All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.0 (2020-11-05)
- add commitlint (062395d)
- test: add jest test (12bf733)
- test: add removeGroups test (5ef551a)
- test: add removeGroups.test.js (8772ce3)
- add coverage (73ee847)
- modify commitlint.config.js (33a803c)
- modify commitlint.config.js (6e77304)
- modify commitlint.config.js (587059a)
- support transform viewbox position to center (46fd8af)
- update params name (bbdd779)
1.2.10 (2020-03-13)
- gradient: Gradient is removed if reference via url(#id) (7de40c3)
- curve path (0665a35)
1.4.0 (2020-03-13)
- gradient: Gradient is removed if reference via url(#id) (7de40c3)
- curve path (0665a35)
1.2.9 (2020-03-11)
1.2.8 (2019-11-25)
1.2.7 (2019-11-25)
- file name (143fd92)
1.2.6 (2019-11-25)
- add typescript and delete comment (f8e9ce6)
1.2.5 (2019-11-15)
- parse: 调整获取 path 属性 (3b98f6d)
- svgpath: remove svgpath package (d04ba03)
- add convertTransfromforPath plugin (a822fc1)
- add convertUseToGroup (3d20bfc)
- modify readme (ef6d395)
- optimize convertUseToGroup (7d7587e)
- update readme (5ef5965)
- update yarn.lock (3f6b8cd)
- 优化 svg 解析方法 (62d093d)
- 增加 viewBoxTransform 插件方法 (ffadd67)
- 插件机制分发改造 (21de073)
- 插件机制拆分优化 svg (4f541cc)
- 优化调整 test 示例 (bf8b784)
- compose 异常优化 (b875dbe)
- Move group attrs to the content elements (277781e)
- readme modify (b563b7b)
- removeGroups 异常 (af4dec0)
- stroke-width 比例问题 (561461e)
- tranfrom path problem (e2694b6)
- NAN: fix #1 (c0d367d)
- parse: 调整获取 path 属性 (3b98f6d)
- svgpath: remove svgpath package (d04ba03)
- add convertTransfromforPath plugin (a822fc1)
- add convertUseToGroup (3d20bfc)
- modify readme (ef6d395)
- optimize convertUseToGroup (7d7587e)
- update readme (5ef5965)
- update yarn.lock (3f6b8cd)
- 优化 svg 解析方法 (62d093d)
- 增加 viewBoxTransform 插件方法 (ffadd67)
- 插件机制分发改造 (21de073)
- 插件机制拆分优化 svg (4f541cc)