This repository provides data and scripts to set up an API endpoint for serving Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data as well as front-end and back-end application components that feed off this data. Financial institution data is loaded from raw HMDA files and welded to National Information Center data to allow for more robust analysis in the front-end application.
The Mapusaurus back-end is a Python/Django application. Additional requirements are defined below.
The data you can load is:
- HMDA Transmittal Sheet
- HMDA Reporter Panel
Both are available from the FFIEC.
Here are the 2013 files:
Transmittal sheet:
Reporter panel:
This currently uses: Django 1.7 Python 2.7.x
You will also need: PostgreSQL 9.3 PostGIS 2.1.x ElasticSearch
There's also a requirements.txt file in the repository root directory that can be installed with pip.
To create the tables, you need to run:
python migrate respondents
There's also a fixture that you need to load some information from:
python loaddata agency
This loads static regulator agency data.
Download the two transmittal sheet and reporter panel flat files.
There are two management commands that will load data, and need to be run in the following order:
1. python load_transmittal <path/to/transmittal_sheet>
2. python load_reporter_panel <path/to/reporter_panel>
The 'geo' application requires GeoDjango and PostGIS. Follow the instructions for installing GeoDjango.
Here are some separate instructions for running the geo application.
python migrate geo
Currently, we load census tract, county, CBSA, and metropolitan division files. You can download them from the FTP site:
This is how you load the data:
# This example only loads census tracts from IL (FIPS code: 17); repeat
# for other states as needed
python load_geos_from /path/to/tl_2013_17_tract.shp
python load_geos_from /path/to/tl_2013_us_county.shp
python load_geos_from /path/to/tl_2013_us_cbsa.shp
python load_geos_from /path/to/tl_2013_us_metdiv.shp
These import scripts are set up to update geos in place -- no need to delete records manually.
Once census tracts and counties are loaded, run the following command to associate census tracts with their CBSAs.
python set_tract_csa_cbsa
The 'censusdata' app loads census data to the census tracts found in the 'geo' application. As such, 'censusdata' relies on 'geo'.
First, run migrate to create the appropriate tables
python migrate censusdata
You'll then want to import census data related to the tracts you've loaded while setting up the 'geo' app. Go to
and select the state you care about. Download the associated *
which you should then unzip.
Loading the data looks like this:
python load_summary_one /path/to/XXgeo2010.sf1
Warning: currently, data will not be updated in place; to re-import, you'll
need to delete everything from the censusdata_census2010*
The 'hmda' app loads HMDA data to the census tracts found in the 'geo' application. As such, 'hmda' relies on 'geo'. In fact, 'hmda' will only store data for states that are loaded via the 'geo' app.
First, run migrate to create the appropriate tables
python migrate hmda
Next, download a flat file representing all of the HMDA LAR data:
and download the zip file. Unzip it and then:
python load_hmda /path/to/2013HMDALAR\ -\ National.csv
Note that this process takes several minutes (though you will receive progress notifications). This import can be run repeatedly (if additional geos are added later, for example).
Warning: At the moment, the import assumes a single year of information. That's a todo.
Alternatively, the load_hmda script can read a directory of CSV files and load them one by one. There is also the option of removing these files after they are processed.
split -l 50000 -d "/path/to/2013HMDALAR\ -\ National.csv" hmda_csv_
python load_hmda /path/to/2013HMDALAR/ delete_file:true
You will most likely want to pre-calculate the median number of loans for a particular lender X city pair -- this speeds up map loading quite a bit.
python calculate_loan_stats
While the base application attempts to appear "acceptable", you will likely
wish to provide your own icons, colors, etc. We provide an example app
) which you can modify directly or copy into a separate Django
app. If you go the latter route, remember to activate your new app and
deactivate the basestyle.