This aims to be a complete port vim-solarized8 with support for lua plugins, LSP and Treesitter for neovim 0.5.
Also added 8 bit color support.(Can't be a complete port if the theme isn't accessible for all neovim users.) I used this Javascript code to convert the rgb to neared 8 bit color.
git submodule add --name nvim-solarized-lua
Plug 'ishan9299/nvim-solarized-lua'
- italics Enable italics for comments (default: enabled)
vim.g.solarized_italics = 1
- visibility
SpecialChars (like trailing whitespace and tabs) visibility
- low
- normal (default)
- high
vim.g.solarized_visibility = 'normal'
- diffmode
- low
- normal (default)
- high
vim.g.solarized_diffmode = 'normal'
- termtrans If you want to keep the transparency in your terminal (default: disabled)
-- To enable transparency
if vim.fn.has('gui_running') == 0 then
vim.g.solarized_termtrans = 0
vim.g.solarized_termtrans = 1
- statusline
- low
- flat
- normal (default)
vim.g.solarized_statusline = 'normal'
- If you set statusline option's
are the same when using the solarized-flat colorscheme. - This option doesn't affect the lua line plugin it has it's own solarized theme.
- solarized
The normal solarized scheme.
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized')
- solarized-high
This one has a higher contrast ratio.
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized-high')
- solarized-flat
This is the flat variant.
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized-flat')
- solarized-low
This is the low contrast option.
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized-low')
The light colorscheme- Plugins :-
- Treesitter
- Telescope
- lualine
- lspsaga
- nvim-navic
- Thanks for lifepillar's vim-solarized8 for providing most of the highlights and color codes for this scheme.
- If you have an issue with the highlight groups in theme open an issue but also mention the variant of the colorscheme you are using.
- If any more plugins are needed then open an issue.