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File metadata and controls

115 lines (78 loc) · 10.7 KB

⚠️ This project is being replaced by ecoindex_python_fullstack and will be archived soon. Please refer to the new project for any contribution or issue. ⚠️


This tool provides an easy way to analyze websites with Ecoindex on a remote server. You have the ability to:

  • Make a page analysis
  • Define screen resolution
  • Save results to a DB
  • Retrieve results
  • Limit the number of request per day for a given host

This API is built on top of ecoindex-scraper with FastAPI and Celery

OpenAPI specification

The API specification can be found in the documentation. You can also access it with Redoc.



With this docker setup you get 6 services running that are enough to make it all work:

  • db: A MySQL instance
  • api: The API instance running FastAPI application
  • worker: The celery task worker that runs ecoindex analysis
  • redis (optional): The redis instance that is used by the Celery worker
  • flower (optional): The Celery monitoring interface
  • db-backup (optional): A useful utility that can handle automaticaly database backup

First start

cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml && \
docker  compose up -d --build

Then you can go to:


To upgrade your server version, you have to:

  1. Checkout the source version you want to deploy
  2. Re-build the server
  3. Re-start the server
git pull && \
docker compose up -d --build

We use Alembic to handle database migrations. Migrations are automaticaly played at instance startup


Here are the environment variables you can configure:

Service Variable Name Default value Description
API WAIT_BEFORE_SCROLL 3 You can configure the wait time of the scenario when a page is loaded before it scrolls down to the bottom of the page
API WAIT_AFTER_SCROLL 3 You can configure the wait time of the scenario when a page is loaded after having scrolled down to the bottom of the page
API, Worker DAILY_LIMIT_PER_HOST 0 When this variable is set, it won't be possible for a same host to make more request than defined in the same day to avoid overload. If the variable is set, you will get a header x-remaining-daily-requests: 6 in your response. It is used for the POST methods. If you reach your authorized request quota for the day, the next requests will give you a 429 response. If the variable is set to 0, no limit is set
API, Worker DATABASE_URL sqlite+aiosqlite:///./sql_app.db If you run your mysql instance on a dedicated server, you can configure it with your credentials. By default, it uses an sqlite database when running in local
API, Worker WORKER_BROKER_URL redis://localhost:6379/0 The url of the redis broker used by Celery
API, Worker WORKER_BACKEND_URL redis://localhost:6379/1 The url of the redis backend used by Celery
Worker ENABLE_SCREENSHOT False If screenshots are enabled, when analyzing the page the image will be generated in the ./screenshot directory with the image name corresponding to the analysis ID and will be available on the path /{version}/ecoindexes/{id}/screenshot
Worker CHROME_VERSION 107.0.5304.121-1 This is the version of chrome to download and run. Can be removed if you want to install latest version of chrome
Worker CHROME_VERSION_MAIN 107 This is the major version of chromethat is used for chromedriver. You have to set it accordingly to CHROME_VERSION. Be careful that if you remove CHROME_VERSION and CHROME_VERSION_MAIN or that they do not match, chromedriver will fail

Local development

You can use docker-compose.override.yml to override the default configuration of the docker-compose.yml file. For example, you can use it to mount your local code in the container and run the server in debug mode.

cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml

Then you can run the server:

docker-compose up -d --build


We use Pytest to run unit tests for this project. The test suite are in the tests folder. Just execute :

poetry run pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=. --cov-config=.coveragerc tests

This runs pytest and also generate a coverage report (terminal and html)


The LCA values used by ecoindex_api to evaluate environmental impacts are not under free license - ©Frédéric Bordage Please also refer to the mentions provided in the code files for specifics on the IP regime.