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OPA Authorization Manager Plugin

Quality Availability

A custom, Kotlin-based Authorization Manager plugin using OPA for authorization decisions.

Note: The plugin requires at least version 7.3 of the Curity Identity Server.


The Curity Identity Server can leverage Authorization Managers to control access to its exposed GraphQL APIs for User Management and DCR. This Authorization Manager leverage Open Policy Agent (OPA) as an external authorization engine to determine fine-grained access. OPA holds a policy and receives an authorization request from the plugin. The plugin handles the authorization response and controls access to the requested resource. The plugin makes use of an obligation filter in order to redact individual fields per the OPA policy.

Building the Plugin

Build the plugin by issuing the command mvn package. This will produce a JAR file in the target/opa-authorization-manager directory, which can be installed.

Installing the Plugin

To install the plugin, copy the compiled JAR from target/opa-authorization-manager into ${IDSVR_HOME}/usr/share/plugins/${pluginGroup} on each node, including the admin node.

For more information about installing plugins, refer to the Plugin Installation section of the Documentation.

Configuring the Plugin

Name Type Description Example Default
HttpClient HttpClient The HttpClient that the Authorization Manager will use to call OPA. opa-http-client
OPA Host String The hostname of OPA.
OPA Port String The port that OPA is exposing its runtime service on. 8443 8181
OPA Path String The path where the appropriate policy of OPA is exposed. Note that by default the plugin adds dcr and um to this path depending on which GraphQL API is accessed. /v1/data/mynamespace/ /v1/data/curity/

Create the Authorization Manager

Navigate to System -> Authorization and click New Authorization. Give it a name (opa-authz-mngr for example) and choose the type Opa Authorization Manager. Then provide the appropriate configurations for HttpClient, host, port, and path. Commit the changes.


In order to protect the DCR GraphQL API, the Authorization Manager needs to be added to the Token Service Profile. Navigate to Token Service -> General and select the configured Authorization Manager (opa-authz-mngr) from the drop-down menu.

User Management GraphQL API

In order to protect the User Management GraphQL API, the Authorization Manager needs to be added to the User Management Profile. Navigate to User Management -> General and select the configured Authorization Manager (opa-authz-mngr) from the drop-down menu.


This repository contains a docker compose file that will run an instance of the Curity Identity Server, a data source with test data and an instance of OPA. Running this environment will provide a fully configured environment that can be used to test the use cases and the plugin.

A script is available that will build and deploy the OPA Authorization Manager Plugin and start the docker containers. Run / to get everything up and running. Make sure to copy a valid license with the name license.json into components/idsvr before deploying. Run ./ to stop and remove all the containers.

  1. Using for example cURL or, initiate a code flow using the opa-demo client (secret is Password1). This guide describes how to run the Code Flow using cURL and this guide how to run with For both, remember to change the client ID from www -> opa-demo to match the configuration used in this example.
  2. Log in with a user, admin or demouser (by default both have the password Password1). The admin user belongs to the group admin that has full access to the GraphQL APIs. The demouser belongs to the devops group that is subject to filtration of certain fields for both DCR and User Management data. Review the policy used by OPA to check which fields are filtered out for the devops group. Note that the group claim is issued by default per the configuration.
  3. The access token that is obtained from running the code flow can be used in a call to either of the GraphQL APIs. Using for example Postman or Insomnia, construct a query and add the token in the Authorization header.

Example User Query

query getAccounts
   accounts(first: 5) {
    edges {
      node {
        name {
        emails {
        phoneNumbers {

OPA Policies

The policies available in components/opa/policies.

DCR Policies

DCR policies are defined in dcr-access.rego. If the user has group == "admin", all access is permitted. If the user instead belongs to the devops group, an attribute unauthorized_fields is returned that holds the names of the fields that the Authorization Manager will filter out from the response.

User Management Policies

Access to the User Management API is defined in um-access.rego. The structure is very similar to the DCR policies. Here, the phoneNumbers and name fields are filtered for users in the devops group as indicated by the unauthorized_fields attribute.

Sample Request/Response

To test OPA alone without the involvement of the Authorization Manager a sample request can be sent using for example Insomnia.

POST /v1/data/curity/um HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8181
Content-Type: application/json
    "input": {
        "group": "devops",
      "resourceType": "um"

This should return the response below from OPA that includes the attribute unauthorized_fields that in this case indicates what fields that the Authorization Manager should filter, i.e., name and phoneNumbers.

   "result": {
      "allow": true,
      "unauthorized_fields": [

More Information

Copyright (C) 2023 Curity AB.