It's a CSS library to reset default styles with some opinionated changes.
- Reset block margins: from every elements;
- Reset the headings and set a default font style on body;
- Remove unncessary styles: such as: background repeat, list styles, etc;
- Reset form fields: buttons and inputs looks the same now, in so any styles;
- Prevent chrome autofill style: remove that yellow box on fields;
- Border-box box sizing: so that borders and paddings don't affect the set dimensions;
- Responsive media: images with right size;
$ yarn add wipe.css
$ npm install wipe.css
<link href="./wipe.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Pure CSS
@import 'wipe.css';
Styled Components
import wipeCSS from 'wipe.css'
import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components'
export const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`