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User Guide: Spektrum Binding

raemin edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 10 revisions

If possible, it is much easier to use the traditional bind procedure your transmitter recommends with the satellite attached to a standard receiver... Binding satellite receivers can be a tricky process: the DSM satellite listens for special binding pulses on what's normally its serial output pin for a very short time after power is first applied.


  • you MUST NOT have USB powering the device during this process. This affects critical power-up timing.
  • not all ports will work on all boards. Some boards have ports with serial inverters for s.bus. e.g. you can't use MainPort on a Revo.
  • It will also not work on boards without a USB Sense connections such as FlyingF3 and FlyingF4

Start GCS with your controller connected. Go to [System tab], in the left pane go to [Browser] > [Hardware settings] and set the DSM bind value to a non-zero value (e.g. 9 for LemonRX dsmx satellites, see below for values that are known to work with various combinations of satellites and radios). Save your settings.

Disconnect your USB cable. Connect battery to your ESCs to power the FlightController. On power up the LED on your satellite receiver should start blinking rapidly, indicating that it is in bind mode. If your satellite receiver LED does not start blinking, then it did not enter bind mode (check above mentioned notes).

If you successfully entered bind mode on the satellite receiver, go outside (away from concrete or metallic walls) and walk a few meters (3 meters approx.) away from the aircraft, power on your TX in bind mode and wait for the blinking LED to turn solid. Turn everything off, reconnect the USB and set the DSM bind value back to zero/autodetect. Power cycle the controller and then turn on your TX. The satellite receiver LED should be solid. If it blinks then it indicates that your TX was turned on before your controller - retry with the TX initially turned off. Enter the input configuration wizard and check if GCS responds to your TX controls. If not, then it indicates you need to experiment with port settings for the receiver

This is a list of known good combinations:

Transmitter Satellite Receiver Port setting DSMxBind value Result
DX10t LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSM2 9 channels
DX10t LemonRX DSMX Sat DSMX 9 9 channels
DX8 Spektrum DSMX DSMX (11-bit) 9 8 channels
DX8 OrangeRX DSMX (11-bit) 5 8 channels
DX8 LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSM2 5 8 channels
DX8 LemonRX DSMX Sat DSMX 5 ? (**) 8 channels
DX7 OrangeRX DSM2 5 7 channels
DX7 LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSM2 2 7 channels
Dx7s Spektrum DSMx DSMX(11-bit) 9 7 Channels
DX6 LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSM2 4 6 channels
DX6 LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSMX (10-bit) 8 6 channels
DX6 OrangeRX R110XL DSMX (10-bit) 8 6 channels
DX6i OrangeRX DSMX (10-bit) 5 6 channels
DX6i OrangeRX R100 DSMX (10-bit) 3 5 channels
DX6i OrangeRX R100 DSM2 3 5 channels
DX6i JR Remote Satellite Receiver DSM2 5 6 channels
DX6i Spektrum AR6210 receiver DSMX (11-bit) 9 6 channels
DX6i LemonRX DSMX Sat DSMX 9 6 channels
Walkera Devo10 (*) LemonRX DSMX Sat DSMX 9 12 channels
Walkera Devo7 LemonRX DSM2 Sat DSM2 9 (**)

(*) With Deviation firmware 4.01
(**) As a general rule for LemonRX set DSMxBind value to 9 for DSMX and 5 from DSM2
The JR DSM2 is fully compatible with the Spektrum DSM2, so the settings should be identical.

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