Lookup in-depth public data on CSGO players' accounts to see if they're suspicious
- Account age
- Steam level
- Inventory value
- Number of owned games
- CSGO badges
- Derank
- Hours in CS
- Number of competitive matches won
- Player bans
- Friend bans
- Friend bans
- Cheaters played with regularly
- Steamrep
- Smurf finder
- Recent performance consistency
- Unusual statistics (HS%)
- Faceit
- Esportal
- SourceBans
- RustBanned
- ServerArmour
- Get the following API keys/tokens
- Deploy with Docker:
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -e STEAM_API_KEY=acb123 -e FACEIT_API_KEY=abc123 -e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=abc123 -v /my/mount/point:/csgo-sus ghcr.io/claabs/csgo-sus
- Technically,
is bad security practice, so instead you can useseccomp="/path/to/seccomp_profile.json
with this JSON file. This requirement comes from here
- Technically,
- Enable the "Message Content Intent" in the bot settings and add to your server using the link logged on startup
During algorithm development, a Discord bot is being used in lieu of a UI. Use /help
to get instructions on how to use it
Coming soon...