High priority:
- needs_download_network_resources.x3dv fails with EnableBlockingDownloads -- download never finishes?
Lower priority:
- Demo model with shadows
- Demo model with water
Lower priority:
- Implement "zip with model" handling at CGE level, also in desktop castle-model-viewer
Lower priority:
- We store in "Pictures" folder, not in "Photos" app.
- What's recommended on modern Android and how to do it easily?
- Implement "Open" command on Android to open media directory
Release on iOS (AppStore) too
- donations welcome, to become iOS developer as CGE!
Test iOS (we focused on Android testing in later iterations):
- the ability to open custom ZIP, X3D, glTF
- can we store pictures in Photo library
handle in CGE
if needed (test on iOS)<!-- Registered by Apple on system level: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Miscellaneous/Reference/UTIRef/Articles/System-DeclaredUniformTypeIdentifiers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009259-SW1 TODO: Ignored by CGE now, see TODO in https://castle-engine.io/project_manifest#_associated_file_types --> <apple_uniform_type_identifier>com.pkware.zip-archive</apple_uniform_type_identifier>