- GPG agents require a passphrase to unlock gpg signatures. This passphrase is cached for subsequent signings. This cache has a timeout / TTL.
- By default this TTL is around 10 minutes of no GnuPG activity (resets if you use it), and a max TTL of 2 hours. This can be annoying if you sign your git commits and make many small commits throughout the day, as you will be required to enter the passphrase every so often.
The cache TTL can be set in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
default-cache-ttl 34560000
max-cache-ttl 34560000
The values are in seconds. This sets both TTLs to 400 days (just over a year)
⚠️ Take caution on setting a TTL that is too long if you are in a shared system or are in an area where you suspect someone might snoop on your computer.
I personally use values of 6hrs and 1 Day for both of these respectively.
- 20210914072507 Sign git commits with GPG
- 20210914062938 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
#literature-note #security