SQLite C++ driver (SQLite API)
- is a header-only C++ driver for SQLite.
To use this library, a compiler with C++17 support (such as GCC 7.5+) is required.
- easy to use, header-only library;
- almost no overhead compared to native C API;
- zero-based indices for both prepared statement parameters and result columns;
- easy to use extensible data type conversion system.
Copy the content of folder src
into a folder under include path, for example,
, then #include <dmitigr/sqlixx/sqlixx.hpp>
#include <dmitigr/sqlixx/sqlixx.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
namespace sqlixx = dmitigr::sqlixx;
// Create the test table.
create table if not exists tab(
id integer primary key,
cr real,
ct text,
cb blob)
// Truncate the test table.
c.execute("delete from tab");
// Populate the test table.
auto s = c.prepare("insert into tab(id, cr, ct, cb) values(?, ?, ?, ?)");
s.execute(0, 1.2, std::to_string(3), sqlixx::Blob{"four", 4});
s.execute(1, 2.3, std::string_view{"four", 4}, sqlixx::Blob{"five", 4});
s.execute(2, 3.4, sqlixx::Text_utf8{"five", 4}, sqlixx::Blob{"six", 3});
// Query the test table.
c.execute([](const sqlixx::Statement& s)
const auto b = s.result<sqlixx::Blob>("cb");
const std::string_view cb{static_cast<const char*>(b.data()), b.size()};
const auto t1 = s.result<sqlixx::Text_utf8>("ct");
const auto t2 = s.result<std::string>("ct");
const auto t3 = s.result<std::string_view>("ct");
assert(!std::strcmp(t1.data(), t2.data()) && (t2 == t3));
std::cout << "id: " << s.result<int>("id") << "\n"
<< "cr: " << s.result<double>("cr") << "\n"
<< "ct: " << t3 << "\n"
<< "cb: " << cb << "\n";
"select * from tab where id >= ? and id < ?", 0, 3);