I added instructions for setting up and running our application.
Since I finished implementing my API's I started researching how to create an executable for our project:
- Researched Pyinstaller and py2exe to see which would be the best fit for out project
- Installing Kivy and setting up UI environment on my machine
- Testing sample executable in different environments to see its limitations
I mostly did research for this week, so I have no code to commit.
Started testing for Tumblr API
Testing mocks responses from pytumblr API
Started implementing Tumblr API
- User can post text, photos, and videos to a specific tumblr blog
- User can get the number of likes for a specific blog and the number of likes for that blog
- User can delete a post from a certain blog
Finished testing for Facebook API
Testing mocks responses from Facebook graph API
Started finding online resources for implementing tumblr API
Started testing for Facebook Chat API and Facebook API
Testing mocks responses from fbchat API
Started implementing Facebook Chat API
- User can send messages, images, and files through Facebook messenger
- User can block and unblock people in the chat
- User can view all messages in a chat
- User can create chats with friends
- User can delete chats
Finish the Facebook API implementation
Cannot test this API yet because Facebook wants to approve apps before certain permissions can be granted, and without these permissions, I cannot make calls to the Facebook Graph API.
Researched how to get the permissions approved and started work on getting our app approved - need UI elements
Started implementing Facebook api
Research OAuth authentication for Facebook
Research sever interactions to collect data from url redirects
Added more info for pre-commit hooks
Researched class structure for python
Implemented base classes, interfaces, and enums for the project
Debugged the make file
Researched how to detect the operating system in the makefile, so that the correct file paths were referenced
Researched pre-commit
Setup pre-commit for project
Added sample makefile