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Soapy Web

This is the website for Soapy to provide Spotify O-Auth and a web interface for pairing one's Computer Science House account with their personal Spotify account.



Make sure you have Composer and npm installed. From the Soapy/Web directory, run the following to install the required php and client packages:

composer install
npm install


Copy config.php.default to config.php and customize as needed, adding your Spotify API client ID and secret token.

Then copy propel.yaml.default to propel.yaml and add your mysql connection settings.

Once you edit propel.yaml, run:

php vendor/bin/propel config:convert

You must do this every time you edit propel.yaml.

Populating the database

Create the mysql database, then populate it by running:

php vendor/bin/propel migrate

Building client-side application

To compile the client-side typescript and copy the required javascript resources to the public directory, run:

npm run gulp

You must do this every time you edit any files in the Soapy/Web/typescript, Soapy/Web/templates/app, or Soapy/Web/less directories.


For production, point your web server to serve out of the Soapy/Web/public directory.

For development, go to the Soapy/Web/public directory and run:

php -S

Now just point your browser there.


Adding and modifying tables

To add or alter mysql table, edit schema.xml. Then run:

php vendor/bin/propel migration:diff # This creates a script that updates the
                                     # mysql database to the new schema.

php vendor/bin/propel model:build    # This creates the base PHP class for the
                                     # model logic.

composer dump-autoload               # Needed only if a new table is created.

The composer dump-autoload is used to autoload the new table classes. This is apparently the correct way of doing things.

Once your migration file has been created, feel free to add any necessary code to the generated file in the generated-migrations directory to populate/alter any existing data. This may not be necessary. For more information, read about migrations in Propel.

Finally, update the website's live database by running:

php vendor/bin/propel migrate