See also: Lariat ∘ LCF-style-Natural-Deduction ∘ Nested Modal Transducers
One thing that has long bugged me about Lisp is that car
and cdr
aren't total functions. Even if you only consider what they do
when given lists. If you give them a list that isn't a cons
cell, "an error occurs", whatever that means exactly. (Well, you'll
know it when you see it, I suppose.)
Further, this is something that very many subsequent functional
languages simply copied uncritically. Scheme fixed the dynamic scope
problem of Lisp, but it didn't fix this — nor did it improve on the
error handling. And Haskell adopted partial head
and tail
into its standard prelude.
In Theories of Programming Languages, John Reynolds provides a
formulation that avoids it. If I recall correctly (which I certainly
might not be — I no longer have a copy of this book), he supplies
with two continuations, one for when it succeeds, and one
for when the value isn't a cons cell. And same for cdr
This does solve the problem, but it also means writing all list manipulation in continuation-passing style.
I'd like to discuss a similar, but slightly different, approach, that I don't recall seeing having been used anywhere, at least not in a systematic form, intended as a programming language feature. (If you have seen this somewhere, I'd be quite interested to know about it.)
Let's suppose that, to deal with data of the list data type, we
are given a function called a list destructorizer, which for the
sake of concreteness we'll call un-list
takes a list — which might or might not be a cons cell —
and two functions. The first of these two functions takes two
arguments, while the other function takes no arguments.
If the list is a cons cell, the first function is applied. It is passed the head of the cons cell as its first argument and the tail of the cons cell as its second argument.
But if the list is nil
, the second function is applied.
The important thing to note is that the function un-list
does the
job of both car
and cdr
— and nil?
, too — but quite unlike
and cdr
, it can accept any kind of list without causing an
error condition.
You may object that, in a dynamically-typed language like Lisp, it's still not a total function, because you're not obligated to even give it a list. That's true, and I'll talk more about this in a moment, but there's something else I'd like to talk about before we get there.
This sort of destructorizer function can be generalized to other data types.
What if we write a destructorizer function for booleans?
Well, on the face of it, it seems that un-boolean
would take
a boolean, and two arguments. If the boolean is #t
, the
first function is applied. But if the boolean is #f
, the
second function is applied.
But — this is exactly how if
would be defined, if it were to
be defined as a library function instead of built into the
So if
is the destructorizer function for booleans.
At this point, you're probably seeing the pattern here.
Given an algebraic data type — that is, a disjoint sum type of product types — its destructorizer is a function that takes a value of that type, and one function for every possibility in the disjoint sum. Exactly one of those functions is applied, and when it is applied, the members of the product are passed as the arguments.
There are some record typing packages for Scheme which come close to
this. You give it the definition of a record and you get
some functions for creating a value of that function type, and
telling if a given value is an instance of that record type, and
extracting values from the record type. But every one I've seen
recently creates a set of predicates and a set of extractor functions.
So for example, if you defined a record for lists, it would give you
functions like mk-cons
and mk-nil
and cons?
and nil?
(aka car
) and get-tail
(aka cdr
But it could just give you mk-cons
and mk-nil
and un-list
If you really wanted car
or cdr
or nil?
for some reason, you
could build them out of un-list
And really, it would be better for this to be built around a type system anyway, instead of presented as a macro package that any given installation may or may not be using.
Speaking of types, destructors in type theory also come close to this idea, but again, not quite. There are two main differences that I can see. The first is that, in type theory, destructors are reduction rules — essentially, syntactic constructs — whereas destructorizers (in their ideal form) are higher-order functions, "first-class" values that can be passed to and returned from other functions. The other is that destructorizers have nothing to do with "types" (as type theory perceives them), and can easily be adapted for use in "untyped" (as type theory regards them) languages such as Scheme.
Some other programming languages have pattern matching. They don't need to use destructorizers, because it's simple enough to destruct the data type with a pattern, and very expressive too. In Haskell, for example,
data List α = Cons α List | Nil
length Nil = 0
length (Cons _ tail) = 1 + length tail
So if you have this, why would you want to use destructorizers anyway? Some reasons might be:
- Pattern-matching is a bit of work to implement.
- It's even more work to make the implementation detect when a pattern is total.
- It's even more work (of a different sort) to define what happens when a pattern is not total.
In a language with pattern-matching, it's easy enough to write a destructorizer for a given algebraic data type:
unList :: List α -> (β) -> (α -> List -> β)
unList Nil c1 c2 = c1
unList (Cons a b) c1 c2 = c2 a b
In fact this is entirely mechanical, and one could imagine something like the following in Haskell
data List α = Cons α List | Nil
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Destructorize)
producing the unList
function automatically.
I should note that Haskell's libraries do contain some examples of individually-defined destructorizers, such as either, but there doesn't seem to be anything systematic behind them, not even a convention.
One pertinent question for destructorizers is whether the language is statically typed or dynamically typed.
If it's statically typed, the situation is quite simple — mechanically generate a destructorizer for any given algebraic data type.
But in a dynamically-typed language, we need to handle the case, mentioned above, where the destructorizer is passed something that isn't even an instance of the datatype that the destructorizer destructorizes.
That's not difficult at all — just have the destructorizer expect an additional argument, a function which is called with the value when the value is not of the appropriate type.
This function could itself call another destructorizer, for a different type, to try that type on for size. And so forth until the code has checked for all the data types that it deems appropriate to handle.
In fact the Scheme language advertises that its built-in types form a disjoint set. This suggests you could even have a single "base destructorizer" that handles any of the built-in types of the language. (Though of course you probably wouldn't want to make a recursive definition of things like inexact rational numbers just for the sake of being able to destruct them into smaller components; but, all the same, you might.)