factory can be called for a client with no matching setups
✅ A http factory can be called for an unknown named client
✅ A http factory can be mocked for a given request, returning a configured response

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.HttpClientExtensionTests

✅ No validation certificate validator always returns true

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.HttpMessageMatchersTests

✅ And can be used to combine matchers
✅ And can be used to combine matchers, must match all conditions
✅ HasBearer can match on a provided token
✅ HasContent can match on a provided request content
✅ HasJsonContent can match on a provided request content
✅ HasJsonContent can not match on a provided request content
✅ HasJsonContent can not match on a provided request content that is different valid json
✅ HasJsonContent can not match on a provided request content that is not valid json
✅ HasMethod does not match for the incorrect HTTP method
✅ HasMethod matches for the correct HTTP method
✅ HasRequestUri can match on a provided request uri
✅ HasRequestUri can match on a provided request uri including host and port
✅ HasXmlContent can match on a provided request content
✅ HasXmlContent can not match on a provided request content
✅ HasXmlContent can not match on a provided request content that is different valid xml
✅ HasXmlContent can not match on a provided request content that is not valid json
✅ Or can be used to combine matchers
✅ Or can be used to combine matchers, match only second condition
✅ Or can be used to combine matchers, no matches
✅ Or can be used to combine matchers, no matches again

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.StartupTest

✅ Test sending a body in the request to test server and logging it
✅ Using a startup class in the test service builder works
✅ Using a startup class in the test service builder works with replacements

✅ BunsenBurner.Http.Tests.TestServerBuilderOptionsTests

✅ Tests for the build methods