A platform for remote code execution to facilitate network security research. Weasel is for research, and so it does not include any remote deployment exploits. Instead, the researcher must manually deploy "bot" code to a set of machines under study.
Define an environment variable WEASEL_ROOT
that points to the location of your Weasel-Bot directory.
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create sqlite3 database:
cd Weasel-Bot
sqlite3 weasel.s3db < ../schema.sql
Test out the botmaster configuration:
$python executor.py
weasel> help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF active createuser dropuser exec help ping put showusers
weasel> ping
Success [] Failure []
weasel> createuser mysecretpassword
Created user
Start the web-based services:
cd Weasel-Web
$python services.py
* Running on
Modify bot.conf
to refer to the server addresses. In this case:
Start up a bot:
$python bot_server.py
('', 5507)
Make sure the bot is responding and send it a script:
$python executor.py
weasel> ping
Success [(u'', 5507)] Failure []
weasel> put /Users/dgarant/repos/weasel/Weasel-Bot/weasel/bot/scripts/say-hello-simple.py
Success [(u'', 5507)] Failure []
weasel> exec say-hello-simple.py
The bot should respond to the command and print out "hello".