================================================================================ Configuration of Apache with Phusion Passenger ================================================================================ Passenger is not interesting when you are in development mode. It is only useful for production.:: sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-passenger sudo passenger-install-apache2-module Eventually passenger-install-apache2-module will tell you to copy & paste some settings into the Apache configuration file; something that looks along the lines of: :: LoadModule passenger_module ... PassengerRoot ... PassengerRuby ... A typical Virtual Host on Apache2 and Passenger : :: ServerName markus.ec-nantes.fr DocumentRoot /home/markus/markus/public Allow from all Options -MultiViews Much more simple than the one with Mongrel :D **Be Careful** : There is a bug with Rake and Rails. Passenger use the production environment given with MarkUs. If you have issues loading the schema in the database, just give the same database name to the production and the development environments (in config/databases.yml)