Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone
Download the dependencies and then run the app
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Start the project
$ npm run dev
# Dashboard
# Fines
The application can run in a container using the Dockerfile. To run the application, first create the image as follows:
docker build -t <user>/<image_name>:version .
The construction of the image executes a Build of the react application, which runs on port 80. I emphasize that the execution of the following command sets the API address as the default, which is the ip of the json-server moked data.
docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name reactapp <user>/<image>:latest
To make the application communicate the correct API address, must pass the following argument when building the image:
docker build --build-arg API= -t <user>/<image_name>:version .