layout | permalink | title | imagefeature | chart |
page |
/about/index.html |
Bobby R. Hargett |
fourseasons.jpg |
true |
{% assign total_words = 0 %} {% assign total_readtime = 0 %} {% assign featuredcount = 0 %} {% assign statuscount = 0 %}
{% for post in site.posts %} {% assign post_words = post.content | strip_html | number_of_words %} {% assign readtime = post_words | append: '.0' | divided_by:200 %} {% assign total_words = total_words | plus: post_words %} {% assign total_readtime = total_readtime | plus: readtime %} {% if post.featured %} {% assign featuredcount = featuredcount | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
My name is Bobby Hargett, and this is my personal blog. It currently has {{ site.posts | size }} posts in {{ site.categories | size }} categories which combinedly have {{ total_words }} words, which will take an average reader ({{ site.wpm }} WPM) approximately {{ total_readtime }} minutes to read. The most recent post is {% for post in site.posts limit:1 %}{% if post.description %}"{{ post.title }}"{% else %}"{{ post.title }}"{% endif %}{% endfor %}.
I am Software Engineering professional currently concentrating on Android development, but I have experience in backend development with Java, Python, and some C#.