- SGI Indy---Higher Intellect Vintage Computer Wiki
- ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2) Overview
- Making JavaScript Safe for Advertising
- Macromedia Flash MX---A next-generation rich client
- American National Standard for Information Systems--programming language--C: ANSI X3.159–1989
- IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. IEEE Std. 754--2008
- American National Standard for Information Technology--Programming Languages--Smalltalk: ANSI INCITS 319-1998
- Flash Player penetration
- The AWK Programming Language
- Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Mark Anders Remembers Blackbird, and Other Microsoft Hits and Misses
- Hypercard Script Language Guide: The Hypertalk Language
- ECMAScript Object.observe spec
- List of languages that compile to JS
- List of languages that compile to JS
- CoffeeScript, a little language that compiles to JavaScript. Happy Holidays, HN
- CoffeeScript 1.0
- jashkenas / minimalist-classes.js
- Presentation on Modules
- Strawman: Modules Emaker Style
- EMaker style modules for ECMAScript
- Module proposals status
- babeljs.io
- The Java Saga
- Cross-Origin JavaScript Capability Leaks: Detection, Exploitation
- Programming Pearls: Little Languages
- A Brief History of the Web
- Happy 10th birthday, Outlook Web Access!
- Browser wars: High price, huge rewards.
- Proposed JavaScript Extensions
- JavaScript, the worst invention ever
- wtfjs
- Happy 3rd Birthday!
- Google Caja
- Caja: Safe active content in sanitized JavaScript
- A Third Generation Smalltalk-80 Implementation
- A Collection of JavaScript Gotchas
- EcmaScript Internationalization Library Proposal
- The Maude 2.0 System
- Proposal for Conditional Compile Support in ECMAScript
- ECMA TC39 and Working Group meetings -- 29/30 March 1999
- Introducing JScript .NET
- Modules/1.0
- AppleScript
- ECMAScript E3 draft status [1999.04.08]
- ECMAScript E3 draft status [1999.08.03]
- JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language
- A Survey of the JavaScript Programming Language
- Private Members in JavaScript
- JSLINT The JavaScript Verifier
- JSMIN The JavaScript Minifier
- Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification
- Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-4-4)
- Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-4-21)
- Recommendations for Modifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification (2007-6-21)
- Re: ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (21 Oct. 2007, 11:31 AM)
- Classical Inheritance in JavaScript
- JSON in JavaScript
- Introducing JSON
- JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML
- The Little JavaScripter
- Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript
- Proposal to Refocus TC39-TG1 On the Maintenance of the ECMAScript 3rd Edition Specification
- Minify
- The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Premature Standardization
- json.org
- es3.1 goals
- Secure ECMAScript
- JavaScript: The Good Parts
- (Non-archival) Node.js
- What Server Side JavaScript needs
- CommonJS: the First Year
- Transcript of Q&A following Brendan Eich ICFP 2005 keynote
- James Webb Space Telescope ground to flight interface design
- Scheming with objects
- Fragmented Future
- ModuleImport
- Adding JavaScript modules to the web platform
- Spice language manual
- ES4 work
- Packages must go
- Minutes for the Ecma Co-ordinating Committee, Sept. 19-20, 1996
- Invitation and venue for the start-up meeting on a project on Java Script
- Minutes for the 73rd General Assembly, 26-27 June 1997
- Minutes for the 78th General Assembly, 16-17 Dec. 1997
- Minutes for the meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee, 9-10 May 2007
- Minutes for the meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee, 23-24 October 2007
- Minutes of the 98th meerting of the Ecma General Assembly, 3 December 2009
- Minutes of the 98th meerting of the Ecma General Assembly, 17 June 2015
- Ecma International Approves ECMAScript for XML
- Ecma International approves major revision of ECMAScript
- At the June 17, 2015 Ecma General Assembly in Montreux, ECMA-262 6th edition - ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification and ECMA-402 2nd edition - ECMAScript 2015 Internationalization API have been adopted
- JavaScript Language Specification
- SpiderMonkey JS 1.4 source code
- The non-world non-wide non-web
- JavaScript 1, 2, and in between
- JavaScript at Ten Years
- Recap and Prelude
- JS2 Design Notes
- JavaScript2 And The Future Of The Web
- Will there be a suggested file suffix for es4?
- RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 4:22 PM)
- RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 10:42 PM)
- New Projects
- Popularity
- ECMAScript Harmony
- Allen's lambda syntax proposal
- Improving ECMAScript as a compilation target
- Strawman: catchalls
- harmony:harmony
- harmony:harmony
- three small proposals: the bikeshed cometh!
- Presentation on modules
- Strawman: arrow function syntax
- Strawman: block lambda revival
- Harmony of My Dreams
- My JSConf.US Presentation
- New JavaScript Engine Module Owner
- New JavaScript Engine Module Owner
- BrendanEich/minimalist-classes.js Less minimalism, richer leather
- The Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter
- u
- Class declarations
- Value Objects
- Harmony: arrow function syntax
- The es5-discuss Archives
- ECMAScript 5 Conformance Suite
- Initial set of ECMAScript 5 conformance tests
- JavaScript Must Be Eradicated From The Web
- Contracts for Higher-order Functions
- Hybrid Type Checking
- ES-Harmony Class System Proposal
- Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big (keynote), European Conference on the Practical Applications of Lisp, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, March 1990
- Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages
- The Internet Tidal Wave
- Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications
- History of Flash
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Version 2 Working Draft (with change bars)
- Telescript Language Reference
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 3 Final Draft
- I18N meeting minutes
- Proposal for Improving Internationalization Support in ECMAScript 2.0 (Version 0.3)
- Proposal for Improving Internationalization Support in ECMAScript 2.0 (Version 1.0)
- Google Web Toolkit(Beta)
- V8 Benchmark Suite -- version 1
- V8 JavaScript Engine: Design Elements
- Chromium with the Dart VM
- Chromium
- The Java Language Specification
- How to evaluate the performance of gradual type systems
- The Future of JS and You
- Launching Sputnik into Orbit
- ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (21 Oct. 2007, 10:32 AM)
- Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition -- Language Overview (Revised 23 October 2007)
- ECMAScript 4th Edition – Project Editor’s Report
- Evolutionary Programming and Gradual Typing in ECMAScript 4
- Compatibility Between ES3 and Proposed ES4
- Features to Defer From Proposed ECMAScript 4
- Proposed ES4 draft 1
- Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification Draft 1
- Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification, Surface Syntax Draft 1
- Proposed ECMAScript 4th Edition Specification, Core Language Draft 1
- Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly
- Statecharts in the Making: A Personal Account
- Status Report: Specifying Javascript with ML
- Space-efficient gradual typing
- ClassicJavaScript CEKS semantics
- ECMAScript Edition 4 Reference Implementation
- Strawman: lambdas
- simple modules
- Simple Modules
- Modules for JavaScript: Simple, Compilable, and Dynamic Libraries on the Web.~
- modules proposal
- Strawman: Simple Modules
- Strawman: Module loaders
- Strawman: Array Comprehensions
- Harmony: Generator Expressions
- Strawman: Pattern Matchings
- minimal classes
- dherman/literal-classes.js
- ES6 doesn't need opt-in
- Strawman: minimal classes
- One JavaScript
- A better future for comprehensions
- Modules: Use Cases, Semantics
- Harmony: Module loaders
- es6-modules-2013-12-02.pdf
- Realms API
- asm.js Specification Working Draft
- WHAT open mailing list announcement
- Rust Language Wiki
- Revised section 12
- JavaScript 2.0 February 1999 Draft
- ECMAScript 4 Netscape Proposal
- JavaScript 2.0 Member Lookup
- Notes from Aug. 22, 2000 meeting between Waldemar Horwat and Herman Venter
- JavaScript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems
- JS2 source code archive
- Epimetheus
- JavaScript 2.0
- ECMAScript Edition 3 Errata
- Substatement function definitions
- return when desugaring to closure
- Full TC39 and SES meeting notes
- Sep 30 meeting notes
- Chrome / V8 Javascript performance
- River Trail
- Strawman: Parallel EcmaScript (River Trail) API
- Problem with Arguments inheriting from Array
- Internet Growth Statistics
- The Origin of JavaScript with Brendan Eich
- Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
- Developing products on Internet time
- Information Technology -- Programming Languages, Their Environments, And System Software Interfaces -- ECMAScript Specification Suite
- The story behind Google Chrome
- The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
- Typed Array Specification, Version 1.0 08 February 2011
- Group Backs Windows Spec
- JSConf 2011
- TC39 Chairman’s Report to the Co-ordinating Committee 3rd May 1999
- TC39 Chairman’s Report to the Co-ordinating Committee 10th November 1999
- Symbolic Operators : (type)
- The story of XMLHTTP
- Mozilla, Microsoft drawing sabers over next JavaScript
- How ECMAScript 5 still does not allow to subclass an array
- JavaScript Modules
- An update on Object.observe
- Level 0 DOM
- Module System for ES-Harmony (Revised)
- Module System for ES-Harmony
- CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination
- Hermetic Evaluation, Modules Strawman
- InfoWorld interview: Why Google Dart beats JavaScript
- ES4 Minimalist Proposal - Draft
- Discussion: Browser Profile
- JScript Deviations from ES3
- ES3.1 Proposal Working Draft
- ES3.1: Draft 1
- ECMAScript 3.1 Draft Specification (28 May 2008)
- Borland's IntraBuilder 1.0
- The Ginger Project
- Finding a safety syntax for classes
- A History of ALGOL 68
- LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual
- TG39 Chairman's Report to: Co-ordinating Committee
- ActionScript 3 Language Specification
- A visual environment for developing context-sensitive term rewriting systems
- HP ECMAScript comments
- 2015 in review
- Greetings from the Safari team at Apple Computer
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta Now Available
- The JScript Language Specification, Version 0.1
- Microsoft Design Proposals for the Ecmascript 2.0 Language Specification
- Microsoft Unveils Vision for Next Generation Internet
- Microsoft Delivers First .NET Platform Developer Tools for Building Web Services
- JScript Version Information
- WPF overview
- www.typescriptlang.org
- Comments regarding: defineProperty/getProperty design sketch
- Controlling DontEnum (was: ES4 draft: Object)
- How much sugar do classes need?
- Classes as Sugar -- old threads revisited (1 of 2)
- Classes as Sugar -- old threads revisited (2 of 2)
- Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control
- eright.org
- Classes as Sugar
- Syntax for Efficient Traits
- Strawman: Guards
- Classes with Trait Composition
- States and transitions of the attributes of an EcmaScript 5 property
- Harmony Classes
- Look Ma, no this
- Regarding: Private members break proxies
- The Definition of Standard ML
- Controlling DontEnum (was: ES4 draft: Object)
- Attribute defaults for Object.defineProperty
- Progress in digital integrated electronics
- who we are
- Core JavaScript 1.5 Reference : __noSuchMethod__
- New in JavaScript 1.7
- Tamarin Project
- Mozilla Foundation releases the highly anticipated Mozilla Firefox 1.0 web browser
- New in JavaScript 1.8
- A JavaScript Module Pattern
- On the Reign of 'Benevolent Dictators for Life' in Software
- Equilibrium points in n-person games
- Release Notes: Netscape Naviagor 2.0b1
- Netscape to License Sun's Java Programming Language
- Netscape and Sun Announce Javascript, the Open, Cross-platform Object Scripting Language for Enterprise Networks and the Internet
- Netscape Introduces Netscape Enterprise Server 2.0
- Netscape 2.0 JavaScript Handbook
- Navigator Scripting
- Navigator Objects
- Release Notes: Netscape Navigator for Window, Atlas Preview Release 2
- Netscape 3.0 JavaScript Guide
- Features added after version 1
- What's New in JavaScript for Navigator 4.0: Introduction
- Core JavaScript Guide 1.5
- What's New in JavaScript for Navigator 4.0: Operators
- Netscape Communicator 3.0.2 Source Tree
- JavaScript Security in Communicator 4.x
- Identify the Champion, An Organisational Pattern Language for Programme Committees
- tinyclouds.org/node
- About the Node.js Foundation
- History of Nombas
- The New JavaScript Engine in Internet Explorer 9
- Harmonious Classes
- Brendan Eich and Arun Ranganathan on ECMAScript Harmony
- Opera version history
- js-loaders repository
- Scripting: Higher Level Programming for the 21st Century
- Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas
- Microsoft's VJ#.Net is made in India
- mootools.net
- W3C "Spice" details
- Shaping the Future of HTML
- The Future of HTML: A Modest Proposal
- Spice documentation
- ECMA TC39 Working Group meeting 19 Nov 1998
- ECMAScript Proposals
- ECMA TC39 Working Group (technical) meeting notes -- 11/12 January 1999
- ECMA TC39 Working Group (technical) meeting notes -- 19 February 1999
- ECMAScript Modularity SubGroup Meeting -- 25th March 1999
- ECMA TC39 meetings 14th October 1999
- ECMA TC39 meetings 20th January 2000
- JavaScript 1.2's evolution as explained by its creator
- jQuery: New Wave Javascript
- Microsoft Dominates Browser Battle
- Harmony: Refutable Patterns
- dojo the browser toolkit
- Netscape Application for Associate membership
- TG1 of TC39 Intentions
- TG1 Convener's Report to TC39s
- Coders at work: Reflections on the craft of programming
- Bending over backward to make JavaScript work on 14 platforms
- What is a Polyfill?
- Using a Prototype-based Language for User Interface: The Newton Project's Experience
- RE: Refocus (16 March 2007, 6:21 PM)
- Announcing SunSpider 0.9
- Namespaces as Sugar
- Introducing SquirrelFish Extreme
- Prototype JavaScript Framework
- Stack Survey 2018 Developer Survey: Most Popular Technologies
- Scheme: An interpreter for extended lambda calculus
- Common LISP: the Language, 2nd Edition
- State of JavaScript Survey -- JavaScript Flavors
- Automated Analysis of Security-Critical JavaScript APIs
- Minutes for the 1st meeting of TC39
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Version 0.3
- 1/15 working group meeting notes
- Minutes for the 2nd meeting of TC39, 14-15 January 1997
- 1/24 working group notes
- Notes from the 1/31 working group meeting
- Notes from the 2/11 conference call
- Notes from the 2/28 working group meeting
- Notes from the 2/14 working group meeting
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Version 0.12 (with revision marks)
- Minutes for the 3rd meeting of TC39, 18-19 March 1997
- Notes from the 3/14 working group meeting
- 4/16 Working group meeting notes
- Notes from the 3/18 TC39 technical meeting
- ES1 issue resolution history
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Version 0.18
- Minutes for the 4th meeting of TC39. July 15-16, 2007
- Minutes for the 5th meeting of TC39. September 16-17, 1997
- ECMA TC39 technical meeting - 19 February 1998
- ECMA TC39 Technical Meeting - March 20, 1998
- ECMA comments ISO/IEC DIS 16262, ECMAScript
- Letter ballot results for DIS 16262
- ECMA TC39 Working Group - Futures list, as of 1999.03.30
- Disposition of Comments Report for DIS-16262
- ECMA TC39 meetings 23-24th September 1999
- ECMA TC39 meetings 14th-15th November 1999
- ECMA TC39 Working Group - Futures list, as of 1999.11.15
- ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 3 Final Draft. (14 Oct. 1999)
- TC39 Email Reflector
- TC39 Chairman's Report to Coordinating Committee
- TG1 Convener's Report to TC39
- Minutes for the Ecma TC39-TG1 held in San Francisco, CA on 8-9 November 2007
- Minutes of the TC39 ES3.1WG teleconference of 21 February 2008
- Minutes of the TC39 ES3.1WG meeting of 26 March 2008
- Revised Agenda for the 5th meeting of Ecma TC39
- Revised Minutes of the 5th meeting of Ecma TC39 23-25 July 2008
- TC39 coalesces on future direction of Web Programming Language
- Press Release: TC39 coalesces on future direction of Web Programming Language
- Minutes of the 1st meeting of Ecma TC39 Special group on Secure ECMAScript
- Presentations at the 1st meeting of Ecma TC39 Special group on Secure ECMAScript
- Minutes for the 7th meeting of Ecma TC39
- Minutes for the 8th meeting of Ecma TC39 28-29 January 2009
- Minutes for the 9th meeting of Ecma TC39 25-26 March 2009
- Final draft Standard ECMA-262 5th edition (28 April 2009)
- Minutes for the 10th meeting of Ecma TC39 28-29 May 2009
- Minutes for the 11th meeting of Ecma TC39 29-30 July 2009
- Minutes for the 12th meeting of Ecma TC39 23-24 September 2009
- Minutes for the 16th meeting of Ecma TC39 24-25 May 2010
- Minutes for the 18th meeting of Ecma TC39 30 September - 1 October 2010
- ECMA-262: ECMAScript A general purpose cross-platform programming language
- ECMA-262, 2nd Edition: ECMAScript Language Specification
- ECMA-290: ECMAScript Components Specification
- ECMA-262, 3rd Edition: ECMAScript Language Specification
- ECMA-327, ECMAScript 3rd Edition Compact Profile
- ECMA-262, 5th Edition: ECMAScript Language Specification
- ECMA-357, 2nd Edition: ECMAScript for XML (E4X) Specification
- ECMA-262, Edition 5.1: ECMAScript Language Specification
- ECMA-402, 1st Edition: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification
- ECMA-262, 6th Edition: ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification
- Minutes for the 22nd meeting of Ecma TC39 24-26 May 2011
- Draft Minutes for the 23rd meeting of Ecma TC39 27-28 July 2011
- Minutes for the 27th meeting of Ecma TC39, Revision 2
- Minutes for the 28th meeting of Ecma TC39
- Minutes for the 29th meeting of Ecma TC39
- Minutes for the 32nd meeting of Ecma TC39 January 29-31, 2013
- Minutes for the 33nd meeting of Ecma TC39 March 12-14, 2012
- March 14, 2013 Meeting Notes
- Minutes for the 36th meeting of Ecma TC39
- July 30, 2014 Meeting Notes
- Minutes for the 42th meeting of Ecma TC39
- January 27, 2015 Meeting Notes
- Minutes for the 45th meeting of Ecma TC39
- TC39 Bugzilla Archive, 2011--2015
- The es-discuss Archives
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 September 22, 2005
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 February 16, 2006
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 March 16, 2006
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 April 21, 2006
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 July 27-28, 2006
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 October 19-20, 2006
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 March 21-23, 2007
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 April 18-20, 2007
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 June 21-22, 2007
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 July 19-20, 2007
- Minutes of Ecma TC39-TG1 September 27-28, 2007
- Public snapshot of TC39-TG1's private ES4 wiki
- ES Wiki
- Proposals: Structural types and typing of initializers
- Clarification: Type System
- Clarification: Formal Type System
- Clarification: Type System
- Proposals for modifying the spec
- Proposals: Inactive
- Expression Closures proposal
- ECMAScript Documentation
- ES4 Pre Release M0 Source
- Catchall proposal
- Strawman Proposals
- Strawman Proposals
- Strawman: Shorter function syntax
- Deferred Proposals
- Strawman Proposals
- Strawman Proposals
- Harmony Proposals
- Harmony Proposals
- Harmony Proposals
- Harmony: Specification Drafts
- Principles of programming languages
- Real World Func Decl in Block Scope Breakages
- simple modules
- traceur-compiler project
- Traceur Language Features - Classes
- Self: The Power of Simplicity
- Catch-all proposal based on proxies
- Catch-all Proxies
- Proxies Strawman Proposal
- Proxies: Design Principles for Robust Object-oriented Intercession APIs
- Traits.Js: Robust Object Composition and High-integrity Objects for Ecmascript 5
- Direct proxies strawman
- Notification Proxies
- Strawman: Direct Proxies
- Proposal: Direct Proxies
- Direct Proxy Spec
- Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants
- Outlook Web Access - A catalyst for web evolution
- Revised section 12
- Updates for section 12
- instanceof proposal
- Stratego: A Language for Program Transformation Based on Rewriting Strategies
- ECMAScript Components Technical Specification. (25 June 1998)
- Overview of ECMAScript Components
- The Brave Cookie Monster---Brendan Eich
- Usage of javascript libraries for websites
- Harmony: Observe
- Post-ES6 Spec Process
- TC‐39 Process
- TC‐39 Process
- Oral history of members of original Microsoft JScript development team
- Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau
- Selecting a new name to replace ECMAScript
- Embrace, extend, and extinguish---Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
- Microsoft storms the Web
- Mozilla Extensions to ECMAScript, 3rd Edition
- Implementation Loopholes In ECMAScript, 3rd Edition
- Notes from 8/16/07 Allen Wirfs-Brock and Douglas Crockford work session
- Re: ECMAScript 4 Language Overview White Paper (23 Oct. 2007, 5:47 AM)
- Position Statement to TC39-TG1 Regarding the Evolution of ECMAScript
- Proposed ECMAScript 3.1 Static Object Functions: Use Cases and Rationale
- definitional interpreter for ECMAScript 5 implemented using ECMAScript
- simple modules
- Strawman: Declarative Object and Class Abstractions Based Upon Extended Object Initialisers
- Other Object Initialiser Property Modifiers
- Declarative Object and Class Abstractions Based Upon Extended Object Initialisers
- Draft Specification for ES.next: July 12, 2011
- Draft Standard ECMA-262 6th Edition, Rev 1
- Subclassing Built-in Constructors
- ES6 Subclassing Built-ins
- Draft Specification for ES.next: Feb. 27, 2012
- Strawman: maximally minimal classes
- ES6 Max-min class semantics with TC39 decision annotations
- Draft Specification for ES.next: Sept. 27, 2012
- Sixth draft, Standard ECMA-262 6th edition
- Making Built-in and Exotic Objects Subclassable
- Standard ECMA-262 6th Edition, Rev 34 Release Candidate 1
- Block Lambdas: break and continue
- Final draft Standard ECMA-262 6th Edition
- Draft Specification for ES.next: January 20, 2014 Draft Rev 22
- Presentation: Instantiation Reform
- Problem: exposing uninitialized built-in objects
- Presentation: Object Instantiation Redo
- ES6 super [[construct]] proposal
- Draft Specification for ES.next: October 14, 2014 Draft Rev 28
- Draft Specification for ES.next: March 17, 2015 Draft Rev 36
- Draft Specification for ES.next: April 14, 2015 Draft Rev 38
- YUI Core
- RE: @@new
- Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
- the netscape dorm