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Releases: c-blake/cligen


18 May 17:32
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Possibly breaking changes due to encapsulation of almost half of the macro parameters to dispatchGen/dispatch. See for details.

Fixes for nim-0.19.6

16 May 17:30
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'nuff said.

Fix dispatchMulti on C++ BE for 0.19.[24]

12 May 13:41
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Add Splitr,cols & fix dupBlock

06 May 10:05
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Mostly punching this release so latest release of cligen keeps working with devel branch of Nim.

Finalize (probably) unambiguous prefix work

27 Apr 16:53
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Also clean up some warnings and namespace things and deprecate argcvt.argsDf (for any custom argHelp definers).

Sloppy matching for subcommands

25 Apr 10:13
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This release adds both CLI-style insensitivity (kebab/camel/snake collapse) and unambiguous prefix matching to subcommand names. So, now it works for all 3 major sets of keywords CLI users use - long options, enum values, and subcommands.

Unambiguous prefix match for long option keys

24 Apr 08:04
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Add enum value-style prefix matching of last release but for long option keys. Specifically, ./test/DupShort --a 9 or ./test/DupShort --al 9 will fail with ambiguous prefix errors, but ./test/DupShort --alp 9 will succeed as if --alpha 9 had been given.

MultiMulti, cligen/mergeCfgEnv, better help &errors

24 Jan 19:06
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Add several minor features. See for details.

mergeParams, spell check, new upating/split mode

06 Dec 13:28
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This release adds several major features for CLI authors & CLI users: mergeParams to synthesize input from multiple sources, more flexible calling of generated dispatchers, parseOnly/setByParse mode, better error checking, and for the CL user spell check/suggest on long params/subcommand names, a much simpler single argument update mode for ^= & friends, and a user-chosen delimiter split-mode syntax to supplement that, and probably other things I'm neglecting to mention.

See RELEASE-NOTES and git/github logs for more details.

More flexible version handling

09 Oct 13:30
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See, test/Version.nim, test/FullyAutoMulti.nim, #41, and #42