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Configuration options

The following is a list of all the options that may be provided in the Echidna configuration file. Whenever an option can also be set via the command line, the CLI equivalent flag is provided as a reference. Some flags are relatively new and only available on recent Echidna builds; in those cases, the minimum Echidna version required to use the feature is indicated in the table.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
String "property" * --test-mode MODE

The test mode to run. It should be one of the following items:

  • "property": Run user-defined property tests.
  • "assertion": Detect assertion failures (previously checkAsserts).
  • "optimization": Find the maximum value for a function.
  • "overflow": Detect integer overflows (only available in Solidity 0.8.0 or greater).
  • "exploration": Run contract code without executing any tests.

Review the testing modes tutorial to select the one most suitable to your project.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int 50000 * --test-limit N

Number of transactions to generate during testing. The campaign will stop when the testLimit is reached or if a timeout is set and the execution time exceeds it.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int 100 * --seq-len N

Number of transactions that a transaction sequence will have during testing, and maximum length of transaction sequences in the corpus. After every N transactions, Echidna will reset the EVM to the initial post-deployment state.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int null * --timeout N

Campaign timeout, in seconds. By default it is not time-limited. If a value is set, the campaign will stop when the time is exhausted or the testLimit is reached, whichever happens first.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int random * --seed N

Seed used for random value generation. By default it is a random integer. The seed may not guarantee reproducibility if multiple workers are used, as the operating system thread scheduling may introduce additional randomness into the process.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int 5000 * -shrink-limit N

Number of attempts to shrink a failing sequence of transactions.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Address "0x00a329c0648769a73af ac7f9381e08fb43dbea72" * --contract-addr ADDR

Address to deploy the contract to test.


Type Default Available in
Bool true *

Enable the use of coverage-guided fuzzing and corpus collection. We recommend keeping this enabled.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
String null * --corpus-dir PATH

Directory to save the corpus collected (requires coverage enabled).


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Address "0x30000" * --deployer

Address of the deployer of the contract to test.


Type Default Available in
[⁠[⁠Address, String⁠]⁠] [] 2.0.2+

Addresses and contract names to deploy using the available source code. The deployer address is the same as the contract to test. Echidna will error if the deployment fails.


Type Default Available in
[⁠[⁠Address, String⁠]⁠] [] 2.0.2+

Addresses and bytecodes to deploy. The deployer address is the same as the contract to test. Echidna will error if the deployment fails.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
[Address] ["0x10000", "0x20000", "0x30000"] * --sender

List of addresses to (randomly) use as msg.sender for the transactions sent during testing. These addresses are used as the sender for all transactions produced by Echidna, except for property evaluation in property mode (see psender below).


Type Default Available in
Address "0x10000" *

Address of msg.sender to use for property evaluation. This address is only used to evaluate properties (functions with the configured prefix) while executing Echidna in property mode.


Type Default Available in
String "echidna_" *

Prefix of the function names used as properties in the contract to test.


Type Default Available in
Int 12500000 (current max gas per block) *

Maximum amount of gas to consume when running function properties. If a property runs out of gas, it will be considered as a failure.


Type Default Available in
Int 12500000 (current max gas per block) *

Maximum amount of gas to consume when running random transactions. A non-property transaction that runs out of gas (e.g. a transaction in assertion mode) will not be considered a failure.


Type Default Available in
Int 0 *

Maximum amount of gas price to randomly use in transactions. Do not change it unless you absolutely need it.


Type Default Available in
Int 604800 (one week) *

Maximum amount of seconds of delay between transactions.


Type Default Available in
Int 60480 *

Maximum amount of block numbers between transactions.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
String "" * --solc-args ARGS

Additional arguments to use in solc for compiling the contract to test.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
[String] [] * --crytic-args ARGS

Additional arguments to use in crytic-compile for compiling the contract to test.


Type Default Available in
Bool false *

Hide solc stderr output and additional information during the testing.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
String null * --format FORMAT

Select a textual output format. By default, interactive TUI is run or text if a terminal is absent.

  • "text": simple textual interface.
  • "json": JSON output.
  • "none": no output.


Type Default Available in
Int 0 *

Initial Ether balance of contractAddr. See our tutorial on working with ETH for more details.


Type Default Available in
Int 0xffffffff *

Initial Ether balance of deployer and each of the sender accounts. See our tutorial on working with ETH for more details.


Type Default Available in
Int 100000000000000000000 (100 ETH) *

Max amount of value in each randomly generated transaction. See our tutorial on working with ETH for more details.


Type Default Available in
Bool false *

Add a special test that fails if a contract is self-destructed.


Type Default Available in
Bool false *

Stops the fuzzing campaign when the first test fails.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Bool false 2.1.0+ (previously multi-abi) --all-contracts

Makes Echidna fuzz the provided test contracts and any other deployed contract whose ABI is known at runtime.


Type Default Available in
Bool true *

Allows Echidna to avoid calling (when set to true) or only call (when set to false) a set of functions. The function allowlist or denylist should be provided in filterFunctions.


Type Default Available in
[String] [] *

Configures the function allowlist or denylist from filterBlacklist. The list should contain strings in the format of "Contract.functionName(uint256,uint256)" following the signature convention.


Type Default Available in
Bool false 2.1.0+

Allows the use of the HEVM ffi cheatcode.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent Env. variable equivalent
String null 2.1.0+ (env), 2.2.0+ (config), 2.2.3+ (cli) --rpc-url URL ECHIDNA_RPC_URL

URL to fetch contracts over RPC.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent Env. variable equivalent
String null 2.1.0+ (env), 2.2.0+ (config), 2.2.3+ (cli) --rpc-block N ECHIDNA_RPC_BLOCK

Block number to use when fetching over RPC.


Type Default Available in Env. variable equivalent
String null 2.1.0+ (env), 2.2.4+ (config) ETHERSCAN_API_KEY

Etherscan API key used to fetch contract code.


Type Default Available in
[String] ["txt","html","lcov"] 2.2.0+

List of file formats to save coverage reports in; default is all possible formats.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int 1 2.2.0+ --workers

Number of workers.


Type Default Available in CLI equivalent
Int null 2.2.2+ --server PORT

Run events server on the given port.


Type Default Available in
Bool false 2.2.4+

Whether to add an additional symbolic execution worker.


Type Default Available in
Bool true 2.2.4+

Whether symbolic execution will be concolic (vs full symbolic execution). Only relevant if symExec is true.


Type Default Available in
Int 1 2.2.4+

Number of SMT solvers used in symbolic execution. While there is a single symExec worker, N threads may be used to solve SMT queries. Only relevant if symExec is true.


Type Default Available in
Int 30 2.2.4+

Timeout for symbolic execution SMT solver. Only relevant if symExec is true. When the SMT solver used is Z3, this timeout applies per query, and is not global.


Type Default Available in
Int 10 2.2.4+

Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point. Only relevant if symExec is true and symExecConcolic is false.


Type Default Available in
Int 1 2.2.4+

Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point before we consult the smt solver to check reachability. Only relevant if symExec is true and symExecConcolic is false.

Experimental options

There are some options in Echidna that are meant for advanced debugging and experimenting. Those are listed below.


Type Default Available in
Bool false *

Enables the collection of worst-case gas usage. The information is stored as part of the corpus on the gas_info field. This functionality is experimental.


Type Default Available in
Float 0.40 *

This parameter controls how often Echidna uses its internal dictionary versus a random value when generating a transaction. We do not recommend changing the default value.


Type Default Available in
[Int] [1, 1, 1, 1] *

Echidna uses weighted probabilities to pick a mutator for a transaction sequence. This parameter configures the weights for each kind of mutation. The value consists of four integers, [c1, c2, c3, c4]. Refer to the implementation code for their meaning and impact. We do not recommend changing the default value.

Deprecated options

There are some options in Echidna that have been deprecated and will be removed soon. Those are listed below.


Type Default Available in
String null *

This allows initializing the chain state in Echidna with a series of transactions, typically captured with Etheno. Nowadays, with the introduction of on-chain fuzzing in Echidna, it has become deprecated.