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Databricks - Pull from

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Pull Data from Splunk into Databricks

User Guide 1.0.0


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This document provides information on how to get data from Splunk into Databricks using a Databricks notebook.The notebook is used to execute search queries on a Splunk Instance, fetch the results obtained into Databricks and convert them into data frames for users to use as per their use case.

Pull Data From Splunk

Follow the steps below to pull data from Splunk to Databricks.

Using Databricks secret scope to store the Splunk Password securely

In the notebook to pull data from Splunk, the Splunk Password is required. Since the Splunk Password is very sensitive information, the user needs to configure Databricks secrets to store the password securely. This enables the users to store the password securely and not expose it in the notebook in plain text form.

To securely store the Splunk password, follow the following steps:

  1. Install Databricks CLI and setup authentication using the below commands

    Install: pip install databricks-cli

    Set-up: databricks configure --token

    Running the setup command opens an interactive CLI. Specify the Databricks host address and the token value prompted and Enter. The token here refers to a personal access token created in Databricks. Follow the steps here to configure the token.

    Refer for more details regarding Databricks CLI.

  2. Create a Databricks backed Secret scope using following commands:

    databricks secrets create-scope --scope <scope-name>


    databricks secrets create-scope --scope <scope-name> --initial-manage-principal users

    Refer for more details regarding databricks scope creation.

  3. Create a key and store the Splunk password using following command:

    databricks secrets put --scope <scope-name> --key <key-name>

    The command opens an editor. Enter or paste the Splunk password here and save it.

    Refer for more details regarding key creation in the Databricks scope.

Notebook Parameters

The notebook pull_from_splunk is used to execute queries on a Splunk instance, fetch the results obtained into Databricks and convert them into data frames for users to use as per their use case.

The notebook contains the following parameters ( * denotes mandatory field). Fill in these parameters based on your Splunk deployment to run the notebook.

  • Splunk Ip/Hostname *: The Splunk Ip/Hostname to pull data from.
  • Splunk Management Port *: The Splunk Management port. The management port is a request-response model communication path, implemented as REST over HTTP for communication with splunkd. Default Splunk Management Port is 8089.You can get this value from Splunk Admin.
  • Verify Certificate *: Specify if SSL server certificate verification is required for communication with Splunk. If you set this as True, you may have to import a custom certificate from the Splunk server into Databricks. For this refer section: Import Splunk Instance's Certificate in Databricks. You can get the custom certificate from Splunk Admin.
  • Databricks Secret Scope *: The Databricks Secret Scope created using Databricks CLI to store the Splunk password in a Databricks Secret Key corresponding to a Splunk username created in step 2 here: Databricks secret scope
  • Secret Key *: The secret key associated with specified Databricks Secret Scope which securely stores the Splunk password. Created in step 3 here: Databricks secret scope
  • Splunk Query *: The Splunk search query whose results you want to pull from Splunk. Specify the time range for search using the earliest and latest time modifiers. If the time range is not specified, the default time range (last 24 hrs) would be used.
    Example: index="<my-index>" earliest=-24h@h latest=now() | table *
  • Splunk Search Mode *: The search mode for Splunk search query execution. They include verbose, fast, and smart modes. Refer: Search Modes to understand the three Splunk search modes.
  • Splunk App Namespace (Optional): The Splunk application namespace in which to restrict the Splunk search query to be executed, that is, the app context. You can obtain this from Splunk Admin or Splunk user. If not specified the Splunk default application namespace is used.
  • TableName (Optional): A Table name to create a table based on the Splunk search results. This is used if the user wants to create a Databricks table from search results. In this case, the user will have to modify the notebook cmd 6. In cmd 6 of the notebook, comment out the line calling function: process_search_results and uncomment the line calling function store_search_results.

To run the notebook, attach it to a cluster, fill in all the required parameters and select the Run All option. In case of any error, the error is displayed at the bottom of the notebook cells where it occurred.

Modular code in the notebook

The cmd 5 in the notebook contains a class Client that is used to authenticate the user to Splunk, submit the search query to Splunk, poll the Splunk search status and fetch and convert the result obtained into data frames.

  • The function connect is used for authenticating.
  • The function create_search submits the search query to Splunk.
  • The function is_search_done polls the submitted search query submitted for completion.
  • The function process_search_results fetches the search results in chunks (as dictated by the value of maxresultrows parameter in searchresults stanza in Splunk's limits.conf: default value of 50000) over multiple REST API calls for the search identified by the search id for the submitted search query. It then converts each chunk as obtained into data frames. The user can now add their logic to use these data frames as required.
  • Also, the function store_search_results provided is similar to process_search_results except, it uses the data frames created to generate a Databricks table. This function is not called in the existing workflow of the notebook. However, the user can uncomment function call to store_search_results function in cmd 6 of the notebook to use it for creating the tables

Import Splunk Instance's Certificate in Databricks

This step is needed only if your Splunk instance has been configured to use a certificate and that certificate is not trusted by your browser/system. Follow the below steps to import the certificate.

  • Create an init script that adds the entire CA chain and sets the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE property as follows in Databricks. In this example, PEM format CA certificates are added to the file myca.crt which is located at /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/. <YOUR CERTIFICATE CONTENT> can be obtained from Splunk Admin. The myca.crt and myca.pem file names used here are just examples. Please use filenames that don't exist already in the locations as it may cause issues.

    cat << 'EOF' > /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/myca.crt
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    CERTS=$(grep 'END CERTIFICATE' $PEM_FILE| wc -l)
    # To process multiple certs with keytool, you need to extract
    # each one from the PEM file and import it into the Java KeyStore.
    for N in $(seq 0 $(($CERTS - 1))); do
    ALIAS="$(basename $PEM_FILE)-$N"
    echo "Adding to keystore with alias:$ALIAS"
    cat $PEM_FILE |
        awk "n==$N { print }; /END CERTIFICATE/ { n++ }" |
        keytool -noprompt -import -trustcacerts             -alias $ALIAS -keystore $KEYSTORE -storepass $PASSWORD
    echo "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> /databricks/spark/conf/
  • Attach the init script to the cluster as a cluster-scoped init script.

  • Restart the cluster.

Refer Importing custom certificates to Databricks for more details on importing custom certificates in databricks.

Now you can use this cluster to run the notebook when you want to use SSL server certificate verification for communication with Splunk.


  • The number of results returned by this notebook depends on the Splunk REST API limits. User needs to configure the limits on the Splunk Instance to ensure they get all the results.

    Example 1: By default Splunk allows only 500000 results for queries that return events (query containing streaming commands only). This is controlled by the max_count parameter (default value 500000) in the search stanza in Splunk's limits.conf.

    In case you have a query that returns in total more events than the default max_count value, you can modify the max_count accordingly.

    Example 2: Whenever queries that return events (query containing streaming commands only) are executed in verbose mode, it returns 1000 events only.

    In this case, append | table <required fields list> or | table * to query.
