- SBML model simulation
- COMP model simulation
- FBC model simulation
- Stochastic simulation of SBML models
- First, a model has to be read from the file using the SBMLReader by JSBML. With this model as a parameter, the SBMLinterpreter instance is created which provides the basis of the simulation initializing all the properties of the model (using the EquationSystem class), and contains the methods required for processing various functionalities like rules, events, etc.
Model model = (new SBMLReader()).readSBML(fileName).getModel();
EquationSystem interpreter = new SBMLinterpreter(model);
- Once the interpreter has been created, one can simulate the model with an available solver (preferably Rosenbrocksolver) providing time points (instead of time points the initial time, end time, and the step size can be provided). The simulation results are stored in a MultiTable.
// An example of solving with Rosenbrock solver
DESSolver solver = new RosenbrockSolver();
solver.setStepSize(stepSize); // Setting the step size for the model
MultiTable solution = solver.solve(interpreter,
interpreter.getInitialValues(), 0d, timeEnd, simulatorExample);
- One can now print the MultiTable or can plot it using the PlotMultiTable where you can see the changing values in a graphical form. Also, you can view it in a tabular form using the JTable class.
Note: To set the absolute and relative tolerances for the specific simulation, you can use the method provided by the DESolver using the below code snippets:
((AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator) solver).setAbsTol(absTol);
((AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator) solver).setRelTol(relTol);
For the complete code on how to simulate an SBML model, please refer to the SimulatorExample in the repository.
Workflow of SBML model simulation using a sequence diagram:
- Simulating the comp models is quite easy as you just need to provide a file to the CompSimulator, and it performs all the tasks including the initializations and processings.
CompSimulator compSimulator = new CompSimulator(sbmlfile);
- After creating the instance of the simulator, you have to call the
method of the CompSimulator class with duration and step size to get the results in the form of MultiTable.
// Here, 10.0 refers to the total duration
// 0.1 refers to the step size
MultiTable solution = compSimulator.solve(10.0, 0.1);
- After this, you can view the results either by printing or by PlotMultiTable (in graphical form) or by JTable (in tabular form).
For the complete code on how to simulate the comp model, please refer to the CompExample in the repository.
Workflow of COMP model simulation using a sequence diagram:
- Similar to the CompSimulator, here we have to provide the SBMLDocument by reading from the file to the FluxBalanceAnalysis class which implements all the flux balance analysis functionality.
SBMLDocument document = new SBMLReader().read(sbmlfile);
FluxBalanceAnalysis solver = new FluxBalanceAnalysis(document);
- After this, you just need to call
method of FluxBalanceAnalysis that returns a boolean indicating of the simulation was successful.
boolean solvedStatus = solver.solve();
- After solving the FBA problem the simulation results can be accessed via.
if(solvedStatus == true) {
solver.getObjectiveValue() // provides the objective value of the active objective function
solver.getSolution() // provides the results in the form of HashMap with keys as the ids and values as their corresponding fluxes
For complete code on how to simulate the fbc model, please refer to the FBAExample in the repository.
Workflow of FBC model simulation using a sequence diagram:
- For performing the stochastic simulation, you will have to first provide the basic properties like filePath, duration, interval (step size), etc in the form of a HashMap (as remains quite handy to initialize everything at one place, and just give the key and get value).
Map<String, Object> orderedArgs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
orderedArgs.put("file", path_of_the_file);
orderedArgs.put("time", Double.parseDouble("50.0")); // duration of the simulation
orderedArgs.put("interval", Double.parseDouble("1.0")); // interval between two time points
- Once you create the basic HashMap with the arguments shown above, you need to create a SBMLNetwork (implemented from Network interface) instance, using the
method from NetworkTools class, which derives all the needed information from the model.
Network net = NetworkTools.loadNetwork(new File((String) orderedArgs.get("file")));
- After creating the network, you need to initialize the Simulator with the algorithm you wish to simulate by passing the SBMLNetwork instance.
// Initializes simulator with the GillespieEnhanced Algorithm
Simulator sim = new GillespieEnhanced(net);
All supported algorithms for stochastic simulation are available in the /java/fern/simulation/algorithm directory.
Note: If your SBML model contains any events, then the network has to call registerEvents()
passing the simulator as to keep track of event properties like trigger, delays, and others by the SBMLEventHandlerObserver.
((SBMLNetwork) net).registerEvents(sim);
- After initializing the simulator, we need to initialize an observer (instance of AmountIntervalObserver class) which will keep track of the amounts of species throughout the simulation process. For this, we first need to get all the identifiers (species ids) using the NetworkTools class.
String[] species = NetworkTools.getSpeciesNames(sim.getNet(),
NumberTools.getNumbersTo(sim.getNet().getNumSpecies() - 1)); // gets the ids of the species
// Initializes the observer and also registers it to the simulator using addObserver() method
AmountIntervalObserver obs = (AmountIntervalObserver) sim.addObserver(
new AmountIntervalObserver(sim, (Double) orderedArgs.get("interval"),
((Double) orderedArgs.get("time")).intValue(), species));
- Above steps completes all the initialization part and now to simulate, you just need to call the
method of Simulator passing the total duration of the simulation.
sim.start((Double) orderedArgs.get("time")); // runs the stochastic simulation for the defined duration
- On completing the simulation, all the results are stored with the observer from which you can access it in the form of 2-D array which can also be converted to MultiTable (refer the Start.java file).
obs.getAvgLog() // provides the results in 2-D array form
The complete code of stochastic simulation of the SBML models can be found at the Start.java file (with proper commenting) and separated under different methods defining particular use cases.