All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Globally exclude params for webflux #228
- Handle multiple endpoints on @GetParam #219
- Upgrade Springboot to 2.2.1
- Upgrade Swagger UI to 3.24.3
- Upgrade webjars locator to 0.38
- Add Spring Boot metadata for config properties. #208
- Explicitly set which packages/ paths to scan #210
- Disable the try it out button #214
- Changed getOpenApi in AbstractOpenApiResource to synchronized #209
- Missing Response Content - #212
- Ignore @AuthenticationPrincipal from spring-security #198
- Add operationsSorter and tagsSorter configuration.
- Flux<> implies array structure #195
- Improve support of ArraySchema in @Parameter #202
- Removed default description on RequestBody annotation #207
- Duplicated mapping key. Random ConcurrentModificationException error #206
- Add Ability to Configure Swagger UI - The support of the swagger official properties #192
- Support of @Parameters on controller or interface level #185
- Disable/enable Swagger-UI generation based on env variable #191
- Update #189
- Use
annotation to mark API operation as deprecated #180 - Support for mappring Pageable of spring-data to correct URL-Parameter in Swagger UI #177
- Make webjars prefix configurable
- Generate a default tag name if no tag specified
- Support for Kotlin Coroutines added #172
- update swagger api version to 2.0.10 #167
- project refactoring
- Support custom annotations of @RequestMapping #160
- Add @NotEmpty @NotBlank @PositiveOrZero @NegativeOrZero support #161
- Improve handling of @RequestBody Mono #163
- Support @Schema(hidden = true) on @Parameter #148
- project refactoring
- Support of RequestMapping with Regex #145
- Open base classes for subclassing outside of package
- Improve handling interface methods #147
- Improve Media Type management, on ControllerAdvice method with explicit ApiResponse annotation #144
- Using @Content on @ApiResponse, will ensure that no content will be generated on the OpenAPI yml/json description. #143
- Error on calling GET /v3/api-docs #142
- Support for @Controller class with @ResponseBody annotation #138
- project refactoring
- upgrade to spring-boot 2.2.0.RELEASE
- Open up for customisation #136: Change signatures on some methods in AbstractParameterBuilder
- Add support for @JsonView annotations in Spring MVC APIs #107
- rename module springdoc-openapi-core to springdoc-openapi-webmvc-core
- Missing Header parameters from @Operation annotation #127
- Ui with multiple file @RequestPart only shows last part #55
- Upgrade swagger-api from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
- Upgrade swagger-ui from 3.23.5 to 3.24.0
- Enable strict JSON output checking in tests #115
- Make ignoring parameters in AbstractRequestBuilder easier to extend
- Do not ignore PathVariable parameters, they are all time mandatory
- Extend search for @ApiResponse annotations
- Ability to generate operation responses that reference a global reusable response component #114
- Imporove support of
Response schemas: merge will be based on content element inside @ApiResponse annotation only #106
- @SecurityRequirement at Operation and class level
- Project refactoring
- Added sample tests for Swagger UI #99
- Support of Kotlin List of MultipartFile #95
- Imporive inconsistency of generated operationId in /v3/api-docs #96
- Change behaviour to not overwrite an existing common schema. #98
- New Feature: OpenAPICustomiser #92
- Added Custom converter to handle IllegalArgumentException at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.POJOPropertyBuilder.getSetter() #94
- Error in AbstractResponseBuilder.Schema calculateSchema(Components components, ParameterizedType parameterizedType) #90
- Project refactoring
- Imporove support of overloaded methods in the same Rest Controller
- Added specefic tag for spring-boot-actuator endpoints
- Support of spring-boot-actuator endpoints to swagger-ui #88
- Update
- Regression between 1.1.33 and 1.1.34 #84
- Make @Hidden work on classlevel of @RestControllerAdvice #81
- ClassCastException in org.springdoc.core.AbstractResponseBuilder#calculateSchema #76
- Project refactoring
- Query parameter with defaultValue specified will not be marked as required #72
- Added Support for callbacks #74
- WebFlux Multipart File Upload - Support for FilePart #75
- Error in version 1.1.27 #79
- requestBody content is empty when using @RequestMapping annotation but is populated for @PostMapping #80
- Project refactoring
- Regression between 1.1.25 and 1.1.26 #70
- Added more tests
- Spring ResponseEntity shoudl not return empty MediaType for no-body responses #68
- Operation.requestBody.content[0].mediaType is ignored #62
- Support of schema.example for string/date-time #61
- project refactoring
- View on the Swagger-ui multiple file @RequestPart #55
- Support beans as parameter in @GetMapping / components empty #12
- Improve Generic (error) responses built from
#53 - Parameter documentation overwritten by schema calculation based on type #59
- Ignore HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse params #57
- HTTP status codes in responses not according to spec #46
- better support for global parameters
- Support of @Hidden annotation for ControllerAdvice exception handlers
- Do not override parameter.schema #51
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- A Controller method that does not return a response body will not document a schema #40
- Make sure the swagger-ui.path of the initial html page is the same for other swagger-ui requests
- Allow to overwrite default API response #35
- Exception in case of parametrized types inside ReponseEntity #34
- project refactoring
- Attempting to add @SecurityScheme to annotation results in a NPE. #36
- Support the annotation #33
- Support the io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Hidden annotation to exclude from swagger docs #32
- update README
- project refactoring
- Support hiding of Schema and Example Value #16
- Add property that helps disable springdoc-openapi endpoints.
- project refactoring
- Add server url on webflux
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- Load components from OpenAPI bean config #28
- Load components from OpenAPI bean config
- Support handling @requestbody annotation directly at parameter level
- Detect context-path on standalone webservers #20
- Parameter will not be missing, if @parameter is used without name. #23
- Support of @javax.validation.Size specs with (maximum instead of maxLength) #21
- Any @GetMapping parameters should be marked as required, even if @RequestParam missing #14
- Handling @parameter in @operation with proper schema #17
- project refactoring
- Support MultipartFile schema in UI #1
- project refactoring
- support Annotations from interfaces #8
- oneOf response implementation #10
- Support Spring Boot WebFlux Netty #3
- Complete parameter types list to be excluded #9
- Allow to customize OpenAPI object programmatically #4
- context-path is not respected when using Swagger UI - #2
- update
- Added sample codes
- First release of springdoc-openapi, that supports OpenAPI 3
- Experimental release