compilar cada cpp individualmente. Talvez dê pra usar isso pra implementar funcionalidade para compilar apenas um cpp específico.
it also exists with the new preset
TODO: Add an option to launch gdbgui (
variable inside the “.cache” folder in the project root (this folder is already created by clangd).
- configure part: select preset, comnfigure, delete build folder, etc
- runtime part: select executable, set runtime arguments, run, debug
- documentation part: generate documentation, view documentation
- conan part: select conan profile, run conan install, remove conan cache
- package part: set cmake-integration-annotation-column and other variables
;; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Transient Menu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; Super nice presentation:
(define-transient-command my-transient ()
"some explanation"
["Group A"
("aa" "Say hi 'A'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi A")))
("ab" "Say hi 'B'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi B")))
("ac" "Say hi 'A'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi A")))
("ad" "Say hi 'B'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi B")))
["Group B"
("ba" "Say hi 'A'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi A")))
("bb" "Say hi 'B'" (lambda ()(interactive) (message "Hi B")))