These are my notes from the feedback we had * In general * Keep it simple: The less links the pages displayes, the less people will search through them. Example of google, which is a search engine. Almost all the links displayed on the page concern the search engin * Be precise and clear: in the names, for example... * Observe the feedback data: no one clics on a certain link. Why? * Have a look at other design. Good ideas can be taken from other website * For Markus * In the admin interface, student list: * Change CVS into CSV file * In the student interface, assignment's summary * There is a double "Create group", one as a title, one as a link * Some of the things are redondant with the manage group view. Maybe merge them? Or is unecessary? * The inviter is displayed in red. Keep red for problems! * Maybe the due date shouldn't be displayed in this format... Maybe the number of days left befor this due date? * In the student interface, group's formation * Student not ordered in a logical order. Legal problem? * Multiselect box, in the list of student, to choose them, rather than the actuel system of select * Inviter's name is in red. Same pbm as in the assignment's summary view * In the student interface, Submissions view * There is a warning box, when the student hasn't upload the required files yet. This information shouldn't be displayed like this : it gives the impression the student did something wrong, which is not the case.