pixi grid A grid scale widget renderred by pixi graphics. API Method: setAnchor(x,y) x number - Range of [0.0,1.0] y number - Range of [0.0,1.0] Sets a scale anchor. Method: setScaleH( lods, minScale, maxScale[, type] ) lods array minScale number maxScale number type string - can be frame Sets the scale method for horizontal scalar. Example: this.setScaleH( [5,2], 0.001, 1000 ); Method: setMappingH( minValue, maxValue, pixelRange ) Method: setRangeH( minValue, maxValue ) Method: setScaleV( lods, minScale, maxScale, type ) Method: setMappingV( minValue, maxValue, pixelRange ) Method: setRangeV( minValue, maxValue ) Method: pan( deltaPixelX, deltaPixelY ) Method: panX( deltaPixelX ) Method: panY( deltaPixelX ) Method: xAxisScaleAt( pixelX, scale ) Method: yAxisScaleAt( pixelY, scale ) Method: xAxisSync( x, scaleX ) Method: yAxisSync( y, scaleY ) Method: resize( w, h ) Method: repaint() Method: scaleAction(event) Method: panAction(event)