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UNIFAN (Unsupervised Single-cell Functional Annotation) simultaneously clusters and annotates cells with known biological processes (including pathways). For each single cell, UNIFAN first infers gene set activity scores (denoted by r in the figure below) associated with this cell using the input gene sets.


Next, UNIFAN clusters cells by using the learned gene set activity scores (r) and a reduced dimension representation of the expression of genes in the cell. The gene set activity scores are used by an “annotator” to guide the clustering such that cells sharing similar biological processes are more likely to be grouped together. Such design allows the method to focus on the key processes when clustering cells and so can overcome issues related to noise and dropout while simultaneously selecting marker gene sets which can be used to annotate clusters. To allow the selection of marker genes for each cluster, we also add a subset of the most variable genes selected using Seuratv3 (Stuart et al., 2019) as features for the annotator.


Table of Contents



  • Python >= 3.6
  • Python side-packages:
    -- pytorch >= 1.9.0
    -- numpy >= 1.19.2
    -- pandas>=1.1.5
    -- scanpy >= 1.7.2
    -- leidenalg>=0.8.4
    -- tqdm >= 4.61.1
    -- scikit-learn>=0.24.2
    -- umap-learn>=0.5.1
    -- matplotlib >= 3.3.4
    -- seaborn >= 0.11.0


Install within a virtual environment

It is recommended to use a virtural environment/pacakges manager such as Anaconda. After successfully installing Anaconda/Miniconda, create an environment by the following:

conda create -n myenv python=3.6

You can then install and run the package in the virtual environment. Activate the virtural environment by:

conda activate myenv

Make sure you have pip installed in your environment. You may check by

conda list

If not installed, then:

conda install pip

Install Pytorch

UNIFAN is built based on Pytorch and supporting both CPU or GPU. Make sure you have Pytorch (>= 1.9.0) installed in your virtual environment. If not, please visist Pytorch and install the appropriate version.

Install UNIFAN

Install by:

pip install git+

If you want to upgrade UNIFAN to the latest version, then first uninstall it by:

pip uninstall unifan

And then just run the pip install command again.


You may import UNIFAN as an package and use it in your code (See Tutorials for details). Or you may train models using the following command-line tool.


Run UNIFAN by (arguments are taken for example): -i ../example/input/Limb_Muscle.h5ad -o ../example/output -p tabula_muris -t Limb_Muscle -l cell_ontology_class -e ../gene_sets/

The usage of this command is listed as follows. Note only the first 5 inputs are required:

               [-l LABEL] [-v VARIABLE] [-r PRIOR]
               [-f {gene_sets,gene,gene_gene_sets}] [-a ALPHA] [-b BETA]
               [-g GAMMA] [-u TAU] [-d DIM] [-s BATCH] [-na NANNO]
               [-ns NSCORE] [-nu NAUTO] [-nc NCLUSTER] [-nze NZENCO]
               [-nzd NZDECO] [-dze DIMZENCO] [-dzd DIMZDECO] [-nre NRENCO]
               [-dre DIMRENCO] [-drd DIMRDECO]
               [-n {sigmoid,non-negative,gaussian}] [-m SEED] [-c CUDA]
               [-w NWORKERS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        string, path to the input expression data, default
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        string, path to the output folder, default
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        string, identifier for the project, e.g., tabula_muris
  -t TISSUE, --tissue TISSUE
                        string, tissue where the input data is sampled from
                        string, path to the folder where gene sets can be
                        found, default='../gene_sets/'
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        string, optional, the column / field name of the
                        ground truth label, if available; used for evaluation
                        only; default None
  -v VARIABLE, --variable VARIABLE
                        string, optional, the column / field name of the
                        highly variable genes; default 'highly_variable'
  -r PRIOR, --prior PRIOR
                        string, optional, gene set file names used to learn
                        the gene set activity scores, use '+' to separate
                        multiple gene set names, default
  -f {gene_sets,gene,gene_gene_sets}, --features {gene_sets,gene,gene_gene_sets}
                        string, optional, features used for the annotator, any
                        of 'gene_sets', 'gene' or 'gene_gene_sets', default
  -a ALPHA, --alpha ALPHA
                        float, optional, hyperparameter for the L1 term in the
                        set cover loss, default 1e-2
  -b BETA, --beta BETA  float, optional, hyperparameter for the set cover term
                        in the set cover loss, default 1e-5
  -g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        float, optional, hyperparameter for the exclusive L1
                        term, default 1e-3
  -u TAU, --tau TAU     float, optional, hyperparameter for the annotator
                        loss, default 10
  -d DIM, --dim DIM     integer, optional, dimension for the low-dimensional
                        representation, default 32
  -s BATCH, --batch BATCH
                        integer, optional, batch size for training except for
                        pretraining annotator (fixed at 32), default 128
  -na NANNO, --nanno NANNO
                        integer, optional, number of epochs to pretrain the
                        annotator, default 50
  -ns NSCORE, --nscore NSCORE
                        integer, optional, number of epochs to train the gene
                        set activity model, default 70
  -nu NAUTO, --nauto NAUTO
                        integer, optional, number of epochs to pretrain the
                        annocluster model, default 50
  -nc NCLUSTER, --ncluster NCLUSTER
                        integer, optional, number of epochs to train the
                        annocluster model, default 25
  -nze NZENCO, --nzenco NZENCO
                        float, optional, number of hidden layers for encoder
                        of annocluster, default 3
  -nzd NZDECO, --nzdeco NZDECO
                        float, optional, number of hidden layers for decoder
                        of annocluster, default 2
  -dze DIMZENCO, --dimzenco DIMZENCO
                        integer, optional, number of nodes for hidden layers
                        for encoder of annocluster, default 128
  -dzd DIMZDECO, --dimzdeco DIMZDECO
                        integer, optional, number of nodes for hidden layers
                        for decoder of annocluster, default 128
  -nre NRENCO, --nrenco NRENCO
                        integer, optional, number of hidden layers for the
                        encoder of gene set activity scores model, default 5
  -dre DIMRENCO, --dimrenco DIMRENCO
                        integer, optional, number of nodes for hidden layers
                        for encoder of gene set activity scores model, default
  -drd DIMRDECO, --dimrdeco DIMRDECO
                        integer, optional, number of nodes for hidden layers
                        for decoder of gene set activity scores model, default
  -n {sigmoid,non-negative,gaussian}, --network {sigmoid,non-negative,gaussian}
                        string, optional, the encoder for the gene set
                        activity model, any of 'sigmoid', 'non-negative' or
                        'gaussian', default 'non-negative'
  -m SEED, --seed SEED  integer, optional, random seed for the initialization,
                        default 0
  -c CUDA, --cuda CUDA  boolean, optional, if use GPU for neural network
                        training, default False
  -w NWORKERS, --nworkers NWORKERS
                        integer, optional, number of workers for dataloader,
                        default 8


Github rendering disables some functionalities of Jupyter notebooks. We recommend using nbviewer to view the following tutorials.

Run UNIFAN on example data

In UNIFAN training tutorial, we illustrate how to run UNIFAN step-by-step on the example data: Limb_Muscle from Tabula Muris.

Download and Preprocess the Input Data

You may download the gene sets in gene_sets. As default, we use the GO terms for biological processes (c5.go.bp.v7.4.symbols.gmt), canonical pathways (c2.cp.v7.4.symbols.gmt) and the TF-DNA interacitons data (Mouse_TF_targets.txt).

UNIFAN takes AnnData files as input. See AnnData for details. To prepare the example data (Limb_Muscle in Tabula Muris), first download the Tabula Muris senis data. Then run the Python script to preprocess the count data using the following command:

python -p ./facs.h5ad -i ../example/input -t Limb_Muscle

The usage of this command is listed as follows:

usage: [-h] -p PATH -i FOLDER -t TISSUE [-k TOPK]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  string, path to the downloaded data, default
  -i FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        string, path to the folder to save the data, default
  -t TISSUE, --tissue TISSUE
                        string, specify the output tissue; if using the
                        default None, then all tissues will be outputted and
                        saved separately in the folder; default None
  -k TOPK, --topk TOPK  integer, optional, number of most variable genes,
                        default 2000

We also provide Data preprocessing showing how we preprocessed the other datasets we used in the manuscript.

Analyze results and annotate clusters

In cluster annotating tutorial, we illustrate how to use the coefficients learned by UNIFAN to annotate clusters. Particularly, we show how to select representing gene sets / genes for each cluster, evaluate if selected genes are likely marker genes and visualize the annotations.


  • 10-11-2022:
    -- Add tutorial on preprocessing the datasets used in the manuscript


Check our paper at Genome Research. Link to preprint.


The software is an implementation of the method UNIFAN, jointly developed by Dongshunyi "Dora" Li and Ziv Bar-Joseph from System Biology Group @ Carnegie Mellon University and Jun Ding from McGill University.


  • dongshul at


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details