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UR Type Definition for Bitcoin Output Descriptors (Version 1)


© 2020 Blockchain Commons

Authors: Wolf McNally, Christopher Allen
Date: June 8, 2020
Revised: November 8, 2021

DEPRECATED: Superseded by Version 3 Output Descriptors

This document has been superseded by Bitcoin Output Descriptors (Version 3).

The content below is now deprecated and of historical interest only, but may still be supported for backwards compatibility.


Output descriptors [OD-IN-CORE] [OSD], also called output script descriptors, are a way of specifying Bitcoin payment outputs that can range from a simple address to multisig and segwit using a simple domain-specific language. For more on the motivation for output descriptors, see [WHY-OD].

This document specifies a native CBOR encoding for output descriptors, as well as a Uniform Resource [UR] type crypto-output (CBOR tag #6.308) for transmitting such descriptors.


The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language [CDDL]. The semantics and allowable nesting syntax is as described in [OD-IN-CORE] except for the extension described below.

This specification introduces an extension to [OD-IN-CORE], adding a new descriptor function cosigner(KEY), which can be accepted by the sh and wsh script functions defined in [OD-IN-CORE]. The cosigner(KEY) is not used to derive ScriptPubKeys directly, but is used as a placeholder to be used when transmitting a single public key representing an account to be used by a party in a multisig transaction. This document defines a corresponding CBOR tag #6.410 to be used when encoding the cosigner(KEY) function.

key_exp = #6.306(crypto-eckey) / #6.303(crypto-hdkey)

script_exp = (
  script-hash /               ; sh
  witness-script-hash /       ; wsh
  public-key /                ; pk
  public-key-hash /           ; pkh
  witness-public-key-hash /   ; wpkh
  combo /                     ; combo
  multisig /                  ; multi
  sorted-multisig /           ; sortedmulti
  address /                   ; addr
  raw-script /                ; raw
  taproot /                   ; tr
  cosigner                    ; cosigner

script-hash = #6.400(script_exp)
witness-script-hash = #6.401(script_exp)
public-key = #6.402(key_exp)
public-key-hash = #6.403(key_exp)
witness-public-key-hash = #6.404(key_exp)
combo = #6.405(key_exp)
multikey = {
	threshold: uint,
	keys: [1* key_exp]
multisig = #6.406(multikey)
sorted-multisig = #6.407(multikey)
address = #6.307(crypto-address)
raw-script = #6.408(script-bytes)
taproot = #6.409(script_exp)
cosigner = #6.410(key_exp)

threshold = 1
keys = 2

script-bytes = bytes

Example/Test Vector 1

  • Describes a P2PKH output with the specified public key.
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
403( ; public-key-hash
	306( ; crypto-eckey
			3: h'02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5' ; data
  • Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
D9 0193                                 # tag(403) public-key-hash
   D9 0132                              # tag(306) crypto-eckey
      A1                                # map(1)
         03                             # unsigned(3) data
         58 21                          # bytes(33)
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:

Example/Test Vector 2

  • Describes a P2SH-P2WPKH output with the specified public key.
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
400( ; script-hash
	404( ; witness-public-key-hash
		306( ; crypto-eckey
				3: h'03fff97bd5755eeea420453a14355235d382f6472f8568a18b2f057a1460297556' ; data
  • Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
D9 0190                                 # tag(400) script-hash
   D9 0194                              # tag(404) witness-public-key-hash
      D9 0132                           # tag(306) crypto-eckey
         A1                             # map(1)
            03                          # unsigned(3) data
            58 21                       # bytes(33)
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:

Example/Test Vector 3

  • Describes a P2SH 2-of-2 multisig output with keys in the specified order.
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
400( ; script-hash
	406({ ; multisig
		1: 2, ; threshold
		2: [ ; keys
			306( ; crypto-eckey
					3: h'022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01' ; data
			306( ; crypto-eckey
					3: h'03acd484e2f0c7f65309ad178a9f559abde09796974c57e714c35f110dfc27ccbe' ; data
  • Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
D9 0190                                 # tag(400) script-hash
   D9 0196                              # tag(406) multisig
      A2                                # map(2) threshold
         01                             # unsigned(1)
         02                             # unsigned(2) keys
         02                             # unsigned(2)
         82                             # array(2)
            D9 0132                     # tag(306) crypto-eckey
               A1                       # map(1)
                  03                    # unsigned(3) data
                  58 21                 # bytes(33)
            D9 0132                     # tag(306) crypto-eckey
               A1                       # map(1)
                  03                    # unsigned(3) data
                  58 21                 # bytes(33)
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:

Example/Test Vector 4

  • Describes a set of P2PKH outputs derived from this key by /1/*, but additionally specifies that the specified xpub is a child of a master with fingerprint d34db33f, and derived using path 44'/0'/0'.


04 ; version 4
88b21e ; `xpub`
04 ; depth 4
78412e3a ; parent fingerprint
fffffffe ; child number
637807030d55d01f9a0cb3a7839515d796bd07706386a6eddf06cc29a65a0e29 ; chain code
02d2b36900396c9282fa14628566582f206a5dd0bcc8d5e892611806cafb0301f0 ; key data
7e652001 ; base58 checksum
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
403( ; public-key-hash
	303({ ; crypto-hdkey
		3: h'02d2b36900396c9282fa14628566582f206a5dd0bcc8d5e892611806cafb0301f0', ; key-data
		4: h'637807030d55d01f9a0cb3a7839515d796bd07706386a6eddf06cc29a65a0e29', ; chain-code
		6: 304({ ; origin: crypto-keypath
			1: [ ; components
				44, true, 0, true, 0, true ; 44'/0'/0'
			2: 3545084735, ; source-fingerprint
			3: 4 ; depth
		7: 304({ ; children: crypto-keypath
			1: [ ; components
				1, false, [], false ; 1/*
		8: 2017537594 ; parent-fingerprint
  • Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
D9 0193                                 # tag(403) public-key-hash
   D9 012F                              # tag(303) crypto-hdkey
      A5                                # map(5)
         03                             # unsigned(3) key-data
         58 21                          # bytes(33)
         04                             # unsigned(4) chain-code
         58 20                          # bytes(32)
         06                             # unsigned(6) origin
         D9 0130                        # tag(304) crypto-keypath
            A3                          # map(3)
               01                       # unsigned(1) components
               86                       # array(6)
                  18 2C                 # unsigned(44) child-index
                  F5                    # primitive(21) is-hardened true
                  00                    # unsigned(0) child-index
                  F5                    # primitive(21) is-hardened true
                  00                    # unsigned(0) child-index
                  F5                    # primitive(21) is-hardened true
               02                       # unsigned(2) source-fingerprint
               1A D34DB33F              # unsigned(3545084735)
               03                       # unsigned(3) depth
               04                       # unsigned(4)
         07                             # unsigned(7) children
         D9 0130                        # tag(304) crypto-keypath
            A1                          # map(1)
               01                       # unsigned(1) components
               84                       # array(4)
                  01                    # unsigned(1) child-index
                  F4                    # primitive(20) is-hardened false
                  80                    # array(0) child-index-wildcard
                  F4                    # primitive(20) is-hardened false
         08                             # unsigned(8) parent-fingerprint
         1A 78412E3A                    # unsigned(2017537594)
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:

Example/Test Vector 5

  • Describes a set of 1-of-2 P2WSH multisig outputs where the first multisig key is the 1/0/i child of the first specified xpub and the second multisig key is the 0/0/i child of the second specified xpub, and i is any number in a configurable range.

key 1:

04 ; version 4
88b21e ; `xpub`
00 ; depth 0 == public key of a master key
00000000 ; parent fingerprint
00000000 ; child index
60499f801b896d83179a4374aeb7822aaeaceaa0db1f85ee3e904c4defbd9689 ; chain code
03cbcaa9c98c877a26977d00825c956a238e8dddfbd322cce4f74b0b5bd6ace4a7 ; key data
e233a252 ; base58 checksum

key 2:

04 ; version 4
88b21e ; `xpub`
01 ; depth 1
bd16bee5 ; parent fingerprint
00000000 ; child index
f0909affaa7ee7abe5dd4e100598d4dc53cd709d5a5c2cac40e7412f232f7c9c ; chain code
02fc9e5af0ac8d9b3cecfe2a888e2117ba3d089d8585886c9c826b6b22a98d12ea ; key data
44183bfc ; base58 checksum
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
401( ; witness-script-hash
	406({ ; multisig
		1: 1, ; threshold
		2: [ ; keys
			303({ ; crypto-hdkey
				3: h'03cbcaa9c98c877a26977d00825c956a238e8dddfbd322cce4f74b0b5bd6ace4a7', ; key-data
				4: h'60499f801b896d83179a4374aeb7822aaeaceaa0db1f85ee3e904c4defbd9689', ; chain-code
				6: 304({ ; origin: crypto-keypath
					1: [], ; components
					3: 0 ; depth
				7: 304({ ; children: crypto-keypath
					1: [ ; components
						1, false, 0, false, [], false ; 1/0/*
			303({ ; crypto-hdkey
				3: h'02fc9e5af0ac8d9b3cecfe2a888e2117ba3d089d8585886c9c826b6b22a98d12ea', ; key-data
				4: h'f0909affaa7ee7abe5dd4e100598d4dc53cd709d5a5c2cac40e7412f232f7c9c', ; chain-code
				6: 304({ ; origin: crypto-keypath
					1: [ ; components
						0, false
					2: 3172384485 ; source-fingerprint
				7: 304({ ; children: crypto-keypath
					1: [ ; components
						0, false, 0, false, [], false ; 0/0/*
  • Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
D9 0191                                 # tag(401) witness-script-hash
   D9 0196                              # tag(406) multisig
      A2                                # map(2)
         01                             # unsigned(1) threshold
         01                             # unsigned(1)
         02                             # unsigned(2) keys
         82                             # array(2)
            D9 012F                     # tag(303) crypto-hdkey
               A4                       # map(4)
                  03                    # unsigned(3) key-data
                  58 21                 # bytes(33)
                  04                    # unsigned(4) chain-code
                  58 20                 # bytes(32)
                  06                    # unsigned(6) origin
                  D9 0130               # tag(304) crypto-keypath
                     A2                 # map(2)
                        01              # unsigned(1)
                        80              # array(0)
                        03              # unsigned(3) depth
                        00              # unsigned(0)
                  07                    # unsigned(7) children
                  D9 0130               # tag(304) crypto-keypath
                     A1                 # map(1)
                        01              # unsigned(1) components
                        86              # array(6)
                           01           # unsigned(1) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
                           00           # unsigned(0) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
                           80           # array(0) child-index-wildcard
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
            D9 012F                     # tag(303) crypto-hdkey
               A4                       # map(4)
                  03                    # unsigned(3) key-data
                  58 21                 # bytes(33)
                  04                    # unsigned(4) chain-code
                  58 20                 # bytes(32)
                  06                    # unsigned(6) origin
                  D9 0130               # tag(304) crypto-keypath
                     A2                 # map(2)
                        01              # unsigned(1) components
                        82              # array(2)
                           00           # unsigned(0) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
                        02              # unsigned(2) source-fingerprint
                        1A BD16BEE5     # unsigned(3172384485)
                  07                    # unsigned(7) children
                  D9 0130               # tag(304) crypto-keypath
                     A1                 # map(1)
                        01              # unsigned(1) components
                        86              # array(6)
                           00           # unsigned(0) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
                           00           # unsigned(0) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
                           80           # array(0) child-index
                           F4           # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:
