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Architecture & Design Notes

Hossein Yousefi edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 4 revisions

This document explains the architecture of jnigen to potential developers and contributors.


The purpose of jnigen is providing a bindings generator for Java interop through JNI. It started as a GSoC 2022 project.

This repository contains two components: package:jnigen which is the code generator tool, and package:jni which is the support library for generated code.

jnigen is highly experimental at this moment. Basic language features like methods and exceptions are supported. The binding generation pipeline is relatively stable, and new language features will be added in the future.

Prerequisites & resources

Before reading this document, we assume you're familiar with

  • User Documentation from top level This document will not repeat the user facing documentation.

  • Dart FFI and FFI Plugins

The following documents are useful:

Many sections of this document assume basic familiarity with the JNI.

package:jni (support library)

package:jni is the support library used by generated code.

It's an FFI plugin. In particular, it contains plugin classes for Android which initialize the JNI.

The initialization order differs on Android and Desktop platforms.

On Android, the Android JVM has spawned the flutter app embedding. Thus, a JVM already exists and it calls the initialization code in

On other platforms, a JVM must be explicitly spawned through Jni.spawn call in dart. The support library contains native code which wraps JNI_CreateJavaVM.

The native code in the support library also does some bookkeeping. JNIEnv is supposed to be thread-local whereas Dart often hides the threads. Dart has a thread-pool and it's not generally possible to keep track of threads.

Native code in package:jni wraps JNIEnv * as GlobalJNIEnv which keeps track of a thread-local JNIEnv, and converts JNI local references into global references.

Sometimes in the future, however, we may want to support local references for efficiency.

Some more Android quirks

On Android, flutter embedding runs on a different thread than Android UI thread. (Confusingly, it's referred to as the main thread). This means only few Java base libraries will be in the classpath of the flutter UI thread.

To counter this, we cache the reference to Android UI thread's classloader, and use it to lookup classes (instead of FindClass).

Flutter embedding also doesn't allow us to return from FFI when a JNI exception is pending. To counter this, we usually return a JniResult struct. It will contain any exceptions occurred during the call. It's checked using extension getters in Dart layer. If any exception has occurred, using some helper methods, we convert both the Java stack trace and message of the exception into dart strings, and rethrow in Dart.

On standalone

With Jni.spawn it's usually necessary to specify classpaths. ClassPath is nothing but another JVM option. It has some additional code handling it in jni.dart so that classpaths can be passed as a dart list of paths.

jni:setup scans the packageConfig and finds JNI plugins by looking for the first line of CMakeLists.txt. It should be identical to that of jni/src/CMakeLists.txt. jnigen ensures this while generating the CMake configuration for generated bindings.

Bindings to jni.h

package:jni also contains some automatically generated bindings to jni.h. This header file is taken from Android NDK and annotated with some parameter names. The bindings are generated using a patched and vendored version of ffigen. The main purpose of the patch is to generate extension methods for function pointer fields. We use this idiom in both GlobalJniEnv and JniAccessors types. It also hides some pointless methods, for instance the ones taking va_list parameters.

CMake configuration

CMake configuration for package:jni is pretty simple. It uses CMakes builtin detection of JNI libraries. The only thing worth noting is the DELAYLOAD flag when linking jvm.dll on Windows.


ApiSummarizer is an important component of jnigen. It's a pretty standard maven Java project. We use assembly plugin for building a runnable JAR. The confusing details of building it are in the dart code! It generates an API tree in JSON format.

ApiSummarizer contains 2 "back-ends". Doclet is OpenJDK's API which enables us to plug into JavaDoc tool, and create a description of the public API provided by the sources. We use ToolProvider API so that we can invoke JavaDoc in-process rather than as external command.

A large part of the ApiSummarizer is pretty boring methods, which scan the JavaDoc's representation of the API, and serialize it into a tree of plain data types. This can be easily written to stdout using jackson-databind. On the dart side, we have elements.dart which defines the same structures. JSON deserialization code is generated using json_serializable code generation package.

We used JSON because it was easier to use for data classes during development. Maybe in the distant future this can be converted to use JNI itself.

Finding java classes in ApiSummarizer

A heuristic is used: In a standard java package layout, a.b.C is always a/b/ in source path, and package a.b always corresponds to directory a/b. ApiSummarizer recursively lists the .java files under a package using breadth first traversal. Each level's listing is sorted so that the order is deterministic.

It's a convention followed by almost every java library, but it's not enforced (technically). So a/b/ may declare its package as package x.y;. In such a case, a.b.C will map to a/b/ but the processed information will include the class under its actual package(x.y), and not a.b.

Similar logic is used in ASM to find class files.

Doclet API quirks

Doclet as exposed by ToolProvider doesn't really allow to return information meaningfully from the doclet. Apparently, it's just a thin wrapper around calling javadoc tool's public static void main. Since we run single threaded, what we currently do is store the processed class declarations in a static field.

In the integration test, we have a sample JSON file. We generate another JSON file from by calling Main.main with args. And compare it using git diff --no-index. This is the same strategy we use in jnigen tests to compare generated bindings.


All Java files should be formatted with google-java-format, including the examples committed in jnigen tests.

google-java-format can be installed using scoop on windows and homebrew on MacOS. On Linux, you can download the JAR and write a shell script like this:

java -jar ~/.local/path_to_jar/google-java-format.jar $@

There's a plugin available for IntelliJ.

The command line JAR apparently needs a manual listing of java files, and does not process directories recursively. You can use something like $(find jnigen/java/ -name *.java) as an argument when running from shell.

See google-java-format#129.


This is the component which generates the bindings. It invokes summarizer, (summary.dart), and processes each class to generate bindings.


Before being passed to one of the BindingsGenerator classes, class declaration structs are preprocessed. Preprocessingassigns a shorter name (which can also be final visible name in single_file config). Shorter name is the simple name of the class + optionally a number to disambiguate naming conflicts. This leads to shorter bindings than using FQN, while still being pretty deterministic (due to sorting in the summarizer). Additionally, in practice, Java libraries do not have many colliding names, because Java classes are also imported unqualified.

Preprocessing also renames methods (since dart doesn't support overloading). Ad-hoc overloading can lead to a method's signature being different than the same-named method in its superclass - which is an error. We actually do some circus to prevent this. We save java signature of each method as a string, which is a unique representation. Now it's possible to have a map per class of these methods and their associated disambiguating numbers. By ensuring the superclass is sorted before the subclass, we ensure methods with the same signature get the same number. (Sounds like topological sort, but actually it's not needed. We just lazily preprocess the parent and mark it as preprocessed.)

File mapping

Depending on output >> dart >> structure key in the config, the output can be package structured or a single file. In package structure, the original source is mirrored, with each top level class being mapped to a separate dart file. An _init.dart file will be created to hold common variables. In each package, _package.dart file will be created, which exports all classes directly (not transitively) in the package. This is equivalent to the wildcard import in Java.

Note that even in package structure mode, nested classes will be in the same file as their parent class, and not a separate file. Nested classes will be renamed using an underscore. A$B becomes A_B.

In single file mode, all classes will be written to a single dart file, and renamed if required.


A method signature, or a class declaration (in form of an extends clause), can refer to other classes. If the class is included in the same jnigen config, the generated code should refer to that class. Otherwise it should fall back to JObject.

The resolution process is different for single-file and package-structured bindings. In case of single file bindings, using the final name of the referred class is sufficient. In package structured bindings, the following is an abstract description of algorithm is used to resolve shortest path to class B from class A.

1. let A' and B' be the directories containing A and B. split A' and B' into path segment lists.

2. common := length(common prefix of A' and B').

3. pathToCommon = "../" * (A'.length - common)

4. pathToDestFromCommon = dest[common:] join by '/'

5. return pathToCommon + pathToDestFromCommon

The implementation in dart_generator.dart is slightly different from the above abstract description.

Interop with other jnigen bindings, by generating a YAML symbols file is planned. #72. This should follow the same design as implemented in ffigen.


Most tests generate bindings and compare them with existing bindings. All use a generateAndCompareBindings primitive, which takes a config, generates bindings into a temporary directory, and compares with reference bindings. (Which are committed in the repository).

Some tests generate complete bindings for large libraries like jackson_core and run dart analyze, to ensure that the code generator is not creating any naming conflicts.

simple_package_test contains a simple java class and generates bindings for it. If you implement support for a language feature, you can add a function to Example class and test it.

bindings_test.dart imports the committed bindings and runs some tests on them. Add a test here when you add a language feature.

There are also additional checks in CI which build / run the examples.

Regenerating reference bindings after a code generator change

If you change something that affects the generated code, run dart run tool/regenerate_all_bindings.dart from jnigen/ directory. This will update the bindings accordingly.

Pre-PR checks

You can run the script jnigen/tool/pr_checks.dart before submitting a PR. It locally runs a subset of checks we run in CI. Some of these are run in a cloned directory by default. But android-related examples are always checked in the project directory, and assume you have run flutter build apk before in both android example directories (jnigen/example/in_app_java and jnigen/example/notification_plugin/example, which is required for gradle-related features of jnigen.

Note: The script is concurrent and CPU usage may peak for a brief duration of time.