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test.check cheatsheet

So far this only documents functions in the generators namespace.

Dev utilities, misc

  • (gen/sample g) — returns 10 smallish samples from g
  • (gen/sample g n) — generates n samples from g
  • (gen/generate g) — generates a single moderately sized value from g
  • (gen/generate g size) — generates a value from g with the given size (normally sizes range from 0 to 200)
  • (gen/generator? g) — checks if g is a generator

Simple Generators

  • (gen/return x) — A constant generator that always generates x
  • gen/boolean — generates booleans (true and false)
  • gen/uuid — generates uniformly random UUIDs, does not shrink
  • (gen/elements coll) — generates elements from coll (which must be non-empty)
  • (gen/shuffle coll) — generates vectors with the elements of coll in random orders
  • gen/any — generates any clojure value
  • gen/any-printable — generates any printable clojure value
  • gen/any-equatable — generates any clojure value that can be equal to another
  • gen/any-printable-equatable — generates any printable clojure value that can be equal to another
  • gen/simple-type — like gen/any but does not generate collections
  • gen/simple-type-printable — like gen/any-printable but does not
  • gen/simple-type-equatable — like gen/any-equatable but does not generate collections
  • gen/simple-type-printable-equatable — like gen/any-printable-equatable but does not generate collections


  • gen/nat — generates small non-negative integers (useful for generating sizes of things)
  • gen/small-integer — generates small integers, like gen/nat but also negative
  • gen/large-integer — generates a large range of integers
    • variant with options: (gen/large-integer* {:min x, :max y})
  • gen/size-bounded-bigint — generates bigints, up to 2^(6*size)
  • gen/double — generates a large range of doubles (w/ infinities & NaN)
    • variant with options: (gen/double* {:min x, :max y, :infinite? true, :NaN? true})
  • gen/ratio — generates ratios (sometimes integers) using gen/small-integer
  • gen/big-ratio — generates ratios (sometimes integers) using gen/size-bounded-bigint
  • gen/byte — generates a Byte
  • gen/choose — generates uniformly distributed integers between two (inclusive) values

Characters & Strings & Things

  • gen/char — generates characters
  • gen/char-ascii — generates printable ASCII characters
  • gen/char-alphanumeric — generates alphanumeric ASCII characters
  • gen/char-alpha — generates alphabetic ASCII characters
  • gen/string — generates a string
  • gen/string-ascii — generates a string using gen/char-ascii
  • gen/string-alphanumeric — generates a string using gen/char-alphanumeric
  • gen/keyword — generates keywords
  • gen/keyword-ns — generates namespaced keywords
  • gen/symbol — generates symbols
  • gen/symbol-ns — generates namespaced symbols

Heterogeneous Collections

  • (gen/tuple g1 g2 ...) — generates vectors [x1 x2 ...] where x1 is drawn from g1, x2 from g2, etc.
  • (gen/hash-map k1 g1, k2 g2, ...) — generates maps {k1 v1, k2 v2, ...} where v1 is drawn from g1, v2 from g2, etc.

Homogeneous Collections

  • (gen/vector g) — generates vectors of elements from g
    • Variants:
      • (gen/vector g num-elements)
      • (gen/vector g min-elements max-elements)
  • (gen/list g) — generates lists of elements from g
  • (gen/set g) — generates sets of elements from g
    • Variants:
      • (gen/set g {:num-elements x, :max-tries 20})
      • (gen/set g {:min-elements x, :max-elements y, :max-tries 20})
  • (gen/map key-gen val-gen) — generates a map with keys from key-gen and vals from val-gen
    • same opts as gen/setu
  • (gen/sorted-set g) — just like gen/set, but generates sorted-sets
  • (gen/vector-distinct g) — same signature as gen/set, but generates vectors of distinct elements
  • (gen/list-distinct g) — same signature as gen/set, but generates lists of distinct elements
  • (gen/vector-distinct-by key-fn g) — generates vectors of elements where (apply distinct? (map key-fn the-vector))
    • same opts as gen/set
  • (gen/list-distinct-by key-fn g) — generates list of elements where (apply distinct? (map key-fn the-list))
    • same opts as gen/set
  • gen/bytes — generates a byte array


  • (gen/let [x g] y)macro, like clojure.core/let, where the right-hand bindings are generators and the left-hand are generated values; creates a generator
    • same functionality as gen/fmap and gen/bind
  • (gen/fmap f g) — creates a generator that generates (f x) for x generated from g
  • (gen/bind g f) — similar to gen/fmap, but where (f x) is itself a generator and (gen/bind g f) generates values from (f x)
  • (gen/such-that pred g) — returns a new generator that generates only elements from g that match pred
    • Variants: (gen/such-that pred g max-tries)
  • (gen/one-of [g1 g2 ...]) — generates elements from the given generators, picking generators at random
  • (gen/frequency [[2 g1] [7 g2] ...]) — generates elements from the given generators, using the given weights to determine the probability of picking any particular generator
  • (gen/not-empty g) — given a generator that generates collections, returns a modified generator that never generates empty collections
  • (gen/recursive-gen container-gen scalar-gen) — generates a tree of values, using container-gen (which is a function like gen/list which takes and returns a generator) and scalar-gen (a generator for the leaf values)

Sizing & shrinking control

  • (gen/resize n g) — creates a variant of g whose size parameter is always n
  • (gen/scale f g) — creates a variant of g whose size parameter is (f size)
  • (gen/no-shrink g) — creates a variant of g that does not shrink