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File metadata and controls

82 lines (68 loc) · 6.68 KB

2021, Fri, Mar 12

  1. Move Terraform into modules.
    • Move the budget into a module, set up folders for modules.
    • Pushing this, the build failed with:
      aws_budgets_budget.cost: Destroying... [id=:Monthly Cost Budget]
      module.budget.aws_budgets_budget.cost: Creating...
      aws_budgets_budget.cost: Destruction complete after 0s
      Error: create budget failed: DuplicateRecordException: Error creating budget: Monthly Cost Budget - the budget already exists.
      on modules/budget/ line 1, in resource "aws_budgets_budget" "cost":
      1: resource "aws_budgets_budget" "cost" {
    • After triggering another run the conflict was avoided.
      aws_s3_bucket.terraform_state: Refreshing state... [id=dev-dmac]
      module.budget.aws_budgets_budget.cost: Creating...
      module.budget.aws_budgets_budget.cost: Creation complete after 3s [id=:Monthly Cost Budget]
    • Downside of using Github Actions is that all logs are public. Changing repository to a template and moving actual running implementation to private repository, hopefully 2,000 Actions minutes/month will be enough to run this!

2021, Thu, Mar 11

  1. Continuing Terraform of Budget:
    • Terraform import appears to have additional configuration when using a remote backend, so instead stuck to cross referencing manually created budget with local tf file.
    • Deleted manually created budget and pushing local tf file.
    • Verified that the CI/CD build passed and the budget reappeared in the console.
  2. Adding an ec2 instance:
    • Reusing the modules from

    • So it appears that AWS only allow deployment of eligible free tier ami's,

      Third-party applications or services from AWS Marketplace aren't eligible for the AWS Free Tier.

    • this means just Ubuntu and not # NixOS 20.09.1632.a6a3a368dda x86_64-linux. Might be possible to circumvent this using

    • It's a community provided image so for this to work under free tier we need to know:

      1. Can we run a community ami in the free tier, as long as it can use t2.micro and ebs backed storage?
      2. We need to verify who provided the image to determine whether we can trust. We can check by calling with the AMI ID aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids ami-07f493412d6213de6 --region=eu-west-3
      3. The official latest image id is also available here
      4. Have posted a question about this here
      5. Apparently it's possible to run on the free tier, as someone has written about it.

2021, Sat, Mar 6

  1. Adding a budget to track free tier usage
    • Documentated here it's possible to track free tier usage using AWS Billing. Granting access to an IAM user via adding a policy is not enough, the root account is in charge of billing and so it's via the root account that billing access for IAM users must be activated, read more here. Following those steps, then checking in the dev user portal appears to activate the billing home page but not the budgets page. Appears that AWSBudgetsActionsWithAWSResourceControlAccess is also required for budget's access.
    • The free tier usage tracking with AWS Budgets can be found here, and a budget can be manually set up this way.
    • Replicate the budget in Terraform, using the budget and the docs

2021, Fri, Mar 5

  1. Install Nix tool to obtain Terraform and other dependencies

    • Add in script.
  2. Obtain credentials for AWS User

    • Login to root account via AWS Portal
    • Revoke previous credentials
    • Create new credentials and download as CSV
    • export credentials so they are available in the shell environment
  3. Set up the Terraform remote state

    • commented out the terraform backend field in
    • updated the bucket name and region the
    • ran terraform init from local machine
    • ran terraform apply from local machine and made sure to review the changes before typing yes, as there was other .tf files in the directory which we didn't want to risk being charged for yet.
    • aws s3 ls should return the created bucket
    • uncommented the backend field in and ran terraform init again, read the warning before typing yes
    • Added aws credentials to the Github repository secrets
  4. Add Github Actions Workflow to automate deployment

    • Based on the action found here
    • renamed the branch to match this dev repo.
    • Received STS signature does not match error, attempted to update secrets based on what was exported locally. Tried using Github environment secrets instead but failed with missing secret error probably due to dot notation being missing. Tried to update to AWS Provider version 3.
    • Received You must complete the Terraform 0.13 upgrade process before upgrading to later versions., amended based on Hashi's docs.
    • Problem could be because state was initialized locally using Terraform v0.12.30 but the Github Action is using a newer version Terraform v0.14.7.
    • Added new TF version to setup that is actually available on Nix
    • Ran step to update state, failed to fully upgrade to TF V0.14.7.
    • Deleted bucket on AWS
    • Deleted local .terraform folder and the tcl lock file. Then followed step 3 again to restart. Commented out the regional sts endpoint because of this issue thrown when running terraform apply.
    • Uncommented the remote backend again and run terraform init.
    • Committed TCL lockfile because it's like packagelock.json see here.