This is a set of ansible scripts that deploy a fabric network natively to a set of VMs/Bare Metal Servers. Currently it is expected that all peers and orderers run on separate VMs, you cannot have more than 1 fabric node (peer/orderer) running in the same VM.
It supports deployment to 2 separate enviroments
- Local docker containers simulating VM/Bare Metal Servers
- VMs/Bare Metal Servers
The docker environment exists primarily to test the ansible script implementation however there are differences between the 2 environments which means that you cannot use the ansible scripts to start/stop the prometheus/grafana/mosquitto services. Further details will be provided later on this.
Various files control the ansible configuration
- ansible.cfg: mainly used to provide the default hosts file to use when one is not explicitly provided.
- inventory/docker/group_vars/all.yaml: provides the configuration for a specific ansible deployment using a docker provisioned system, eg where to get fabric from, fsc code from, chaincode from plus configuration parameters to tune fabric nodes
- inventory/vm/group_vars/all.yaml: is the vm equivalent of the above
- inventory/docker/example/group_vars: containers example all.yaml files for different deployments.
The repo is currenly configured with docker/all.yaml, ansible.cfg to target a docker provisioned environment for the token sdk fungible sample.
For a step by step guide in bringing up the fungible sample see Fungible Sample
In the inventory file you define the machines that will form part of the fabric network grouped under the collections peers
& orderers
Under each group you define the different organisations and the property name you supply represents the msp id.
There is another group of machines called clients. clients are generally used to provide load generation and you may need more than 1 client to perform that load generation. client0
is a special client and does more than be involved in the load generation. It is used to perform part of the deployment of fabric, for example generating the crypto material and running some of the peer commands (eg peer chaincode instantiate). It is also host to the prometheus and grafana servers for observability as well as the mosquitto broker required by caliper to use remote workers.
client0 should be used for load generation orchestration (eg running caliper manager) and if there is any spare resource could also be used to generate load (eg running caliper workers) but the main load generation should come from other clients.
IMPORTANT: This system relies on being able to login as root currently. Some environments (eg multipass vms) won't work out of the box because they disable direct logging in as root.
You need to enable ssh login using root as follows:
create your vms, then shell into each and sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
uncomment PermitRootLogin
and set it to PermitRootLogin yes
change PasswordAuthentication
to PasswordAuthentication yes
save the file
sudo systemctl restart sshd
sudo passwd root
to set a password for root
- In the ansible directory, edit
and ensure that the default inventory file is set to the vm directory
#inventory = ./inventory/docker/hosts.yaml
inventory = ./inventory/vm/hosts.yaml
or if you prefer you can run playbooks with the -i option to explicitly provide the hosts file to use
- Create your
file in theansible/inventory/vm/hosts.yaml
file. There is ahosts-template.yaml
which provides guidance on creating this. -. Either install ansible or you could build and use theansible/provision-vms/docker/Dockerfile.controller
to create an ansible environment
docker build -f ansible/provision-vms/docker/Dockerfile.controller -t controller:latest .
docker run -it --name controller --rm -v $PWD/ansible:/ansible controller:latest /bin/bash
you will want to have an SSH key installed to the remote systems so you don't have to use password authentication, if you use the controller container you need to ensure you either copy an ssh key into it (use the ansible directory as a way to do this) from your system (previously generated) or you can create one inside the container and copy it out (again via the ansible directory) otherwise you will lose your installed key if you destroy the container and will need to create it again. To generate a keypair:
- run
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
apt install -y sshpass
change to the ansible directory
cd /ansible
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ./site-fabric-vm.yaml -e plays="ssh,deployprom,caliper"
to perform an initial deploy and run which will deploy caliper -
Optionally bring up the monitoring and observing processes (see next sections)
Optionally run a caliper performance benchmark
You can login to the grafana on the machine you designated as client0
ansible-playbook -e plays="monitstart" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="monitstop" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="serverstart" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="serverstop" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="mqttstart" playbooks/90-run-caliper-benchmark.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="mqttstop" playbooks/90-run-caliper-benchmark.yaml
grafana is available on the client0 machine port 3000 (userid: admin, password: admin) prometheus is available on the client0 machine port 9090
- ssh into your client0 machine
- cd Manager
- nano ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/no-op.yaml (workers: 2, tps: 200)
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/no-op.yaml -l
- nano ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml (workers: 2, tps 100)
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml -l
Also you could use remote workers (ensure you have started the servers as it starts mosquitto needed for remote workers)
- ssh into another client shell (eg client0, client1 etc)
- cd ~/Worker
- ./ -w 2 -i client0
In the original client0 shell
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml -i client0:1883
- In the ansible directory, edit
and ensure that the default inventory file is set to an appropriate host file in thedocker
inventory = ./inventory/docker/hosts-fabric.yaml
#inventory = ./inventory/vm/hosts-fabric.yaml
- cd Automated/provision-vms/docker
- build the controller docker image: docker build -f Dockerfile.controller -t controller:latest
- build the prepared machine docker image: docker build -f Dockerfile.prepmac -t prepmac:latest
- docker-compose up -d
- docker exec -it controller /bin/bash
- cd /ansible
- ./site.yaml
- optionally start the monitors and observing services
The prepmac image isn't mandatory but all the docker-compose files reference it because it builds an image which contains a lot of the pre-reqs already installed making running of the ansible scripts faster. It will still work if you specify a base Ubuntu image in the docker compose file. It's not forced because it helps to test within docker a VM environment where the VM image will not have some of the base components installed.
If you want to use the site.yaml to start one of the iou, atsa fungible samples, then you can specify a play of 'iou', 'atsa', 'fungible' eg
./site.yaml -e "plays=fungible"
You should also make sure you use the correct group_vars/all file from the example group vars folder as it ensures getting the correct chaincode and fsc node source to build and create the fsc nodes for the example.
In summary the following needs to be checked
- you have the appropriate all.yaml file in group_vars for the system you want to run
- you have the appropriate inventory file specified in ansible.cfg for the system you want to run
- you provision the appropriate environment that matches that inventory file (for docker use the appropriate docker-compose file)
ansible-playbook -e plays="monitstart" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
ansible-playbook -e plays="monitstop" playbooks/80-start-stop-observing.yaml
You can't use the ansible scripts here In the host (ie your machine) enviroment:
- cd Automated/ansible/playbooks/static-files
- docker run --rm -d --name mqtt -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 --network docker_default -v $PWD/mosquitto:/mosquitto/config eclipse-mosquitto:latest
- copy /root/prometheus.yml file from client0 docker container over to this Automated/ansible/playbooks/static-files
- docker run --rm -d --name prom -v $PWD/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --network docker_default -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus:v2.32.1
- docker run --rm -d --name graf -v $PWD/grafana/provisioning:/etc/grafana/provisioning -e "GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin" -e "GF_USERS_ALLOW_SIGN_UP=false" --network docker_default -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana:8.3.4
- change the datasource from localhost to prom in the grafana UI on localhost:3000
- docker exec -it client0 /bin/bash
- apt install -y nano
- cd ~/Manager
- nano ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/no-op.yaml (workers: 2, tps: 200)
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/no-op.yaml -l
- nano ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml (workers: 2, tps 100)
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml -l
Also you can use remote workers (which we will simulate on client0, but could be run on any client instance)
- docker exec -it client0 /bin/bash
- cd ~/Worker
- ./ -w 2 -i mqtt
on the original client0 shell
- ./ -b ~/caliper-benchmarks/benchmarks/api/fabric/create-asset-100.yaml -i mqtt:1883