- Start local dev cluster
- Start VS under Admin mode ChaosTestApplication
- Build Release and Deploy to the local cluster
- Start another VS under Admin mode
- Enter valid connection string into Local.5Node.xml
- Open ChocolateMicroservices application
- Explain stateless service that was added
- Hit F5 and switch to manage cluster
- By default Local.5Node.xml has instance count set to 1
- Show cluster manager and how one instance is deployed on one node
- Show Diagnostics windows and how the service is working
- Stop debugging
- Change Local.5Node.xml to instance count -1
- Hit F5 and
- Show cluster manager and how one instance is deployed on all available nodes
- Show Diagnostics windows and how the service instances are working
- Open up View>Other Windows>Diagnostic Event
- Open up http://localhost:1664/orders
Install NServiceBus.RabbitMQ in all proj except Contracts and Application.
- Shared
- FrontEnd
var connectionString = "host=localhost";
var delayedDelivery = transport.DelayedDelivery();