A Python based Flask application, that is responsible for suggesting the best stock out of selected strategies using a Machine Learning Model.
Go inside the frontend folder where package.json file resides and run following commands:
- npm install
- npm start
https://iexcloud.io/ is being used to get the current stock data.(API_KEY is used to retrieve data)
Go inside the backend folder and run following commands: First set python version as 3
To setup basic python environment
- pip install virtualenv
- virtual env
- source env/bin/activate
To run flask server, run following commands:
- pip install
- python app.py
If the backend dependencies are not set up properly, then as an alternative, run following commands at the root of backend folder:
- sudo pip3 install flask-restful
- sudo pip3 install -U flask-cors
- sudo pip3 install -U python-dotenv https://pypi.org/project/python-dotenv/
- sudo pip3 install -U requests
Note: Python3 is a pre-req for this to run in any system. Check if pip3 is also there.